Totally anti semitic.

It feels like so few can have an honest discussion about what is going on. We have divided into two camps of either Israel should do what they want and Israel is committing genocide. Neither is true.

October 7 was freakin horrific. Like apples to apples population wise, it would the equivalent of 40k Americans (thousands of them women and children) being ambushed and slaughtered by a few hundred thousand armed terrorists who reside in a small contained area within our country and then return to the area celebrating in the streets where 70-80 percent of the people there supported the action. They also take in thousands of hostages too. And the overall attitude across world and from them is “we had it coming”. I am fairly certain in that hypothetical we would be doing the same exact thing which is pretty clear what Israel is doing: we would tear the entire area apart. No more tunnels. No more ability to operate unchecked. We would tear it all down and eliminate the area. Which I do think is the Israeli goal, not the genocide of Palestinians which they could accomplished in a month had they wanted to. But instead, Gaza is going to cease to exist as it once was, I doubt the give it back to being self governed and unoccupied once they are done.

On the other hand, none of this means the policies of Israel and Bibi should be off limits. We can point out that it was bad and contributing to what happened. And there should be more investigation on just how it was possible Israel somehow had no idea it was coming and was unprepared to stop it. The timing and nature of it all are a bid dubious. More importantly, Israel should be open to criticism of not doing a better job of reducing civilian and aid worker deaths, even if Hamas uses them as shields. By conducting the war this no ****s given way, they open themselves up to valid criticism they are becoming the enemy whom they fight.

The one frustrating thing I find for the people protesting the brutality of the Israeli response is how so very few of them did the same after October 7. Some of these same people cheered that or immediately said “they had us coming”.

Cliffs notes: Both sides suck and neither the innocent Israelis nor the innocent Palestinian civilians who died had it coming. So debating who is “right” is stupid. War sucks.
It wasn't the Palestinians that started this conflict.

Can we acknowledge the difference then between Hamas and the Palestinians, besides what our media might lead us to believe?

Tens of thousands of Palestinians have been killed since October 2023 just so Hamas can keep up their fight? I seriously doubt the Palestinians support that, since the last elections that put Hamas into power was 2006.

I think it's long past time to put these things into some sort of chronological order and come to the realization as to what is actually going on here.

IIRC, the Palestinians have lost 50,000+ or more since Netanyahu's defense forces allowed Hamas to attack Israel.

Maybe, it's time (long past time) that Netanyahu was held accountable for letting the attack to even happen? Netanyahu is just as corrupt as a certain political candidate that is currently running for our White House.

I'm leaving the door open for open discussion on this board as to which political candidate that may be.

Ready, set, go!
I can't believe you're blaming Israel for "allowing" hamas to attack. Even if you could prove that Netanyahu has some plan, it was hamas and the palestinians who actually did the attack. That's on hamas and the palestinians. I bet you blame women for being raped because they "allowed" the attacker to grab them.

it's obvious that people like you and BelemNole have never like Israel and will always be against them. With what you posted, you're never going to change your mind, you're always going to look for another reason to hate Israel.
It feels like so few can have an honest discussion about what is going on. We have divided into two camps of either Israel should do what they want and Israel is committing genocide. Neither is true.

October 7 was freakin horrific. Like apples to apples population wise, it would the equivalent of 40k Americans (thousands of them women and children) being ambushed and slaughtered by a few hundred thousand armed terrorists who reside in a small contained area within our country and then return to the area celebrating in the streets where 70-80 percent of the people there supported the action. They also take in thousands of hostages too. And the overall attitude across world and from them is “we had it coming”. I am fairly certain in that hypothetical we would be doing the same exact thing which is pretty clear what Israel is doing: we would tear the entire area apart. No more tunnels. No more ability to operate unchecked. We would tear it all down and eliminate the area. Which I do think is the Israeli goal, not the genocide of Palestinians which they could accomplished in a month had they wanted to. But instead, Gaza is going to cease to exist as it once was, I doubt the give it back to being self governed and unoccupied once they are done.

On the other hand, none of this means the policies of Israel and Bibi should be off limits. We can point out that it was bad and contributing to what happened. And there should be more investigation on just how it was possible Israel somehow had no idea it was coming and was unprepared to stop it. The timing and nature of it all are a bid dubious. More importantly, Israel should be open to criticism of not doing a better job of reducing civilian and aid worker deaths, even if Hamas uses them as shields. By conducting the war this no ****s given way, they open themselves up to valid criticism they are becoming the enemy whom they fight.

The one frustrating thing I find for the people protesting the brutality of the Israeli response is how so very few of them did the same after October 7. Some of these same people cheered that or immediately said “they had us coming”.

Cliffs notes: Both sides suck and neither the innocent Israelis nor the innocent Palestinian civilians who died had it coming. So debating who is “right” is stupid. War sucks.

