Trump indicted for January 6th..Trial proceedings restarting..UPDATE/Correction: Meadows granted Limited use immunity

Is he thought criming you?
Derp GIF by 43 Clicks North
I’ll take your word for it, you are legitimately confused. What’s your problem with Biden’s handling of Ukraine? Or with the Biden economy?
But this thread is about Trump being a seditionist traitor. You’re the one taking it off track. Anybody trying to defend him at this point is a contemptible POS.
Trump is a POS for sure. Find ANYWHERE that I have said otherwise. I simply tagged onto this thread late and saw some commentary about Biden as well. To answer your question about Ukraine, he messed it up from the start. He should have lead the way by getting Ukraine set up as Neutral. As has already been shown Biden NEVER was going to let them be a part of NATO anyway. The whole war could have been avoided and many, many lives saved. The economy? If you can't look at what has happened and understand where this Administration has messed up on that then there is nothing anyone could tell you that would change your mind.
What "lies"?
If Biden is problematic for you, then you probably don't wanna go anywhere near the GOP and Trump enablers. Pointing out that Trump and his minions have lied is part of the problem with you Biden lovers. All you have in his defense is "Well....TRUMP!". Trump is not the President and I pray he is NEVER the president again. But come on.....Biden's whole career has been Lie after Lie. For pete sake, look up all the plagiarism episodes he has had in his lifetime. Good grief, he is now being caught with the whole "Never talked to Hunter and any of his associates about their businesses!" What a joke that anybody still believes that.

Border? That's been a problem for a couple decades. What has he done differently that is so bad to you. Be specific. Good grief.....Catch and release for one. Look at the numbers Pre-Biden and During Biden and you can't tell me he has not mucked it up. How many illegals have come into the county BEFORE Biden and how many during his first 3 years?

Blame Trump. He's the one who set the schedule. Biden didn't handle it great, but he was handed a losing set of cards here. WRONG. He is the one who made the decision to get out as fast as he did. And that decision was made by HIM against the advice of ALL his military advisors. Everybody wanted out, but it need to be done correctly and in stair step fashion...not the catastrophe that he ordered.

What about Ukraine? He supports Ukraine against Russia. You DON'T? I absolutly support Ukraine. Biden made two BIG mistakes; 1) I have said this before and seen others do the same: He should have gotten with the Ukraine leadership and told them they would be set up as Neutral and NOT be part of NATO. He has already shown that he has no intention of letting them in anyway. 2) He didn't get tough enough with Putin. My Lord....he kept say "Sanctions, Sanctions" "They are going to devistate the Russian Economy!" and Putin laughed all the way to the bank. Now, we have thousands dead because Biden would not do what he could of to keep that murder Putin at bay.

He's going gangbusters with the economy. Quit listening to rightwing propaganda here. You look like a fool. Your an idiot. The damage done to the economy and worker is awful. You are probaly one that cheered when Biden lied about Creating Hundreds fo Thousands of new jobs...when EVERYONE new they were jobs that came BACK when the Pandemic wained. What a joke. Then he says he has cut the deficit by TRILLIONS. Really? You believe that lie? He did no such thing. Spending naturally went down because we spent so much during the pandemic that afterwords the spending lessened. Even CNN fact checked is lie "
In another part of the speech, Biden said, “We cut the debt by $1.7 billion the last two years.” The White House made a correction to the official transcript to make it “$1.7 trillion” instead of “$1.7 billion.”

Facts First: This claim is inaccurate even if you ignore Biden’s billion-versus-trillion mixup. The national debt has continued to increase under Biden. It is the deficit that has declined by about $1.7 trillion – and experts say it is misleading for Biden to take credit for that reduction.

The debt has increased about $3.7 trillion during Biden’s time as president, rising to about $31.5 trillion.

Harris hasn't done much of anything (which is typical for a VP). She is an idiot and should NEVER been seen or heard from. Period.

What else ya got? What else you got?
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I had some time to kill, so here's what I found within about 1 minute of searching.

You liked almost every single post from Scruddy in this thread, including one about Tucker being a good news source....that screams MAGA.

