Totally anti semitic.

Third evasion.

Do you think FDR should have offered the Japanese a ceasefire since we were killing so many thousand of civilians, and threatening the millions on the island with starvation?

If not, why not?
Dude, go gargle Putin's sack in the other threads you spam. None of your shit makes sense. Better yet, go back to 1943 and use those standards in your life. It's been 80+ years. Things have changed, including the definition of justifiable homicide in war.
And I believe most sane people, including myself, condoned it. That doesn't mean the other side can kill 30,000 people in some sort of dystopian hell hole response and suffer no penalties or repercussions. This is not difficult to understand. No one is advocating violence.
The people responsible for October 7th that haven’t surrendered still do.
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None of your shit makes sense. Better yet, go back to 1943 and use those standards in your life. It's been 80+ years. Things have changed, including the definition of justifiable homicide in war.

I’m asking you, right now. After killing 190,000 civilians on Okinawa and threatening millions on the island with starvation, do you believe that FDR should have offered a ceasefire to the Japanese?

Would that have ultimately been the humane thing, to leave the militarists in power after they had shown the world what monsters they were?

How favorably do you think today’s Japanese society would compare to one where FDR granted a ceasefire to the Emperor?
And you dodged the question....but awesome kool-aid comeback
I didn’t dodge anything, tool.

I’ve made it clear that every act of violence against innocent people is wrong. I don’t support either side. I don’t want my tax dollars going to any foreign nation, anywhere.

Just like there are those who believe the Russian - Ukrainian conflict began in February 2022, there are those who believe the conflict in Israel began last October. Pure delusion, as the the tensions have been building for generations.
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I know more than you think I do and likely more than you. Was Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Yokohama necessary? Always more to the story. History belongs to the victor. They write the history.

You think you know more. You can debate decisions all you want but in the end it's about make sure to be on the victor's side. Because when dealing with evil people like Germany and Japan (during WW2) and now Gaza, you have to protect your self or be killed (and raped).
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I didn’t dodge anything, tool.

I’ve made it clear that every act of violence against innocent people is wrong. I don’t support either side. I don’t want my tax dollars going to any foreign nation, anywhere.

Just like there are those who believe the Russian - Ukrainian conflict began in February 2022, there are those who believe the conflict in Israel began last October. Pure delusion, as the the tensions have been building for generations.

Of course there's history involved but that doesn't justify what Russia or Gaza has done.
I would expect there to always be protesters. We see it all the time in this country about all kinds of topics.
Thousands? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands at some rallies? Bibi is very unpopular, and the prospect of a never ending war with the occupation of Gaza is unpopular.
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Of course there's history involved but that doesn't justify what Russia or Gaza has done.
Not to you it doesn’t, because you don’t live there.

Those are Middle Eastern and European problems and need to be worked out by their people.
Thousands? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands at some rallies? Bibi is very unpopular, and the prospect of a never ending war with the occupation of Gaza is unpopular.

You're the one who said thousands and yes we've seen thousands of protesters for war situations in this country. If Bibi isn't popular then they can vote him out at the next election.
Not to you it doesn’t, because you don’t live there.

Those are Middle Eastern and European problems and need to be worked out by their people.

If that's how you feel, then you should be ok with them working it out and there being a war.
You're the one who said thousands and yes we've seen thousands of protesters for war situations in this country. If Bibi isn't popular then they can vote him out at the next election.
Did you just start watching the news Oct. 7th? They have voted him out several times...but corrupt gonna corrupt.
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You think you know more. You can debate decisions all you want but in the end it's about make sure to be on the victor's side. Because when dealing with evil people like Germany and Japan (during WW2) and now Gaza, you have to protect your self or be killed (and raped).
The world and war is not that black and white. History belongs to the victor. You and I likely will never agree on Ukraine or on Gaza. We can agree that war is terrible. Have a son that is a major. SIL that is a Captain. Favorite uncle was near the Yalu River when the Chinese came over the border. Two daughters (adopted) that were war refugees. I"m a published (not self) history author and have traveled extensively.

I'm not better or smarter, I just have different experiences. As I've mentioned before, I've photographed Maidan demonstrations and saw/took photos of poor people being paid 60 USD per day to carry signs that were paid for by the US and Russia.

