Thursdays With T(h)orbee

I didn't. I still generally agree with him. Republicans ONLY agree with him when he attacks Democrats...because cult.

It's amazing how over the decades on this site, I have read Democrats criticize their own when they eff up. Republicans almost never do. How some of you can talk any kind of shit when the leader of your party is the biggest scumbag in the history of US politics. Fix THAT and his ilk and then maybe we can discuss policies. Until then, even with Joe having a bad night, there is ZERO high ground for the Republicans. They are the ones who carry swastika flags and invaded our Capitol. Democrats didn't do this. If they did, we'd be up in arms...just like Democrats are up in arms over Joe's debate. This is all just one more example of things not registering with you guys. You're all impossible.
Fair points.

(Other than this is about much more than a single debate or a bad night)
I read your piece because I was curious if you might call for some accountability from an aiding and abetting media that was so focused on beating Trump last time, and is maybe complicit in his return to power in 2024.

The debate opened the eyes of the people once again to a media with its own political alignments covering for the party, and denying the American people the truth, so they can achieve the political outcome they desire.
Torbee channeling his inner ‘13 yr old boy on a high soy diet who just got dumped by his girlfriend and is lashing out at her new boyfriend’ as motivation for this latest column. :rolleyes: