Trump: The wages are too damn high!

The Tradition

HB King
Apr 23, 2002
Donald Trump on Wednesday doubled down on his argument that American wages are “too high” after making a similar claim during Tuesday night’s GOP presidential debate.

“We have to become competitive with the world. Our taxes are too high, our wages are too high, everything is too high,” he said Wednesday morning during an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“What's going to happen is now people are going to start firing people.”

Trump’s comments came when asked about the minimum wage, which he explained during Tuesday night’s debate on Fox Business News and reiterated on Wednesday. He said both times that high wages are hurting America’s ability to compete with other world economies.

That's a winning slogan.... :rolleyes:
Donald Trump on Wednesday doubled down on his argument that American wages are “too high” after making a similar claim during Tuesday night’s GOP presidential debate.

“We have to become competitive with the world. Our taxes are too high, our wages are too high, everything is too high,” he said Wednesday morning during an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“What's going to happen is now people are going to start firing people.”

Trump’s comments came when asked about the minimum wage, which he explained during Tuesday night’s debate on Fox Business News and reiterated on Wednesday. He said both times that high wages are hurting America’s ability to compete with other world economies.

That's a winning slogan.... :rolleyes:
Sadly, this is what too many wingers believe. Pay less, offer fewer benefits, or just take away the ones the government managed for years now. It's a winning strategy if the goal is to ensure the USA has the world's 50 richest white males.
Donald Trump on Wednesday doubled down on his argument that American wages are “too high” after making a similar claim during Tuesday night’s GOP presidential debate.

“We have to become competitive with the world. Our taxes are too high, our wages are too high, everything is too high,” he said Wednesday morning during an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“What's going to happen is now people are going to start firing people.”

Trump’s comments came when asked about the minimum wage, which he explained during Tuesday night’s debate on Fox Business News and reiterated on Wednesday. He said both times that high wages are hurting America’s ability to compete with other world economies.

That's a winning slogan.... :rolleyes:

It's not so much that wages are too high; our cost of living is too high.

The major expense most families have is their home/mortgage. Property values in America and in many 1st World countries are miles ahead of what they are in the 2nd tier; and that is why all the manufacturing jobs are going there. You CAN pay $8 and hour and that is actually a livable wage in many places. Sure, there is a lower standard of living as well, but we simply will NEVER compete with those countries when it costs $8-10k for a house there, but $350-450k or even more in many areas in America and major European nations. And I'm not talking about just condos/lofts in NYC or major cities....even in the smallest towns around America, the costs for a house etc are WAY higher than in the places the manufacturing jobs are going.

Maybe Trump could build us some 'Middle Class "Projects"' around America, in the rural areas where we can set up competitive manufacturing bases....
Higher wages drive prices up thus everyone is a loser plus it is a fact when the minimum wage goes up employers hire less and actually lay people off.

Trump nailed it.