Once someone is dead they are dead. In most cases in 20 years that death will have no meaning. I"ve been to Babyn Yar and stood on a soccer field that covered the bodies of 90k Soviet troops/civilians at Khoral. I have Musliim friends as well as Russian and Ukrainian.

If we greatly reduced the need for Iranian, Saudi and Russian oil the world would be a much safer place. A 22 yo Ukraiinian concert pianist is taking his helicopter flight lessons starting this month post graduation of Ukrainian ROTC. I"ve known him since he was less than 2 years old and he sat on my suitcase to keep me from leaving.

Americans are calloused about war devastation due to not having a major war on our soil in so long. My daughters have to deal with CPTSD every day of their lives.

You'll never get me to believe that crushing an enemy regardless of civilian outcomes is an acceptable thing.
If that's how you feel, then you should be ok with them working it out and there being a war.
I am. The only thing is they’re doing it with my tax dollars. I’m not ok with that, though there’s really nothing I can do about it.
What is wrong in what I wrote? Are you a Hamas apologist? What didn’t they do that I wrote?
No, but to basically say an elected Govt supported it was simply not accurate. For the everyday person it would be like going to a gang area and screaming there is a gang about to kill people. I've had to deal with Russian mafia in Ukraine and it simply is a very difficult situation to live in. The US basically overthrew more of a democratically elected president in Ukraine than what the people in Palestine have to live with. It is a terrible situation for all involved including Israel, though I don't believe for a second the attack was a complete surprise.
No, but to basically say an elected Govt supported it was simply not accurate. For the everyday person it would be like going to a gang area and screaming there is a gang about to kill people.
You know that Hamas is the democratically elected government of Palestine don’t you?
The world and war is not that black and white. History belongs to the victor. You and I likely will never agree on Ukraine or on Gaza. We can agree that war is terrible. Have a son that is a major. SIL that is a Captain. Favorite uncle was near the Yalu River when the Chinese came over the border. Two daughters (adopted) that were war refugees. I"m a published (not self) history author and have traveled extensively.

I'm not better or smarter, I just have different experiences. As I've mentioned before, I've photographed Maidan demonstrations and saw/took photos of poor people being paid 60 USD per day to carry signs that were paid for by the US and Russia.

Once someone is dead they are dead. In most cases in 20 years that death will have no meaning. I"ve been to Babyn Yar and stood on a soccer field that covered the bodies of 90k Soviet troops/civilians at Khoral. I have Musliim friends as well as Russian and Ukrainian.

If we greatly reduced the need for Iranian, Saudi and Russian oil the world would be a much safer place. A 22 yo Ukraiinian concert pianist is taking his helicopter flight lessons starting this month post graduation of Ukrainian ROTC. I"ve known him since he was less than 2 years old and he sat on my suitcase to keep me from leaving.

Americans are calloused about war devastation due to not having a major war on our soil in so long. My daughters have to deal with CPTSD every day of their lives.

You'll never get me to believe that crushing an enemy regardless of civilian outcomes is an acceptable thing.

Nothing is black and white and especially when dealing with a war. War is never going to be good even for the winners. It would be great if everyone could get along but that's never been the case throughout history. I love how people try to make rules for war like it's a game. There are no rules, it's everyone for themselves. It's all about what you're willing and able to do. Everyone has to decide for themselves.

I can only guess that being part of a war is traumatizing. It's not a normal situation but sometimes it can't be avoided.

Do you think the palestinians have a good life with their current government? How many palestinian kids have grown up with CPTSD throughout the years? How many Israeli kids have grown up with CPTSD? Sometimes doing nothing is not an option and only creates more pain and suffering. If Israel is able to remove hamas, do you think the kids born 5 years from now will have a better life than a kid born 5 years ago? If hamas is removed then I believe the next generation will be better off.

You can't make someone better until you remove the cancer and so hamas needs to be removed.
I am. The only thing is they’re doing it with my tax dollars. I’m not ok with that, though there’s really nothing I can do about it.

