Trump Rally!!!

It’s a HROT reunion there. Goldmom. IMCC. Biggrey. Pissy Pants. Coffland14. Doobi. Notlongago. ih…
For one minute I'd like to be in their heads as they try to justify the absolute stupidity of what these Trump cult members say, that even the people you mentioned, mostly, know is laughable, yet think, "But I'm going to vote with them anyway." Especially when they see the cult members carrying Nazi flags. That should be rule number one that tells a person that they are on the wrong side. "Do the Nazis agree with me? Yes they do. Then I need to reset."

They can't do it.
Never, in my life, did I think I'd ever see the political climate we have now.

Many voters have no regard for the personal attributes of a candidate if that candidate has the ability to stir up fear of the other side. The MAGA movement created by Steve Bannon and mastered by Turd has truly changed this nation... for the worse.
For one minute I'd like to be in their heads as they try to justify the absolute stupidity of what these Trump cult members say, that even the people you mentioned, mostly, know is laughable, yet think, "But I'm going to vote with them anyway." Especially when they see the cult members carrying Nazi flags. That should be rule number one that tells a person that they are on the wrong side. "Do the Nazis agree with me? Yes they do. Then I need to reset."

They can't do it.
Sure they can. Goldy and the rest do it all the time. It’s just a few bad apples, and with America literally on the line if a DIMOCRAT gets elected, well, you just tell yourself a little lie to make yourself feel better about voting for an authoritarian nut job.
All the videos are troubling in some way, but the Marge one is frightening, shows the uneducated mass is finding new heroes in the red hat group. ,
Please don’t be a hack. The board has too many of them already.
Please don’t be a hack. The board has too many of them already.

NC, MTG is a troglodyte who happily displays her ignorance. She is a weak-minded false Christian who acts like a bully because she lacks the intelligence to articulate an intelligent response. If my disdain for people who willingly display their stupidity and ignorance makes me a hack in your eyes, so be it, it is your opinion, and who you choose to defend is a personal choice. A person's character can often be defined by the company they keep; keeping company with an idiot does not speak well of your character.
NC, MTG is a troglodyte who happily displays her ignorance. She is a weak-minded false Christian who acts like a bully because she lacks the intelligence to articulate an intelligent response. If my disdain for people who willingly display their stupidity and ignorance makes me a hack in your eyes, so be it, it is your opinion, and who you choose to defend is a personal choice. A person's character can often be defined by the company they keep; keeping company with an idiot does not speak well of your character.
Just saying be careful where you tread. She’s more/less harmless to the causes of the Republican Party, as none of her bs is mainstream or will ever come to fruition. Again, I’m independent- obviously more so towards Rs but I’d vote for Manchin in a heartbeat- he is EXACTLY what we need in DC.
Just saying be careful where you tread. She’s more/less harmless to the causes of the Republican Party, as none of her bs is mainstream or will ever come to fruition. Again, I’m independent- obviously more so towards Rs but I’d vote for Manchin in a heartbeat- he is EXACTLY what we need in DC.

Why should I be careful where I tread? My thoughts on that vile woman will not be changed by someone defending the ignorant or stupid.

IDGAF what your political affiliation is, my concern is you embracing stupidity. The problem is not left and right in this country, the problem is the idiots are becoming more popular, put in powerful positions, and being called American heroes when in reality they are just stupid.
Why should I be careful where I tread? My thoughts on that vile woman will not be changed by someone defending the ignorant or stupid.

IDGAF what your political affiliation is, my concern is you embracing stupidity. The problem is not left and right in this country, the problem is the idiots are becoming more popular, put in powerful positions, and being called American heroes when in reality they are just stupid.
I’m not condoning- simply acknowledging she’s a POS that needs to be tolerated for the greater good. You don’t get the game- that’s your problem. Let me guess- never been in a management position? You tolerate to a certain extent for the greater good of your company. It sucks, but sometimes it’s necessary. And they’re the first to go when times suck.
Just saying be careful where you tread. She’s more/less harmless to the causes of the Republican Party, as none of her bs is mainstream or will ever come to fruition. Again, I’m independent- obviously more so towards Rs but I’d vote for Manchin in a heartbeat- he is EXACTLY what we need in DC.
You realize Grassley was considered to be of the Manchin mold, yet here we are.
I’m not condoning- simply acknowledging she’s a POS that needs to be tolerated for the greater good. You don’t get the game- that’s your problem. Let me guess- never been in a management position? You tolerate to a certain extent for the greater good of your company. It sucks, but sometimes it’s necessary. And they’re the first to go when times suck.
So MTG is going to lose her upcoming election to her opponent because that's what you just argued.
You realize Grassley was considered to be of the Manchin mold, yet here we are.
🤷‍♂️ don’t know man, I’m not into iowa politics. I just see Manchin as my guy- no stupid social issues like anti-gay shit and anti-abortion nonsense. Moderate fiscally, he may be the perfect candidate for NC, and I respect him.
I’m not condoning- simply acknowledging she’s a POS that needs to be tolerated for the greater good. You don’t get the game- that’s your problem. Let me guess- never been in a management position? You tolerate to a certain extent for the greater good of your company. It sucks, but sometimes it’s necessary. And they’re the first to go when times suck.

The ignorance of your comment is overwhelming. Why in the hell would stupidity ever need to be tolerated? How does ignorance benefit the greater good?

NC, you clearly have never owned a business and at best were at some point an assistant manager-level employee at a company/business somewhere very low on the food chain. No business owner or leader who wants to be successful tolerates anything but the best from everyone. The greater good is never served by accepting stupidity and ignorance, JFC that is a terrible take NC