LOL!!! So, let me get this straight. I think Biden is a corrupt....see a post that adds to that it...and that proves I am MAGA. Solid work there detective. Now, post where I have shown my undevoted love for Trump. 😂
LOL!!! So, let me get this straight. I think Biden is a corrupt....see a post that adds to that it...and that proves I am MAGA. Solid work there detective. Now, post where I have shown my undevoted love for Trump. 😂
I was halfway joking. But if you honestly think Tucker Carlson is a valid news source, and actually agree with even half of the things that Scruddy spews, you've got some screws loose.
Trump is a POS for sure. Find ANYWHERE that I have said otherwise. I simply tagged onto this thread late and saw some commentary about Biden as well. To answer your question about Ukraine, he messed it up from the start. He should have lead the way by getting Ukraine set up as Neutral. As has already been shown Biden NEVER was going to let them be a part of NATO anyway. The whole war could have been avoided and many, many lives saved. The economy? If you can't look at what has happened and understand where this Administration has messed up on that then there is nothing anyone could tell you that would change your mind. your considered opinion is that, had NATO said Ukraine never gets in no matter what, Putin just says "Oh...good. We have no reason to invade".

That's the considered opinion of an idiot. They already invaded Ukraine in 2014. They have supported - overtly - terrorist groups in Donbass for years. They thought they could topple the Ukrainian govt in days with the enthsiastic support of the Ukrainian people...sounds a lot like how we thought the Iraqis would respond to our invasion of their country. Oops.
Trump is a POS for sure. Find ANYWHERE that I have said otherwise. I simply tagged onto this thread late and saw some commentary about Biden as well. To answer your question about Ukraine, he messed it up from the start. He should have lead the way by getting Ukraine set up as Neutral. As has already been shown Biden NEVER was going to let them be a part of NATO anyway. The whole war could have been avoided and many, many lives saved. The economy? If you can't look at what has happened and understand where this Administration has messed up on that then there is nothing anyone could tell you that would change your mind.
You get credit for acknowledging Trump is
a POS.

Biden has added 9 million + jobs, Trump LOST 3 million, and added 2 trillion to the deficit with his tax cuts. Inflation under Biden reduced from 9% to 3%.

Ukraine: Putin invaded Ukraine. this is a battle between a democracy and an authoritarian government. Putin attacking women and children. Biden has united NATO, Trump came close to destroying it. I wish Biden would send F 16s, maybe his only fault.

Biden is doing fine. He saved the country
from a terrible shitstorm. your considered opinion is that, had NATO said Ukraine never gets in no matter what, Putin just says "Oh...good. We have no reason to invade".

That's the considered opinion of an idiot. They already invaded Ukraine in 2014. They have supported - overtly - terrorist groups in Donbass for years. They thought they could topple the Ukrainian govt in days with the enthsiastic support of the Ukrainian people...sounds a lot like how we thought the Iraqis would respond to our invasion of their country. Oops.
Then why did they wait to do it when they did professor? They had made it CLEAR for a long time that they wanted Crimea. That was a surprise to no one. When Ukraine made pleas to join NATO, the Russian's made it clear they did not want NATO military bases in Urkraine. This is not rocket science. Putin is a FREAKING murder...but this could have been avoided. People act so shocked that they would react this way, but how do you think we would react if if Russia or China tried to put an actual base on Cuba? :rolleyes:
You get credit for acknowledging Trump is
a POS.

Biden has added 9 million + jobs, Trump LOST 3 million, and added 2 trillion to the deficit with his tax cuts. Inflation under Biden reduced from 9% to 3%.

Ukraine: Putin invaded Ukraine. this is a battle between a democracy and an authoritarian government. Putin attacking women and children. Biden has united NATO, Trump came close to destroying it. I wish Biden would send F 16s, maybe his only fault.

Biden is doing fine. He saved the country
from a terrible shitstorm.
Good grief. Just freaking look up the actual information. Some of you are so far up Biden and the extreme lefts ass you will never find your way out.

Here is the ACTUAL TRUTH on Biden's so called job creation...or rather the lie he keeps feeding you sheep. And the sad thing is...that POS Trump did better at jobs. UGH!!

Inflation? Please. he and his administration were MAJOR contributors to this inflation mess. You don't print (out of thin air) and add to the economy, TWO FREAKING TRILLION DOLLARS and not have inflation be the byproduct. This is econ 101. As far as inflation coming down, the Fed jacking up the rates has done that and at the same time destroyed both lending and housing. Way to go team Biden.
Good grief. Just freaking look up the actual information. Some of you are so far up Biden and the extreme lefts ass you will never find your way out.

Here is the ACTUAL TRUTH on Biden's so called job creation...or rather the lie he keeps feeding you sheep. And the sad thing is...that POS Trump did better at jobs. UGH!!

Inflation? Please. he and his administration were MAJOR contributors to this inflation mess. You don't print (out of thin air) and add to the economy, TWO FREAKING TRILLION DOLLARS and not have inflation be the byproduct. This is econ 101. As far as inflation coming down, the Fed jacking up the rates has done that and at the same time destroyed both lending and housing. Way to go team Biden.

