Trump says ABC ‘not worthy’ of debate planned for September

1. The Boarder, she was in charge of it and she was an absolute mess. You know day one we will be right back to where we were 18 months ago of SANCTUARY CITIES, saying they don't have room.

2. She wants a multi TRILLION dollar investment in climate change. Look, climate change is real, but we are broke right now, we don't need to be buying things that sound good on paper.

3. She thinks college should be free. I have a degree. Do you know what happens to the value of ANYTHING the moment you make it available for "free"?

4. I'm pro Isreal, she is pro Palestine.
The sad thing is I agree with all four of these points and am still going to vote for Harris.

That’s how much I hate Trump.

I hope Kamala wins then the Republicans can reinvent themselves and find a serious candidate to run in 2028.
Don't make me laugh. You know damn well the media has extensively covered Trump's conviction.
I haven't followed much, even still they would any president that was convicted. Trump constantly goes up to the line and sometimes over the line. You shouldn't be surprised he has had legal issues.
The sad thing is I agree with all four of these points and am still going to vote for Harris.

That’s how much I hate Trump.

I hope Kamala wins then the Republicans can reinvent themselves and find a serious candidate to run in 2028.
For me it's the issue at the top of the page. I can make my plays off Trump and his need to fill his ego, I cannot predict the moves of an unknown puppet master.
I believe my exact response on that was something to the extent of " we bent the rules to get Biden on thr ballot of Ohio but sure panic".

Kamala gonna kamala bro, you guys are sitting on a time bomb. She has not miraculously gotten smarter in the last 96 hours. Now I get to watch a bunch of people that would have called her dumb to her face 10 months ago convince themselves she isnt that bad, with the help from the same media that told us Biden was sharp as a tack. I'm Here for the lulz.
Kamala will be just fine and I'm sure will debate Trump any place any time. She will be a formidable candidate. And besides, to my knowledge, she has never tried to overturn an election - especially an added advantage given her opponent.
I respect your convictions even in disagreement.

I view you much differently than most Trump supporters.
I don't LIKE Donald Trump, but atleast I know who I'm voting for. I would sell my left nut for an actual fiscal conservative right now, which Donald Trump is far from.

Honest question, admittedly one I've had to ask myself about Trump, if something REALLY ****ing bad happened "ww3" type shit. Could you live with yourself knowing you voted for Kamala to be in charge of that?

I've had to ask myself, do I really think Trump would incite a civil war, and admittedly I've under valued his stupidity before ( stand back and stand down should have been a slam dunk) but especially after j6, no, he won't, he saw what it actually looked like and what the drama created.

If the leader of the free world needs to go settle tensions, or carry the proverbial big stick, you gonna be OK with your god knowing you were good with cackles representing us? Cuz I'll die for my country but I'm not dying for a group of 3k elites, and your gonna need a shit ton of guys like me if that shit happens.
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Kamala will be just fine and I'm sure will debate Trump any place any time. She will be a formidable candidate. And besides, to my knowledge, she has never tried to overturn an election - especially an added advantage given her opponent.
If I'm her, I'm saying any time anywhere, right now, she needs to start chipping at him.

( or, frankly, fail so damn fast you guys can go pick someone normal.)
I don't LIKE Donald Trump, but atleast I know who I'm voting for. I would sell my left nut for an actual fiscal conservative right now, which Donald Trump is far from.

Honest question, admittedly one I've had to ask myself about Trump, if something REALLY ****ing bad happened "ww3" type shit. Could you live with yourself knowing you voted for Kamala to be in charge of that?

I've had to ask myself, do I really think Trump would incite a civil war, and admittedly I've under valued his stupidity before ( stand back and stand down should have been a slam dunk) but especially after j6, no, he won't, he saw what it actually looked like and what the drama created.

If the leader of the free world needs to go settle tensions, or carry the proverbial big stick, you gonna be OK with your god knowing you were good with cackles representing us? Cuz I'll die foe my county but I'm not dying for a group of 3k elites and your gonna need a shit ton of guys like me if that shit happens.
The short answer is I don’t trust Trump. I don’t think anything is beneath him as far as what he would be willing to do if it served his purpose. That includes selling out America.

