This type of thinking perfectly describes trump and his followers. Just say whatever you want to achieve your objective. Facts and truth have absolutely no bearing on the matter.Yeah why wouldn't you want to pay less taxes? How do you fault that?
This type of thinking perfectly describes trump and his followers. Just say whatever you want to achieve your objective. Facts and truth have absolutely no bearing on the matter.Yeah why wouldn't you want to pay less taxes? How do you fault that?
I’m stating facts, snowflake.Are you really this stupid or are you just a troll?
You think a bank uses Trumps value and doesn’t have it appraised?
Stop and think about that for a second.
Are you truly this stupid?He either lied about the factors that made the property’s assessed value less than $26m, or he lied when he claimed the property was worth hundreds of millions when getting the loans. Has to be one or the other, no?
I’m not sure making a big deal about Engoron’s numbers helps his defense. It actually seems to support the fraud charges.
Mar a Lago Fair Market Value:
Mar a Lago + Top Secret Documents Fair Market Value:
For the 200th time, I still don't think trump should be allowed to run for president. Nice try though, troll.
LOL… he said drag queens are nice people. You are incapable of talking about drag queens without thinking/talking about sex.
News flash: just because drag queens make your little weenie hard doesn’t mean other people can’t befriend them or have friendly conversation with them in a normal human-to-human interaction.
Mad cuz your worldview doesn't match reality?Bullshit. MAGA through and through.
Cushman was used for most of his appraisals. The bank when asking for a freaking loan doesn't just take your word for the appraisal, dumbass. So, when values were shown on the statements when working on the loans, the bank certainly did their OWN evaluation. Why are you so dumb?Yes; it was a FAKE number.
It was NEVER valued at that level by any actual appraiser.
I can claim my house is worth $10M; that doesn't make it worth $10M.
You do realize property value for tax purposes is VASTLY different from FMV don't you? It's not a one or another. Judge Engoron is a complete buffoon. How the hell someone can value a business WELL BELOW the revenue generated per year is asinine and clear political stupidity. His reasoning based upon Trump's "stake" is retarded beyond belief. I will be there TOMORROW if Trump puts that business and property up for $18M.He either lied about the factors that made the property’s assessed value less than $26m, or he lied when he claimed the property was worth hundreds of millions when getting the loans. Has to be one or the other, no?
I’m not sure making a big deal about Engoron’s numbers helps his defense. It actually seems to support the fraud charges.
And? No collusion and no involvement with Russia from Trump. GTFOH still believing this stupidity.Read the Mueller Report or have someone read it to you and then explain it to you.
This is a libtarded viewpoint. NextDumb question, but trump screwed the IRS and state taxes and ultimately the American taxpayers. Check the SLATE article on 9-21-23 for facts about your scumbag.
And? You're an idiot.Don't forget the Republican judges trump got appointed, and have ruled against him. You are pathetic.
Already discussed this. How you come to this conclusion is mind blowing. They are two different valuations. Libtards are really very dumb.Good point. It’s either tax fraud or financial fraud. You pick.
Everything I said was facts and truth.This type of thinking perfectly describes trump and his followers. Just say whatever you want to achieve your objective. Facts and truth have absolutely no bearing on the matter.
Mad cuz your worldview doesn't match reality?
Oh, it's a comprehension problem then, got it.Why should I be mad? All I have to do is read your posts.
Agreed. I can get it for half that at the bankruptcy auction.18m for Mara Lago. Laughable
Who are you going to believe. Ted Cruz, Ryan, and Hawkedoff, or Trump’s own filings?
But Trump asserted that even the capped assessment was too high, right?Are you truly this stupid?
Florida has laws in place that cap assessed value related to property tax increases.
Do you think you can find another property where the assessed value is $27m and the owner asserts it’s worth $627m?Already discussed this. How you come to this conclusion is mind blowing. They are two different valuations. Libtards are really very dumb.
Let's take a gander at a recent purchase of a property in LA by the Weeknd shall we? He paid $70M for the place in 2021. The prior owners paid $21M for it in 2015.
The Weeknd Paid $70M for a Bel-Air Mansion: Was It the Right Price?
Recently, the R&B musician known as The Weeknd has once again added to his property portfolio, snagging a Bel-Air mansion for almost $70
What was the assessed value of that home for tax purposes from 2015-2021?
2015 - 22,646,291
2018 - 23,550,291
2019 - 26,141,881
2021 - 69,000,000
Los Angeles County Assessor Portal
Those dirty cocksuckers committed tax fraud before the Weeknd bought it! That home was worth WAYYY more than the assessed value! We should ask those prior owners if they got a loan from the bank anytime between 2015-2021 and what the appraised value was! I bet it wasn't the assessed value!
Trump did not in anyway shape or form say it was 33,000 square feet. In fact he explained why it was on there in 2016 and that it was corrected in 2017 financials and the valuation of Trump tower was reduced to 116M
She could easily get an eight-figure advance for a tell-all book.
No they don't. There are laws that restrict the amount the valuation can be raised yearly for homesteaded properties. Try again dummy.Are you truly this stupid?
Florida has laws in place that cap assessed value related to property tax increases.
This is amazing. Well done!No they don't. There are laws that restrict the amount the valuation can be raised yearly for homesteaded properties. Try again dumdummy
215 lbsLet’s say a farmer in Iowa goes to the bank and says he wants to take out a loan and use his 100 acres as collateral. He tells the bank that his ground is worth 20k an acre.
What lending institution on the planet would just take his word for it?
Also, the tax value of that land will be much less than the appraised value.
I’ll give you a great example. I bought a 6.5 acre plot of land in SE Iowa for $30,000 even last year. The tax value was 22k.
