Trump Jr Owns The View

He is right that I don't care that Trump's sons got letters with white powder in the mail. Still doesn't excuse him for leaking a possible name for the whistle blower.

Two wrongs don't make a right, unless a conservative does it, then OP is all for it.
He is right that I don't care that Trump's sons got letters with white powder in the mail. Still doesn't excuse him for leaking a possible name for the whistle blower.

Two wrongs don't make a right, unless a conservative does it, then OP is all for it.

But it’s ok when Democrats do it?
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I saw the interview, but came away with a different perspective. It looked like Jr was ready to cry a few times and needed his girlfriend to defend him.
I OWN “ The View”, Iowa.
I never waste my time watching. That’s because I am smarter and more discriminating than most, I guess.
I bet you specialize in “ TV drivel for $500, please”
I have seen it a couple of times, always in the waiting room at the car dealership while my car was being serviced. Damn near convinced me to trade cars.
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That whistle blower is essentially a deep-state dirtball.

He was not a low-ranking bureaucrat; He was in charge of a portfolio of things (including some Ukraine stuff) at the CIA. He is manipulating the system by calling himself a Whistle-blower.

He could have self-identified as a "leaker" with what we know about him. Of course then he would have to go to jail.

The reality is that he is a deep state operative and part of the reason that the State Department had to work around the CIA. His name should be out and he should physically be in (jail).
He is right that I don't care that Trump's sons got letters with white powder in the mail. Still doesn't excuse him for leaking a possible name for the whistle blower.

Two wrongs don't make a right, unless a conservative does it, then OP is all for it.
There’s no whistleblower! It’s a dem operative who worked in the Obama administration and with sleepy Joe. The Dems are hiding him behind the whistleblower statute in order to not give Trump due process. It’s a bunch of lib games shit that is backfiring.
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That whistle blower is essentially a deep-state dirtball.

He was not a low-ranking bureaucrat; He was in charge of a portfolio of things (including some Ukraine stuff) at the CIA. He is manipulating the system by calling himself a Whistle-blower.

He could have self-identified as a "leaker" with what we know about him. Of course then he would have to go to jail.

The reality is that he is a deep state operative and part of the reason that the State Department had to work around the CIA. His name should be out and he should physically be in (jail).

And it's statements like this that demonstrate you haven't a clue about our government, and are incapable of conducting an intelligent conversation about current affairs or the American political system.
That whistle blower is essentially a deep-state dirtball.

He was not a low-ranking bureaucrat; He was in charge of a portfolio of things (including some Ukraine stuff) at the CIA. He is manipulating the system by calling himself a Whistle-blower.

He could have self-identified as a "leaker" with what we know about him. Of course then he would have to go to jail.

The reality is that he is a deep state operative and part of the reason that the State Department had to work around the CIA. His name should be out and he should physically be in (jail).

He went the proper channels and was shut down. Just because you don't think this is a valid concern, does not make that individual a "deep state" or should be in jail or is a "dirtball." He brought a concern through the only route that was making any progress, and might I also state that there are many others out there who had the same concerns. This was far from a perfect call, and personally I think it lends towards impeachment, you obviously don't. However don't minimize the concern. Its a valid concern and it should deserve the protections that the whistleblower act provides to all other employees and likely yourself. If you want to pull back these protections because politically it is affecting your party there are much larger implications. This individual has no personal information other than bringing a concern to light, which is a valid concern, the focus on him is completely out of place. Focus on the issue at hand and if you truly think there is nothing there, then your republican elected officials should be able to show that during the impeachment inquiry.
It must be really cool to believe in, well, faith. Faith that everything my team and/or my leader does is okay, any time there is friction, well, deep state, or liberals, or human scum. So cultish.

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No concern about a high school kid from Covington Catholic getting death threats for smirking though right? That's ok. Just journalism at work.

No that was blown way out of proportion, and honestly I don't think the "kid" did anything wrong. The story was grossly exaggerated, and once the video came out and it was "investigated" thoroughly it all went away. And now the "kid" has a potential lawsuit windfall coming his way, so the courts have given him an opportunity to state his case that he was mistreated. Don't you think issues like this should be investigated and looked into?
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He is right that I don't care that Trump's sons got letters with white powder in the mail. Still doesn't excuse him for leaking a possible name for the whistle blower.

Two wrongs don't make a right, unless a conservative does it, then OP is all for it. don't care that he got white powder in the mail...but he's not right for doing something that is nothing nearly as bad.

This is an odd juxtaposition.
It must be really cool to believe in, well, faith. Faith that everything my team and/or my leader does is okay, any time there is friction, well, deep state, or liberals, or human scum. So cultish.


And Barack Hussein slapped down the rug a couple of times a day and prayed to Allah to guide him. Did you have a problem with that also
Titus has gone way off the reservation for Trump. He was already kinda cuckoo with the Rand worship, but that was at least principled.
to be fair, he is kind of in a bad spot. He can't really say his dad was an asshole for the unkind words said about those families. I hope he was at least thinking it

What do you do when your dad acts like the town drunk and you have to continually apologize for his actions. Cant be easy
What do you do when your dad acts like the town drunk and you have to continually apologize for his actions. Cant be easy

Would have been smart for him to avoid the spotlight from the outset, but it's way too late for that. He was out there early on in the campaign.