You're right there isn't anything you can do. But we're all in the same boat, I really didn't want my tax dollars going to pay off student loans. But as you said, there's not much I can do about it, I'm still voting for Biden and that's some of the bad I get with the good.
Nothing is black and white and especially when dealing with a war. War is never going to be good even for the winners. It would be great if everyone could get along but that's never been the case throughout history. I love how people try to make rules for war like it's a game. There are no rules, it's everyone for themselves. It's all about what you're willing and able to do. Everyone has to decide for themselves.

I can only guess that being part of a war is traumatizing. It's not a normal situation but sometimes it can't be avoided.

Do you think the palestinians have a good life with their current government? How many palestinian kids have grown up with CPTSD throughout the years? How many Israeli kids have grown up with CPTSD? Sometimes doing nothing is not an option and only creates more pain and suffering. If Israel is able to remove hamas, do you think the kids born 5 years from now will have a better life than a kid born 5 years ago? If hamas is removed then I believe the next generation will be better off.

You can't make someone better until you remove the cancer and so hamas needs to be removed.
No, I don't think it's a good situation. I doubt Israel helps the situation. In the US we have arguments about who is to blame for black neighborhood violence and drugs. Not an easy answer.
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Nothing is black and white and especially when dealing with a war. War is never going to be good even for the winners. It would be great if everyone could get along but that's never been the case throughout history. I love how people try to make rules for war like it's a game. There are no rules, it's everyone for themselves. It's all about what you're willing and able to do. Everyone has to decide for themselves.

I can only guess that being part of a war is traumatizing. It's not a normal situation but sometimes it can't be avoided.

Do you think the palestinians have a good life with their current government? How many palestinian kids have grown up with CPTSD throughout the years? How many Israeli kids have grown up with CPTSD? Sometimes doing nothing is not an option and only creates more pain and suffering. If Israel is able to remove hamas, do you think the kids born 5 years from now will have a better life than a kid born 5 years ago? If hamas is removed then I believe the next generation will be better off.

You can't make someone better until you remove the cancer and so hamas needs to be removed.
Removing Hamas will never happen. However, Egypt and the PLO both changed.9
Removing Hamas will never happen. However, Egypt and the PLO both changed.9
If hamas can't be removed then how are palestinians ever going to have a normal life?

I'm not concerned about who's to blame for black neighborhood violence I'm more concerned about stopping it. When you're looking for someone to blame then you're just looking for a justification to hate someone. It's not about who caused it, it's about solving the problem. I've posted many times about how I back DEI and feel it's important. But as time has gone on, I realize that people have a different view of DEI than me.
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I don't know if she's lying.

Why do you phrase the final question as if it's true?

Hamas is a ghost. Israel can bomb Gaza until no live bodies are left and won't touch a terrorist group. They know this when they started. Killing civilians and starving Palestinians makes no sense. They simply want to destroy what they perceive to be an enemy when they were attacked by a terrorist group. It has become an ugly episode of convenience for excessive retaliation.

Israel is making no friends or allies in the world with this behavior.
You're right there isn't anything you can do. But we're all in the same boat, I really didn't want my tax dollars going to pay off student loans. But as you said, there's not much I can do about it, I'm still voting for Biden and that's some of the bad I get with the good.
I won’t bother voting for POTUS. Would never vote for Hinson, Grassley or Ernst and highly doubt I’d vote for any Dems running against them.

The corruption is systemic. 🤮
You're the one who said thousands and yes we've seen thousands of protesters for war situations in this country. If Bibi isn't popular then they can vote him out at the next election.
No election until the war is over. Bibi is motivated to keep the war going for as long as possible.
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I won’t bother voting for POTUS. Would never vote for Hinson, Grassley or Ernst and highly doubt I’d vote for any Dems running against them.

The corruption is systemic. 🤮

The system has always been corrupt to a certain level. What we're experiencing now is extremism that a large percentage of our country has bought into. What's even worse, these extreme people are very load and disruptive. It's not just one issue, it's multiple issues, so everywhere you turn (it seems) there's always someone complaining and pissed at someone else. When a governor of a state who's actually in a wheelchair is against providing equity, there's something wrong. And that's because different groups have hijacked Equity to make it apply to only their group.