I built a building on the land and took out a small 40k loan. The local bank appraised my ground for 112k
Cushman was used for most of his appraisals. The bank when asking for a freaking loan doesn't just take your word for the appraisal
Mar A Lago is not a "private home" and cannot be rezoned as such.Already discussed this. How you come to this conclusion is mind blowing. They are two different valuations. Libtards are really very dumb.
Let's take a gander at a recent purchase of a property in LA by the Weeknd shall we? He paid $70M for the place in 2021. The prior owners paid $21M for it in 2015.
The Weeknd Paid $70M for a Bel-Air Mansion: Was It the Right Price?
Recently, the R&B musician known as The Weeknd has once again added to his property portfolio, snagging a Bel-Air mansion for almost $70
What was the assessed value of that home for tax purposes from 2015-2021?
2015 - 22,646,291
2018 - 23,550,291
2019 - 26,141,881
2021 - 69,000,000
Los Angeles County Assessor Portal
Those dirty cocksuckers committed tax fraud before the Weeknd bought it! That home was worth WAYYY more than the assessed value! We should ask those prior owners if they got a loan from the bank anytime between 2015-2021 and what the appraised value was! I bet it wasn't the assessed value!
Says the guy wearing a mask.Mar A Lago is not a "private home" and cannot be rezoned as such.
No; it does not.Rezoning happens all the time for real estate.
NOPEIf they sold it, they could go through a rezoning process.
Just stop. Mar a Lago was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972 and the mansion itself declared a National Historic Landmark in 1980. All before Trump purchased it in 1985. It cannot be rezoned or subdivided.Says the guy wearing a mask.
Rezoning happens all the time for real estate. Wtf are you even talking about. If they sold it, they could go through a rezoning process. There is zero doubt the valuation the judge used was a deliberate bulkshit ruling by the judge. 18m is clown show bad and there is nothing a little Marxist asshole like you can do to gaslight people to thunk differently about it. People know the difference between tax valuation and fair market value. People can see what the neighborhood is selling for and where valuations sit
I’ve noticed you are quick with the insults but a little slow on the follow up questions.Says the guy wearing a mask.
Rezoning happens all the time for real estate. Wtf are you even talking about. If they sold it, they could go through a rezoning process. There is zero doubt the valuation the judge used was a deliberate bulkshit ruling by the judge. 18m is clown show bad and there is nothing a little Marxist asshole like you can do to gaslight people to thunk differently about it. People know the difference between tax valuation and fair market value. People can see what the neighborhood is selling for and where valuations sit
Says the guy wearing a mask.
Rezoning happens all the time for real estate. Wtf are you even talking about. If they sold it, they could go through a rezoning process. There is zero doubt the valuation the judge used was a deliberate bulkshit ruling by the judge. 18m is clown show bad and there is nothing a little Marxist asshole like you can do to gaslight people to thunk differently about it. People know the difference between tax valuation and fair market value. People can see what the neighborhood is selling for and where valuations sit
And? No collusion and no involvement with Russia from Trump. GTFOH still believing this stupidity.
This is a libtarded viewpoint. Next
And? You're an idiot.
Everything I said was facts and truth.
Somehow I made it through this entire thread. Feels like a good time tosummarizedismantle MAGA objections to this outcome.
tl;dr none of the MAGA arguments hold water - as usual.
What else do you have MAGA nation, because the above arguments are indefensibly silly.
- This trial was rigged - it wasn’t even a jury trial. No it wasn’t! Because his own legal team didn’t file the paperwork correctly. The buck stops with Trump on this one. He hired the genious attorneys that couldn’t even fill out the right paperwork. Side note: and this is the guy you want running the executive branch? Do you still believe he hires only the best people?
- The dumb judge said Mar a Lago is only worth 18 million No. He did NOT rule that the property is worth 18 million. He stated that there was a massive difference in estimates and that the defense did not bring a justification for their valuation. The defense’s star witness did not bring anything factual to support a higher valuation. Just because he thinks it could sell high doesn’t mean it will. Another thoughts and feelings argument from the “f*ck your feelings“ crowd. Oh yeah, Trump also doesn’t own 100% of Mar a Lago due to other members having an interest. Regardless of what the property could be sold for, Trump wasn’t getting all the proceeds. The defense should have brought facts to the table, unfortunately they couldn’t because the facts were lined up against the orange lunatic.
- Regardless, everyone knows the property is worth more than 18 million yeah it probably is. That didn’t stop Trump from disputing the valuation as too high for tax purposes when it was listed at $26 million. A far far far cry from hundreds of millions. Plus, this property is unique compared to the rest of Palm Beach real estate. It must be preserved, it cannot be subdivided or substantially improved. This is why the taxes are so low and this is why it cannot carry a comparable valuation to other real estate nearby. To use an extreme analogy: let’s say you have two parcels of land. Both are beachfront. One has a nuclear waste dump in the backyard and one does not. Can you use the valuation of the one that doesn’t as a comparable for the one that does? Nope.
- No one was harmed well except for the taxpayers who likely got shortchanged. Or perhaps the interest rates would have been higher and the banks would have profited more. Isn’t it also obvious that Trump has a history of bankruptcy? These properties have not yet been subject to that, but given his history they could be in the future. That would impact anyone from creditors, to vendors, to employees to club members. All of whom are listening to a tale of properties being more valuable than they are. If Trump goes under, all these stakeholders will be left with less than they were promised. And most importantly: a crime can be a crime without anyone getting hurt. Does the MAGA crowd want to do away with attempted robbery and attempted murder as crimes too? Trump broke the law, regardless of how much harm we might argue about.
- The banks employ people to do this kind of work yes. So what? We are a rules based society and people that break the rules should face consequences. Banks also use safes and security guards. Should we only blame the bank when someone robs it because their security didn’t prevent the thefts? Or does the bank robber have some culpability as well?