I’m really not understanding your last paragraph. It almost sounds like you are imagining some type of modern day Red Dawn scenario if Kamala becomes president. Is that what you’re suggesting? And you and the Wolverines are gonna have to whoop some ass guerrilla warfare style?
The short answer is I don’t trust Trump. I don’t think anything is beneath him as far as what he would be willing to do if it served his purpose. That includes selling out America.

I’m really not understanding your last paragraph. It almost sounds like you are imagining some type of modern day Red Dawn scenario if Kamala becomes president. Is that what you’re suggesting? And you and the Wolverines are gonna have to whoop some ass guerrilla warfare style?
Not red dawn, look at the dynamics of the world right now, is it that crazy to think China could go after Taiwan or the Houthis or some other terriost could blow some shit up that really pisses someone off and the next thing you know we are splitting teams for ww3?

If WW3 breaks out and Kamala is in charge it's the old plane crash line " put you head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye".

If shit were super easy, and peaceful, and prosperous, sure, I'll look over your dumb ass saying we need to ship money to third world countries. That isn't where we are.
Last night ABC night news covered Harris positively.

When discussing Trump they said he "vented" and when they covered Vance they said he "lashed out".

The bias was obvious to every reasonable person on the planet.

Did the Orange Turd "vent" and did the Vance "lance out"? If so, it was not bias.

The Orange Turd is a compulsive loudmouth. Argue that. Vance is a rookie incompetent. ABC is a news organization. Not Stupid TV.
Did the Orange Turd "vent" and did the Vance "lance out"? If so, it was not bias.

The Orange Turd is a compulsive loudmouth. Argue that. Vance is a rookie incompetent. ABC is a news organization. Not Stupid TV.

Did Kamala "lash out" about Trump during her speech yesterday?
Any reason why a debate shouldn’t be on Fox News?
Dan Pfeiffer kinda recommended this to please Donald on getting to debate. Do one on Fox News, another on ABC. Fox News can be first on full agreement that both do the ABC one.
I don't LIKE Donald Trump, but atleast I know who I'm voting for. I would sell my left nut for an actual fiscal conservative right now, which Donald Trump is far from.

Honest question, admittedly one I've had to ask myself about Trump, if something REALLY ****ing bad happened "ww3" type shit. Could you live with yourself knowing you voted for Kamala to be in charge of that?

I've had to ask myself, do I really think Trump would incite a civil war, and admittedly I've under valued his stupidity before ( stand back and stand down should have been a slam dunk) but especially after j6, no, he won't, he saw what it actually looked like and what the drama created.

If the leader of the free world needs to go settle tensions, or carry the proverbial big stick, you gonna be OK with your god knowing you were good with cackles representing us? Cuz I'll die for my country but I'm not dying for a group of 3k elites, and your gonna need a shit ton of guys like me if that shit happens.
I believe whole heartedly that Donny is in Putin’s back pocket and would do anything for a nice payout. Kamala will have trustworthy advisors too as opposed to the fluffers Dumbfug will put in place…
Donald Trump agreed to a second debate with President Biden in September hosted by ABC News. But Trump has backed away from the idea of an ABC debate since Biden dropped out.
Early Tuesday on Truth Social, Trump criticized ABC (“such a joke”), suggested it was biased toward his opponents and declared the network “not worthy of holding a Debate, of which I hope there will be many!”
Trump also said this week that he thinks the debate should instead be held on Fox News.

Trump’s team, eager to get the two candidates on a debate stage, had agreed to many conditions pushed by Biden’s team. The first debate, in June, was disastrous for Biden and led to his withdrawal. But Vice President Harris, who is likely to become the Democrats’ nominee, could be a more formidable opponent.

why was there a debate by B and B before they were not yet official candidates after the conventions.?
Is has everything to do with it. Kamala went into attack mode against Trump yesterday yet not one mention by the MSM that she "lashed out".
Billy Crystal Crying GIF by MOODMAN
I would say using a past example to predict a future outcome would be fairly linear.
You don’t know why Putin chose the time he did to attack Ukraine. Assuming correlation means causation is a basic logical fallacy.

Obviously, Putin severely underestimated Biden’s response. Also, it’s possible Putin didn’t anticipate Trump losing his reelection bid and had to alter plans. The point is, who knows?

With all of that said, we do know Trump publicly said, “Putin can do whatever the hell he wants.”

Of course, Trump was obviously just kidding. 🙄