Trump Admired Nazi Generals

Patton admired them as well.
Please don’t. Payton may have admired them for military strategy, or who knows what, but I highly doubt Trump is talking about the same things. My guess is he saw them as people who were great at extinguishing enemies, and I’m sure that gives Don a boner. Trump is a giant shitstain, and the entire country needs to put him in the rearview ASAP.
I don't think admire is the right word for this context. Like we've seen in other Trump matters, he wants/demands loyalty, I don't think he admires it. Probably thinks it makes them losers.

"But, of course, Trump did not know that. “No, no, no, they were totally loyal to him,” the President replied. In his version of history, the generals of the Third Reich had been completely subservient to Hitler; this was the model he wanted for his military. Kelly told Trump that there were no such American generals, but the President was determined to test the proposition."
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Trump is an idiot. Can we just leave it there? He doesn't have any clue when it comes to any kind of nuance, on any subject. He might as well have said he admired Nixon for the loyalty he inspired in the Watergate burglars.
I’d like to agree but it still remains a high probability he’s the next GOP candidate. Gloves are most certainly off until he vanishes from American politics.
What is wrong with this guy? I mean he is literally the worst goddamn movie villain.

I think it's a combination of getting elected POTUS, abusing stimulants in office with access to highly sensitive/classified information, and rivaling the Beatles and Jesus for screaming fans. Turned him from a normal egomaniac into a POTUS who moves US embassy in Israel but then also makes "the trains ran on time" comments.
Just like the other thread….is anyone surprised by this? The guy said in public he admired many strong leaders (dictators) around the world….I’m sure he said similar and far worse in private….

When someone shows you who they are….believe them….
Already mentioned but Trump admires them with a very low level of knowledge. He thinks they were all supporting Hitler without question.
Good people can still admire the talent of people like Rommel, Von Manstein and Kesserling without liking what they did. Churchill said about Rommel (during the war), “May I say across the havoc of war, a great general”.
Can Republicans stop supporting this guy now? Your fathers and grandfathers stormed the beaches at Normandy to oppose assholes like this!


I guarantee you what that idiot is referring to is how they refused to share any bad news that showed Hitler’s plan wasn’t working. It’s what cost them the war. German generals lying to Hitler about how well things were going while they were getting slaughtered. That’s what Trump prefers.
This guy ripped Trump and his character to absolute shreds.

Mark Alexander Milley (born June 20, 1958) is a United States Armygeneral who serves as the 20th chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He previously served as the 39th chief of staff of the Army from August 14, 2015 to August 9, 2019,[3] and held multiple command and staff positions in eight divisions and special forces throughout his military career.


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