Throwing a chair, challenge cube and red carded ...


Dec 16, 2013
I stated in an earlier post that if Tom or Terry had acted this way it would be a lead video on the front of FLO, but because it's PSU, crickets from FLO. Had Gilman acted the way Taylor did, again it would have been front page news this morning. I love FLO and what they do for the sport, so I am a fan, but I do see a love affair with PSU. So much work from Cael, PSU and others support and try to market this perception of fun, loose and character above all and Iowa as this robotic, crazed win at all cost lunatics that is simply untrue. In reality, the programs are different, but far closer than Cael wants to admit and in the character area, Iowa is in great shape! I will say that over the past few years, it has become apparent that the Iowa coaching staff are great men that truly care about each kid and they will put the needs of the kid over the program and that's special.

They say in times of adversity true character is revealed. What adversity has PSU had the last few years? Not much and when it does come, bang, who's the crazy guy in the corner. I know some of the guys on the PSU team and they are great young men, but they are coached up on what to say, super marketing and communication management and then when Foley and FLO support it, it makes it reality. I wish there could be more objectivity in what is used as high lights and what is left unstated. Just a rambling opinion from a fan of wrestling and FLO. I must admit to not agree with much of what Foley writes and no one is more biased toward PSU than Foley and I am very interested to see how he handle this situation... I predict silence.
I also heard Taylor's corner got a 'red card'. Any idea what tha means going forward? Or is it a slap on the wrist since competition was over?
No matter what is said by anyone, for the most part;
Winning is f***
Losing is not f**
As the OP said, they haven't had much of losing part lately so I'm sure there's all kinds of f** going on.
I also have been a FLO fan since they started but I also tend to agree that if this had been an Iowa person...FLO would have ran with it a lot stronger....who knows though.
You'll have to forgive me but I'd like to see proof that Cael threw chairs before I believe it. Don't get me wrong, it's entirely possible but before I believe what an Iowa fan has to say, I want to see it for myself. I mean after all, you're the same fans that claim PSU "buys" recruits, that us fans are pedophiles and PSU wrestlers don't have f**.
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You'll have to forgive me but I'd like to see proof that Cael threw chairs before I believe it. Don't get me wrong, it's entirely possible but before I believe what an Iowa fan has to say, I want to see it for myself. I mean after all, you're the same fans that claim PSU "buys" recruits, that us fans are pedophiles and PSU wrestlers don't have f**.

Dude, you need to get laid. How many notifications do you have sending you when a comment on HR is made?
You'll have to forgive me but I'd like to see proof that Cael threw chairs before I believe it. Don't get me wrong, it's entirely possible but before I believe what an Iowa fan has to say, I want to see it for myself. I mean after all, you're the same fans that claim PSU "buys" recruits, that us fans are pedophiles and PSU wrestlers don't have f**.
Sniveling goofball. Do you need a tissue?
You'll have to forgive me but I'd like to see proof that Cael threw chairs before I believe it. Don't get me wrong, it's entirely possible but before I believe what an Iowa fan has to say, I want to see it for myself. I mean after all, you're the same fans that claim PSU "buys" recruits, that us fans are pedophiles and PSU wrestlers don't have f**.

Page 10 of WTT thread. Chris Cuellar video that jackhawk posted.
Cael threw and hit the ref with the brick and towel. Then pushed the chair in his direction but it didn't hit the ref.
I was there. It wasn't a huge throw, but Cael definitely gave the chair a little toss onto the stage. I was really shocked at that behavior from DT and Cael.

I don't think that if it were Iowa Flo would be running with it though. There are too many good wrestling headlines right now. It'd be stupid to have antics be he main topic of discussion when the wrestling this weekend was at such a phenomenal level.
You'll have to forgive me but I'd like to see proof that Cael threw chairs before I believe it. Don't get me wrong, it's entirely possible but before I believe what an Iowa fan has to say, I want to see it for myself. I mean after all, you're the same fans that claim PSU "buys" recruits, that us fans are pedophiles and PSU wrestlers don't have f**.