I agree with you. During and after a war there's always going to be questionable things that take place. As you said if that happened in the U.S. our government and the people would want to do the same thing that Israel is doing. And the U.S. would be open to criticism because of it, but I highly doubt we'd care because we did what needed to be done (in our eyes).

Hamas did what it thought it had to do, and now Israel is doing what it thinks it has to do. As you said, war sucks but when one side declares war, the other side is going to fight back. If you're willing to fight you better be prepared to lose.
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Two neighbors with lots of kids in the house. Neighbor one kills neighbor 2s wife and raped his daughter then barricades himself in his house.
Neighbor 2 blows up neighbor 1s house, killing everyone.

Your response - well, that’s ok, neighbor 1 was bad. Why are we talking about the explosion that killed everyone, those kids were in the way, too bad.

Israel's current strategy would be like if the US decided that the only way to stop an active school shooter would be to blow up the school and everyone in it.
I can't believe you're blaming Israel for "allowing" hamas to attack. Even if you could prove that Netanyahu has some plan, it was hamas and the palestinians who actually did the attack. That's on hamas and the palestinians. I bet you blame women for being raped because they "allowed" the attacker to grab them.

it's obvious that people like you and BelemNole have never like Israel and will always be against them. With what you posted, you're never going to change your mind, you're always going to look for another reason to hate Israel.
There were reports out 5 months in advance.
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There were reports out 5 months in advance.

Don't you people claim that Gaza is a prison controlled by Israel and that Israel should free Gaza? But now you're saying that Israel is at fault because the "prison" wasn't secure enough. If Gaza is going to attack Israel, every chance it gets, why would Israel ever allow Gaza to have more freedom.
Israel's current strategy would be like if the US decided that the only way to stop an active school shooter would be to blow up the school and everyone in it.

Not really. Israel hasn't kill every palestinians, or the war would be over, right?

You example is more like what the U.S. did in WW2.
Don't you people claim that Gaza is a prison controlled by Israel and that Israel should free Gaza? But now you're saying that Israel is at fault because the "prison" wasn't secure enough. If Gaza is going to attack Israel, every chance it gets, why would Israel ever allow Gaza to have more freedom.
Dont YOU PEOPLE (see how dumb thar sounds) know that God was constently angry at Israel for bad decisions? Ypu are probably still mad about the slaves Key wrote about and black Union soldiers.

You really need to do critical thinking.

Are you so damn dumb to know ?
Dont YOU PEOPLE (see how dumb thar sounds) know that God was constently angry at Israel for bad decisions? Ypu are probably still mad about the slaves Key wrote about and black Union soldiers.

You really need to do critical thinking.

Are you so damn dumb to know ?
Fyi, I’m liberal and don’t read the bible.
You could just admit you lost the argument, you didn’t need to get all bitchy and call me a bigot.
I haven’t lost anything, you’re the person who repeatedly supports terrorists who are against Israel. Show me any protesters protesting against hamas.
I haven’t lost anything, you’re the person who repeatedly supports terrorists who are against Israel. Show me any protesters protesting against hamas.
Well if that’s true it should be easy for you to show where i supported hamas. Be sure not to quote any of my posts where I said they were bad and should be killed.
When you can’t I’ll acccept that as your admitting you lost.
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I'm not the one making claims, thus there's no need for me to provide evidence. And if you'll carefully read my initial post, it's clear that I didn't specifically address her claims. My post was general in nature regarding the propensity of some to engage in propaganda. Knowing this, everyone should exercise a level discernment.
Exercise away, Champ. You make a claim in your initial post an have run away from it. If there is false information about famine post it.
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It wasn't the Palestinians that started this conflict.

Can we acknowledge the difference then between Hamas and the Palestinians, besides what our media might lead us to believe?

Tens of thousands of Palestinians have been killed since October 2023 just so Hamas can keep up their fight? I seriously doubt the Palestinians support that, since the last elections that put Hamas into power was 2006.

I think it's long past time to put these things into some sort of chronological order and come to the realization as to what is actually going on here.

IIRC, the Palestinians have lost 50,000+ or more since Netanyahu's defense forces allowed Hamas to attack Israel.

Maybe, it's time (long past time) that Netanyahu was held accountable for letting the attack to even happen? Netanyahu is just as corrupt as a certain political candidate that is currently running for our White House.

I'm leaving the door open for open discussion on this board as to which political candidate that may be.

Ready, set, go!
Palestine is harboring Hamas. Muslims are very open about wanting to eliminate the jews. I don't understand how anyone can sympathize with the followers of that religion. And it's not just radicalized muslims, it's a systemic hatred born from that religion.
Well if that’s true it should be easy for you to show where i supported hamas. Be sure not to quote any of my posts where I said they were bad and should be killed.
When you can’t I’ll acccept that as your admitting you lost.

