Trump jury

Alan would go on and on about an obscure writing or case law. That he deemed kept Bill Clinton from having to face Impeachment. When anyone with reading comprehension could see it was clearly stated high crimes and misdemeanors. Purely a political process not a court of law. He loves attention hence why latching himself onto OJ. And coming up with ridiculous conspiracy theories of OJ being framed.
As for the system being imperfect you can make that case for Trump being convicted here as well.
Trump offered no witnesses to discredit the case. Nor did his team find anything to discredit the documents.
Appeared to be more concerned with PR than winning the case.
Trump will appeal and win.

Probably a MAGAt trying to run interference for the chosen one. The person will be discovered as I imagine they weren't smart enough to cover their tracks and then we will know for sure.
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Disgusted Steve Carell GIF
His account literally says he's a shit poster. Not sure how much credibility he has here.
So Merchan or the NY Supreme Court didn’t look at the account to see the obvious “shit poster” title before sending out this letter yesterday. So the judge was tricked ? Right?
You guys want this criminal to get away with shit so badly I’m embarrassed for you.
I think people want justice. To a neutral observer, this does not look like justice. The things Trump has been convicted of were not felonies until Trump did them. Some of them were not illegal. The Manhattan DA had to somehow tie local misdemeanors to federal election law. He was accused of falsifying business records, so every email between everyone involved became a separate charge, even if Trump never saw it. It was a wild overreach that will get overturned on appeal.
If Trump had just taken the Hilary Clinton approach and deleted everything, no charges would ever have been brought, right? If he had just destroyed all his phones and computers, or maybe dropped them off at a Delaware repair shop, anything on those devices would have been considered a corrupted chain of evidence, right? Trump could just call Bragg a Russian asset and Facebook would squash the story, right?
The public perception is that there is a two-tiered justice system and that the power apparatus has come together to stop Trump from running again, like they did in 2020 to help Biden.
I don’t want Trump as my president any more than you do, but the means which the powers that be are employing to stop him are tearing the country apart from within.
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Should he be sending out this letter so the entire nation sees it if it is such an obvious joke by a shit poster?
It's called transparency. Can you imagine the outrage if MAGA thought the comment had been ignored?
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Statistically impossible for that area but ok
Overall in New York City, Biden received 2,321,759 votes, 76%, to Trump’s 691,682 votes, or 23%; a margin of 1,630,077.

Using math skills, this means that approximately 1 out of 4 New Yorkers were Trump voters in 2020. So it stands to reason that 2 or 3 of them were on a randomly selected jury of 12.
Overall in New York City, Biden received 2,321,759 votes, 76%, to Trump’s 691,682 votes, or 23%; a margin of 1,630,077.

Using math skills, this means that approximately 1 out of 4 New Yorkers were Trump voters in 2020. So it stands to reason that 2 or 3 of them were on a randomly selected jury of 12.
No way. I was told that 96% of New York is Dems. Stat like thats gotta be real.