Dick Cheney (yeah, that one) will be voting For Kamala Harris

Nice justification for accepting approval from someone you previously deemed as evil. Zero moral integrity

Typical nutty con, just letting your imagination run wild, inventing a narrative and declaring victory.

Describe to me how I'm "accepting approval". Describe what that means. Next, show me where I've described either of the Cheneys as evil.

I'm not the type that gets so wound up in politics that I go around declaring people as "evil".

And lol at the guy who was probably deep into Q drops and blood sucking dems with pedo rings talking about "moral integrity".
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Why is it acceptable for Trump to insult people at these childish levels? Isn't him going out of his way to insult all these people a good hint that he shouldn't be president?

"And I gotta tell ya; I can't wait to debate this guy. That's if he's willing to get off the couch and show up." - Tim Walz
Typical nutty con, just letting your imagination run wild, inventing a narrative and declaring victory.

Describe to me how I'm "accepting approval". Describe what that means. Next, show me where I've described either of the Cheneys as evil.

I'm not the type that gets so wound up in politics that I go around declaring people as "evil".

And lol at the guy who was probably deep into Q drops and blood sucking dems with pedo rings talking about "moral integrity".
The left is celebrating this endorsement as some type of victory and yes, the left also routinely called Cheney evil and worse Hell they made a movie about it.
Acting like his endorsement is coming from some last remaining good place in his character is grade A cope. Spin however you want but you know it's true.
The left is celebrating this endorsement as some type of victory and yes, the left also routinely called Cheney evil and worse Hell they made a movie about it.
Acting like his endorsement is coming from some last remaining good place in his character is grade A cope. Spin however you want but you know it's true.

Spin this from an accusation directed at me to "the left" in general.

Pretty pathetic moral integrity.

Northern dodged, but will you answer if you voted for a Cheney ticket?
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The left is celebrating this endorsement as some type of victory and yes, the left also routinely called Cheney evil and worse Hell they made a movie about it.
Acting like his endorsement is coming from some last remaining good place in his character is grade A cope. Spin however you want but you know it's true.
The “left” is laughing their asses off at people like you who are so buried in party over country that you can’t see you’re destroying your party. That’s what YOU’RE celebrating. Spin however you want, you’re not smart enough to know it’s true.
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The “left” is laughing their asses off at people like you who are so buried in party over country that you can’t see you’re destroying your party. That’s what YOU’RE celebrating. Spin however you want, you’re not smart enough to know it’s true.
Holy bullshit. I'm far from a party loyalist. Unlike you I've actually voted for reps from both parties, and will conure continue to do so when legit candidates are offered who support what I feel is important.
Spin this from an accusation directed at me to "the left" in general.

Pretty pathetic moral integrity.

Northern dodged, but will you answer if you voted for a Cheney ticket?
You're not a tried and true, top to bottom lefty? Lol yeah right.
I voted for a ticket with him on it once, then never again.
Certainly you never did, why not.
Holy bullshit. I'm far from a party loyalist. Unlike you I've actually voted for reps from both parties, and will conure continue to do so when legit candidates are offered who support what I feel is important.
lol…any actual Republican - not even talking about anyone who claims to be independent - would be doing everything in his or her power to cut Trump and his acolytes out of the party like a f’n cancer. THAT’S what the Cheneys are doing. And no matter how much I detest their policies, I can admire someone like Liz Cheney who gave up guaranteed power at a high level in her attempt to cleanse her party. That ‘s political courage.

Yet, here you are kissing Trump’s ass just like every other MAGAt and don’t try to pretend differently. The idea that there could be people in your party who detest Trump and so desperately want him gone that they will GIVE UP POWER to remove him is foreign to you. The idea that someone YOU think is a partisan of the other side can welcome that effort as an attempt to save the f’n Republican Party from itself doesn’t even appear on your radar.

This endorsement can absolutely be celebrated by actual independents as a hopeful step toward the return to sanity for a party that has been hijacked. Any independent worthy of the label should be celebrating it. You are so deeply embedded in your Trumpism, that you can’t understand that reality on any level. That’s ok - Trump can’t understand it, either. You deserve each other.
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You're not a tried and true, top to bottom lefty? Lol yeah right.
I voted for a ticket with him on it once, then never again.
Certainly you never did, why not.

Yeah, no, I'm reallying not. Make the case. Why would I be?

I voted for McCain when I was 18. The supposed conservative party has been a populism based cult of personality party for most of the years since then.

For almost 9 years now Trump has ruled 'conservative' politics, how fvcked up is that? Like, why is what guy appealing? Why not any other supposed conservative? It's like there's been some loyalty pledge for him, that's his staying power within his party.

I want nothing to do with a political party like that. But it doesn't mean I'm some sort of communist, Marxist, socialist, imaginary evil. But you do you, and make up imaginary positions about me.
Is it difficult to understand that different people have different reasons and of course they’re entitled to them.
I was just pointing out the reason the Cheneys don’t like Trump. You may not recall that Trump made some harsh comments about Dick Cheney and therefore to them it’s personal.
I imagine Harris did, too. At least I hope she did.