Trump Is A Bad Ass

Did Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser call the dead firefighter a "loser and sucker" yet? Ya know it's coming.
You should consider speaking at the dnc spreading long debunked hoaxes like that
Yeah. Only people like his chief of staff and press secretary have confirmed it. Keep trying scruffy, you'll get something right sometime... maybe. Losers and suckers... sad.
Long debunked hoaxes you say? 😆 Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser's lie about Obama not being a citizen says... hi scruffy!
Long debunked hoaxes you say? 😆 Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser's lie about Obama not being a citizen says... hi scruffy!
Yes, longgggg debunked. It has about as much truth to it as tampon Tim saying his wife went through ivf or that he was a command seargent major when he retired to avoid deployment. Hillary Clinton started the birther narrative btw lol
  • Haha
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Losers and suckers... it'd be funny if it wasn't so sad and disrespectful. And said by a hypocritical President Bonespurs Donnie the draft dodger. Goodnight scruffy.

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