All you say about hamas is that they're bad people. You spend the rest of your time attacking Israel and saying how wrong they are. I've noticed you have no problem starting threads about how bad Israel is, but I don't see that same commitment for your so called hatred of hamas.
All you say about hamas is that they're bad people. You spend the rest of your time attacking Israel and saying how wrong they are. I've noticed you have no problem starting threads about how bad Israel is, but I don't see that same commitment for your so called hatred of hamas.
I’ve said countless times that they should die for what they did. That you ignore that to try to prop up your theory that I’m a bigot is a sign of weakness in your arguments.
I’ve said countless times that they should die for what they did. That you ignore that to try to prop up your theory that I’m a bigot is a sign of weakness in your arguments.
Then you should accept the idea that Israel has a right to defend themselves and if hamas uses human shields then your anger should be towards hamas. Israel is attempting to get rid of hamas.
Then you should accept the idea that Israel has a right to defend themselves and if hamas uses human shields then your anger should be towards hamas. Israel is attempting to get rid of hamas.
Of course Israel has the right to defend itself. Why do you continue to argue with things I haven’t said.
What i said was that they’re dozing a shitty job and don’t GAF about all the women and children they’re killing. But people like you are ok with that.
Of course Israel has the right to defend itself. Why do you continue to argue with things I haven’t said.
What i said was that they’re dozing a shitty job and don’t GAF about all the women and children they’re killing. But people like you are ok with that.
Many on here are ok with genocide. Pretty pathetic actually. Someday it will be Israel.
Many on here are ok with genocide. Pretty pathetic actually. Someday it will be Israel.
That’s really disgusting. Jews have already been the victim of genocide so they’re trying to keep it from happening again. If left to do what they want, the palestinians would eliminate every Jew. Maybe someday it will be your nationality that get exterminated.
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Of course Israel has the right to defend itself. Why do you continue to argue with things I haven’t said.
What i said was that they’re dozing a shitty job and don’t GAF about all the women and children they’re killing. But people like you are ok with that.

There you go again, blaming Israel rather than blaming hamas. Until hamas is eliminated everyone, palestinians and Jews are at risk of death.
There you go again, blaming Israel rather than blaming hamas. Until hamas is eliminated everyone, palestinians and Jews are at risk of death.
I Cant Season 5 GIF by Ex On The Beach
That’s really disgusting. Jews have already been the victim of genocide so they’re trying to keep it from happening again. If left to do what they want, the palestinians would eliminate every Jew. Maybe someday it will be your nationality that get exterminated.
Whatever moral high ground they had is long ass gone.

You're welcome to try to eliminate my ethnicity. Your white ancestors certainly tried and raped the land of any and all resources. We have not forgotten dumbass.
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Whatever moral high ground they had is long ass gone.

You're welcome to try to eliminate my ethnicity. Your white ancestors certainly tried and raped the land of any and all resources. We have not forgotten dumbass.
Kind of hit a nerve did I? And Israel has not forgotten about what happened to them, and they’re going to make sure it doesn’t happen again. You probably should focus more on your people and less on Israel.
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Kind of hit a nerve did I? And Israel has not forgotten about what happened to them, and they’re going to make sure it doesn’t happen again. You probably should focus more on your people and less on Israel.
Thanks moron. I'm capable of multitasking. The government of Israel is committing genocide. Get that through your thick head.
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Whatever moral high ground they had is long ass gone.

You're welcome to try to eliminate my ethnicity. Your white ancestors certainly tried and raped the land of any and all resources. We have not forgotten dumbass.

Israel was the biggest supporter of India during their wars with Pakistan.
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Israel was the biggest supporter of India during their wars with Pakistan.

He is aware. His fraud ass could not have talked more shit about Palestine 6 months ago. He is a flip flopper that doesn’t know his head from his ass.
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Thanks moron. I'm capable of multitasking. The government of Israel is committing genocide. Get that through your thick head.
obviously you’re not capable of multitasking. Or you might want to seek some help with your anger management because you have a lot of hate coming out right now and it seems to be something you’ve been holding on to for a long long time. I wonder what name you’ll call me next.
He is aware. His fraud ass could not have talked more shit about Palestine 6 months ago. He is a flip flopper that doesn’t know his head from his ass.
Oh look, my favorite stalker.
Idiots, India didn't have diplomatic relations with Israel until 1992. India's last war with Pakistan was 1971. So much for that.
Mohammad also had 11 other wives and promised his followers dozens of virgins in the afterlife.

Seems legit. :)
And, Jesus walked on water. Seems legit. Don't confuse this post with defending or siding with either faction. There are no good actors leading on either side of this situation. There are some innocent victims, however.

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