Trump indicted for January 6th..Trial proceedings restarting..UPDATE/Correction: Meadows granted Limited use immunity

I don't claim to be independent. I have ideological views about policy that inform my voting decisions. I will bet you now that if Trump isn't the nominee, they will do everything they can to court Trump voters including calling his prosecution a deep state betrayal and floating a pardon.

Edit to add: Also I will bet you Trump is the nominee unless he suffers a grabber.
I cannot tell you how upset I will be if all we have to choose from is Tump or Joe.....
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But the most popular candidates besides Trump, don't denounce him. They don't say he's a piece of shit. They all support him, and come after the DOJ and the FBI for investigating him. There is no "putting Trump behind this country" until the R candidates denounce Trump. But they can't, and they won't. Trump is the GOP, regardless of all the nice "hopes" of putting him behind. It won't happen.
I am simply hoping that he gets put in jail to make it all mute....
Both parties are not full of destitutes. Only the Republican party is. Democrats generally don't break the law while they are in office and when they do, they are held accountable. To continue with this both sides BS just so you can make yourself feel better about still voting for republicans is to continue a lie that right wing propaganda wants you to believe. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you realize that a purge of the criminals inside of the GOP needs to happen, the sooner you will have a party that actually fights for policies that you presumably support rather than flashy objects to keep you distracted while they rob the treasury blind.
There you go. I admit that the Republican party has had more issues in that area. but, you don't think they have been held accountable? That is just wrong. Now, I want the purge to continue, but I want it to be for BOTH parties. I voted for Obama both times he ran, and I think he was good President. Give me another Obama....and I am good to go. But, lets get both Trump and Joe out of there.
Dems aren't completely honest. The only real honest President we've had in somewhat modern times was Carter and he was terrible. The Dems currently are just a better option than what the Republicans will nominate.
Look.......I agree that everything must be done to get Trump out. But, I am not willing to settle for Biden. The man has serious mental and moral issues himself. Plus, he has Harris and that is a MAJOR disqualifier for me.
Going by history, and #'s of indictments per administration, that assumption seems pretty solid at this point.

Not going to give them a green light on it, but they certainly should have earned a greater level of your trust since the Nixon Admin, based on FACTS, not propaganda.
I am not going to base my trust on a current administration on the failings or wins of any administration from their party prior. They each have their own merits. And most people don't I think. Now, Biden lies ALL THE TIME and has handled many things horribly. There are many metrics that point to this. If you want to support him, great.....but the Dems HAVE to have someone better. If they don't we are screwed.
Look.......I agree that everything must be done to get Trump out. But, I am not willing to settle for Biden. The man has serious mental and moral issues himself. Plus, he has Harris and that is a MAJOR disqualifier for me.
Well I'm being pragmatic. Trump isn't going anywhere. Neither is Biden/Harris. Until Republicans put forth an option better than some grievance machine I'll pass.
I have clearly stated that BOTH parties are full of criminals.
And yet, when we review the historical data, we find a very wide, unbalanced data set going mostly one way

Still, you try to equate like they're the same.

This would be like trying to compare a 1-11 Akron Zips football team, and claim they are equal to a 12-0 Georgia team that won a national title.

And you'd argue "they both make sucky plays now and then"...
There you go. I admit that the Republican party has had more issues in that area. but, you don't think they have been held accountable?
Why are you changing the subject?

Clearly, one party DOES hold their own accountable, and it's why the ones who end up in office for the most part commit far fewer crimes.

We can find dirtbags on either side.
We can find FAR MORE honorable, upstanding people on one of the sides. And it does not appear to be the side you like to constantly defend here.

You continue to avoid any discussion as to why "Biden sucks", despite being given several accomplishments that you can claim "suck".
There you go. I admit that the Republican party has had more issues in that area. but, you don't think they have been held accountable? That is just wrong. Now, I want the purge to continue, but I want it to be for BOTH parties. I voted for Obama both times he ran, and I think he was good President. Give me another Obama....and I am good to go. But, lets get both Trump and Joe out of there.
I think they should both be held accountable. Your problem is, you are just assuming that Democrats have committed crimes like Republicans do. The reason why Democrats aren't getting arrested for crimes is because they haven't actually committed any. If they have committed crimes, by all means, prosecute them. But you have to have evidence of these things and some partisan whackjobs throwing out wild accusations on Fox News isn't evidence.
I remember when democrats were holding rallies, marching, and calling for a revote in Florida in order to overturn Bush's victory. Not to mention floating the idea of getting some Electoral College voters to switch their vote to Gore.
I remember this too from that puss oozing boil of state on the taint of America. Florida is a national disgrace

Trump’s attorneys better get a muzzle on him quickly.

Let's give Daycare Donnie some credit for not using the N word.
Is it normal to ask for a change of venue on a third rate social media platform, or do his lawyers now have to follow up with an actual motion?
Trump’s attorneys better get a muzzle on him quickly.

Oops, I missed the part about Trump having very powerful grounds for recusal. That’s probably a winner for him. Trump always has the most powerful grounds.
Is this part of his plan to get her removed from the case?
He's trying to see how much he can get away with. If he spouts these things and the judge just gives him a verbal slap-on-the-wrist then he knows he can say what he wants with no legal repercussions. Judge will need to put her feet down hard on this, like so...


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