^^^he referred to people as sheep. The guy that thinks Tucker Carlson is a good news source, referred to people as sheep during a anti-Biden rant. ****ing amazing.
To answer your question about Ukraine, he messed it up from the start. He should have lead the way by getting Ukraine set up as Neutral.

Russia was going to invade them, regardless. They need a land bridge to Crimea.
Biden had nothing to do with that.

Trump, on the other hand, emboldened Russia during his entire term; Russia thought NATO was disorganized and relegated to infighting after what Trump had done. Putin did not believe in his wildest dreams that Biden could bring NATO back together and support Ukraine with a united front.

You're totally rewriting history here; the claimed "Independent" voter spiel falls apart with this nonsense.
Then why did they wait to do it when they did professor? They had made it CLEAR for a long time that they wanted Crimea. That was a surprise to no one. When Ukraine made pleas to join NATO, the Russian's made it clear they did not want NATO military bases in Urkraine. This is not rocket science. Putin is a FREAKING murder...but this could have been avoided. People act so shocked that they would react this way, but how do you think we would react if if Russia or China tried to put an actual base on Cuba? :rolleyes:
LOL...a military base? Cuba was in Russia's orbit for DECADES - there were Russian military advisors in Cuba, Russian warships visited, and a Russian spy base was located in Cuba into the 21st century and the US never once invaded (discounting the Bay of Pigs where the US left Cuban nationals hanging). Nobody said word one about any military base in Ukraine as far as I know. NATO is a mutual defense organization...there's no requirement for a US base. Regardless, Ukraine is a sovereign country...they can do whatever the fvck they like within their own borders.
Then why did they wait to do it when they did professor? They had made it CLEAR for a long time that they wanted Crimea. That was a surprise to no one. When Ukraine made pleas to join NATO

Uh...this is, again, revising history.

When Ukraine wanted into NATO, they were not fully past their Russian oligarch "roots" and corruption. There was NO WAY that NATO was letting a Putin Puppet regime into the fold.
Good grief. Just freaking look up the actual information. Some of you are so far up Biden and the extreme lefts ass you will never find your way out.

Here is the ACTUAL TRUTH on Biden's so called job creation.
The job creation has been impressive, whether you think he's exaggerated numbers, or not.

I've already linked two companies that are part of the manufacturing Renaissance in America.

Biden deserves 100% of the credit for that, because he negotiated that IRA, and had ZERO Republican support for it.

Now, Republicans are stepping over themselves to try and take credit for something they never, ever supported.

Change your news sources, because you are getting heavily biased info that you post here pretending to be a "moderate".
LOL...a military base? Cuba was in Russia's orbit for DECADES - there were Russian military advisors in Cuba, Russian warships visited, and a Russian spy base was located in Cuba into the 21st century and the US never once invaded (discounting the Bay of Pigs where the US left Cuban nationals hanging). Nobody said word one about any military base in Ukraine as far as I know. NATO is a mutual defense organization...there's no requirement for a US base. Regardless, Ukraine is a sovereign country...they can do whatever the fvck they like within their own borders.

Fvcking facts
^^^he referred to people as sheep. The guy that thinks Tucker Carlson is a good news source, referred to people as sheep during a anti-Biden rant. ****ing amazing.
If you are a partisan hack and refuse to see yourself as that way...then you are a sheep. Duh. And great job refuting any of the points made. 😂
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Russia was going to invade them, regardless. They need a land bridge to Crimea.
Biden had nothing to do with that.

Trump, on the other hand, emboldened Russia during his entire term; Russia thought NATO was disorganized and relegated to infighting after what Trump had done. Putin did not believe in his wildest dreams that Biden could bring NATO back together and support Ukraine with a united front.

You're totally rewriting history here; the claimed "Independent" voter spiel falls apart with this nonsense.
Again, then why didn't he do it when the idiot Trump (Putin's biggest supporter) according to you was in power? This make no sense...and you cannot refute it.
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No, you did not, Ernest.