These guys are Penn State wrestling fans, so it is true.
I didn't see it, but if you watch the broadcast you can hear the announcer describing the scene. He talked about David going off and yelling at the referee and Cael throwing in the challenge brick and then David kicking it off the mat and then the FLO announcer says on the Broadcast, "Cael just threw a chair on the mat." He sounded completely surprised and then said, "well, at least he put the chair up on the mat" and then the broadcast cuts out. The person announcing the match stated that Cael just threw a chair on the mat. Also, I went on the Blue and White, and several of the PSU posters did comment that it was wrong and that they were embarrassed, so something did happen, although I didn't see it.

Also, I have to agree with the comment, that if it had been an Iowa coach or an Iowa athlete that it would have been blown up and on the cover in a manner to ensure full coverage and negative impact and not buried in some future FRL small segment comments. It might have headlined...Gilman goes off or Terry goes ballistic and launches a chair to attract maximum attention and viewership.

I missed the trials, due to work, so I've been catching up on watching matches and interviews and love FLO for the coverage, but even CP tried to go a little negative on Iowa interviewing Ramos... He stated, the break-up with Iowa was ugly and you could tell he was digging for Tony to "go there." He even stated that Tony had a great training situation and looked awesome at the Open and was continuing to improve since he left Iowa, again, a subtle dig at Iowa... Why? Nothing against Tony, but he just lost to a guy that hasn't wrestled freestyle at this level in years and had one warm-up tournament that he barely won coming from behind and Tony's been focused on freestyle for years since he graduated, got to sit out and watch the guy run a gauntlet of tough matches against the best America has to offer and Tony loses in two straight... I don't think the UNC has been better for him than Iowa was by any means, but again, the subtle digs.

Why does FLO seem to favor PSU? I don't know, but I do believe the perception is real and relevant. I happen to know coaches in the WPIAL and during a FRL broadcast Willie took up for Cael and said that Cael really didn't recruit Teasdale that Teasdale came to them more or less and he didn't aggressively recruit him after he had committed to Iowa. This was in in response to criticism that PSU and Cael was getting from recruiting Teasdale after he had verballed to Iowa. This comment was 100% wrong. I know for a fact that Cael did aggressively recruit Teasdale and if you ask Cael he would tell you he did. He has not been shy about that fact. Why did Willie make that comment, I think it was an effort to minimize the negative impact on the image that's been created. And if it's what he thought, it was poor journalism, because it wouldn't have been hard to verify Cael's efforts, because they were there on multiple fronts. Why the sensitivity for one program and not others?

Normally, something crazy happens at a wrestling tournament, even if it's in Russia, we see great coverage, but not if it's PSU possibly stepping out of line. Please treat everyone the same, so I agree with the original post and many of the comments made above.

Lastly, I understand what was on the line and I feel for Taylor and was actually hoping he would win after his previous years of being so close. I understand his frustration, but my issue is with the inconstancy in the coverage and the perception of favoritism of one program over so many others. Customers that pay for viewership are from across the world and should be treated to a level of consistency. I fully expect this perception to be made fun of on a future FRL and that will be disappointing, because the frustration is real and is held by many, so maybe there is something there that should be changed... Time will tell.
You'll have to forgive me but I'd like to see proof that Cael threw chairs before I believe it. Don't get me wrong, it's entirely possible but before I believe what an Iowa fan has to say, I want to see it for myself. I mean after all, you're the same fans that claim PSU "buys" recruits, that us fans are pedophiles and PSU wrestlers don't have f**.
But its different when attack any non Iowa kool aid drinker because Iowa was dominant 30 years ago. They can be hypocritical because they know everything.
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I watched that video. Was the chair thing in the background? I saw Taylor kick the brick, but don't see the chair toss. Just want to see it for myself.
Yeah...I see it's there. Keep in mind when you rewatch the video, don't expect to see a chair hurling through the air like some have made it out to be. Cael folded the chair and basically dropped it down in front of him on the stage.

"Throwing" the chair sounds much better, like he went berserk and didn't even care that it could cause injury. That's why some describe it as such here.
Can someone explain the "DT's MMA guy" thing that has been thrown around. Is there some type of bad rumor of PEDs with Taylor?
Can someone explain the "DT's MMA guy" thing that has been thrown around. Is there some type of bad rumor of PEDs with Taylor?
You're on HR. You know, the place where PSU wrestlers, coaches and fans are all pedophiles. I'm surprised you cared or even noticed some here believe he's juicing. It's small potatoes in the big scheme of things...
Ok, so an Iowa poster starts a negative thread about Penn State on HR. Nothing good is going to come of this... (cue, dumpster fire)
A PSU troll starts an anti-Gilman thread that goes on for 14 pages on themat forum... and the sun rose in the east this morning
An Iowa fan starts a thread about double standards on an IOWA board...that's your cue to go away.

All righty then
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I really don't care, but this anti-Gilman thread on themat was started during WTT's? Because Thomas did nothing but win matches, shake hands, and get his hand raised this weekend. Surely the haters couldn't take exception to that, could they?
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I really don't care, but this anti-Gilman thread on themat was started during WTT's? Because Thomas did nothing but win matches, shake hands, and get his hand raised this weekend. Surely the haters couldn't take exception to that, could they?

It was started after the challenge tournament in response to Gilman using a slur in his interview when referring to the Japanese wrestler. He then used the same slur again in his interview after the finals matches.
It was started after the challenge tournament in response to Gilman using a slur in his interview when referring to the Japanese wrestler. He then used the same slur again in his interview after the finals matches.
So saying Jap for short when talking about someone from Japan is not PC but calling a British person a "Brit" for short is OK. Good god this world is becoming so pu$$ified.
I missed the trials, due to work, so I've been catching up on watching matches and interviews and love FLO for the coverage, but even CP tried to go a little negative on Iowa interviewing Ramos... He stated, the break-up with Iowa was ugly and you could tell he was digging for Tony to "go there." He even stated that Tony had a great training situation and looked awesome at the Open and was continuing to improve since he left Iowa, again, a subtle dig at Iowa... Why? Nothing against Tony, but he just lost to a guy that hasn't wrestled freestyle at this level in years and had one warm-up tournament that he barely won coming from behind and Tony's been focused on freestyle for years since he graduated, got to sit out and watch the guy run a gauntlet of tough matches against the best America has to offer and Tony loses in two straight... I don't think the UNC has been better for him than Iowa was by any means, but again, the subtle digs.

What Gilman did was amazing, but to think it is because Ramos has not been training is a stretch. At this level, talent finally wins out as long as it is accompanied with the mental toughness to succeed. It seems that Ramos is looking toward retiring and that was obvious from the interview (to me at least). That puts a big hole in anyone's mental toughness. In my opinion, Gilman is mentally tough and has more talent than Ramos or the other guys at his weight. After a while, they all know the same moves and techniques and are strong etc.

The reason for Green's success and Cox is a ton of talent. Cox came out and won the sot last year almost on a whim. He has a ton of talent. I seriously doubt he has more desire than the other guys at his weight (with the possible exception of PD3). I doubt he knows something they do not. He shoots and he gets there quickly and has the balance etc to finish.
This is what I always said about Metcalfe. At some point it comes down to speed and quickness and God given gifts. He had all the heart, mental toughness, and technique to be a world champ. He just did not have enough God given talent. It seems to me that Gilman has the God Given talent. I fully expect it to translate to medals at the world level or at least for him to be good enough to get one, if he does not get screwed. If he is good enough, then we will know it right out of the gate. Just like with JB and Dake and Taylor and Cox and Green and Steiber and Snyder. The same goes for Retherford.
We see this when the guys go overseas. They are either successful the first time or two or they are never successful.

Also, I thought it was a good interview. What do you say to a guy who just lost 2 straight? You have to talk about the matches he lost and how he got there. You have to ask about his past, it is good news and people want to hear about it. It seemed like a tough interview to do with some tough questions. Everyone knows from the outside what happened, but none knows what happened n the inner workings. Ramos was great when he talked about what he said to Gilman. I thought he got a bit emotional a few times. This is a good way to remember him. Classy and human.
I think it's pretty clear that he didn't say it in a derogatory manner. Someone should inform him of the nature with which the term is often used, and we can all move on with our everyday lives.

Not only that, but he's just off the mat, so he's probably still emotional from the match.
I think it's pretty clear that he didn't say it in a derogatory manner. Someone should inform him of the nature with which the term is often used, and we can all move on with our everyday lives.
There was no malicious intent behind his words. I seriously doubt he knows that it's offensive to people of Japanese descent.
So saying Jap for short when talking about someone from Japan is not PC but calling a British person a "Brit" for short is OK. Good god this world is becoming so pu$$ified.

Becoming? "Jap" has been a no-no for a very long time.

But as our buddy from PSU stated, there was no intent here and that's what truly matters.
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