Your replies are loaded with MAGA/Fox talking points. Quit pretending you're "independent" here.
Refute the points then. You deny...but can't refute them with any facts. Typical. And, you have proven my and your ilk are partisan hacks. Anyone who sees Biden for what he truly is and doesn't support him blindly, could NEVER be independent. What a joke. Just stop....
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LOL...a military base? Cuba was in Russia's orbit for DECADES - there were Russian military advisors in Cuba, Russian warships visited, and a Russian spy base was located in Cuba into the 21st century and the US never once invaded (discounting the Bay of Pigs where the US left Cuban nationals hanging). Nobody said word one about any military base in Ukraine as far as I know. NATO is a mutual defense organization...there's no requirement for a US base. Regardless, Ukraine is a sovereign country...they can do whatever the fvck they like within their own borders.
Good grief, you cannot be this lost. If Ukraine joined NATO there would be NATO bases there. That is what was pissing that freak Putin off. And, there are no actual China/Russina bases in Cuba because the US would NEVER LET IT HAPPEN. You cannot have forgotten about the blockade Kennedy put on when Russia was sending missle to Cuba for pete sakes....well you could forget, but the rest of the world won't. :rolleyes:
If you are a partisan hack and refuse to see yourself as that way...then you are a sheep. Duh. And great job refuting any of the points made. 😂
I stopped reading after you said “sheep.” That’s one of the easiest ways to tell whether someone is worth talking to or not. I discussed this in the thread a few weeks ago about words that people use that immediately make you think they’re an idiot.
Uh...this is, again, revising history.

When Ukraine wanted into NATO, they were not fully past their Russian oligarch "roots" and corruption. There was NO WAY that NATO was letting a Putin Puppet regime into the fold.
What????? This is unreal. Freaking Sa,
Uh...this is, again, revising history.

When Ukraine wanted into NATO, they were not fully past their Russian oligarch "roots" and corruption. There was NO WAY that NATO was letting a Putin Puppet regime into the fold.
Goodness......spin...spin...spin. This is not hard to look up. We are talking about what has happened since Zelensky took office. :rolleyes:

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I stopped reading after you said “sheep.” That’s one of the easiest ways to tell whether someone is worth talking to or not. I discussed this in the thread a few weeks ago about words that people use that immediately make you think they’re an idiot.
That is HILARIOUS. See, I don't spend my entire life on this board like you and your buddys. I mean 39000+ post? I would NEVER have seen your diatribe on the use of the word "Sheep" because I have a life and simply have better thing to do then hang out here ALL THE TIME. But, move to comment on a post you didn't even completely read. Solid work. 😂
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The job creation has been impressive, whether you think he's exaggerated numbers, or not.

I've already linked two companies that are part of the manufacturing Renaissance in America.

Biden deserves 100% of the credit for that, because he negotiated that IRA, and had ZERO Republican support for it.

Now, Republicans are stepping over themselves to try and take credit for something they never, ever supported.

Change your news sources, because you are getting heavily biased info that you post here pretending to be a "moderate".
You are delusional. A goverment site with th ACTUAL stats showing Biden and your ilk are liars about his "Job Creation" is wrong to link to? Just are too far gone. Just put me on ignore aleady. :rolleyes:
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That is HILARIOUS. See, I don't spend my entire life on this board like you and your buddys. I mean 39000+ post? I would NEVER have seen your diatribe on the use of the word "Sheep" because I have a life and simply have better thing to do then hang out here ALL THE TIME. But, move to comment on a post you didn't even completely read. Solid work. 😂
1. I responded to the part of your post that I read. Solid work.
2. Since my sign up date, I've averaged roughly 6 posts a day on here.

Over the years, one of the few things that remains the same on this site, is when someone gets their little panties in a bunch, they bring up someone else's post count and claim that person has no life. I hope you can get the help you need, getting those panties untangled.
You're just another sheep in the herd too. Maybe tune in to Tucker some time and get some ACTUAL news. just called someone a Sheep. can't make this stuff up. You can't even keep straight what words your allowing to be used and what words you aren't. BEAUTIFUL!!! 😂

McLovin32 said:
I stopped reading after you said “sheep.” That’s one of the easiest ways to tell whether someone is worth talking to or not. I discussed this in the thread a few weeks ago about words that people use that immediately make you think they’re an idiot. just called someone a Sheep. can't make this stuff up. You can't even keep straight what words your allowing to be used and what words you aren't. BEAUTIFUL!!! 😂

McLovin32 said:
I stopped reading after you said “sheep.” That’s one of the easiest ways to tell whether someone is worth talking to or not. I discussed this in the thread a few weeks ago about words that people use that immediately make you think they’re an idiot.

Got me good
1. I responded to the part of your post that I read. Solid work.
2. Since my sign up date, I've averaged roughly 6 posts a day on here.

Over the years, one of the few things that remains the same on this site, is when someone gets their little panties in a bunch, they bring up someone else's post count and claim that person has no life. I hope you can get the help you need, getting those panties untangled. and yor friends came at me first bud. And, when you get it thrown right back at with don't like it. Now, you are upset. That i on you. And, whatever you say about your post history. I guess enjoy your life.
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