Trump unlimited terms….

If you’re not going to try and welsh because he is ‘in the WH’ after someone else (e.g. his next VP) gets inaugurated that day, I’m fine.

I’m just trying to remove any gray area by which you might claim an out, even as someone else takes the Presidency.

To reiterate:

If he wins this November,

1) He won’t be on the ballot for President in November 2028


2) A new president will be sworn in on Jan 20, 2029 and Trump will be out of office. Meaning ‘unlimited terms’ is not reality.
I don't care about the ballot because trump doesn't care about rules. I only care about whether or not he leaves the office.
You can make another bet with someone else if you're determined to bet if he's on the ballot.
I'm willing to bet that he will try to stay in power beyond the 21st.
This is crying in the dark - a weeping and gnashing of teeth - just let the lefties scream and wail among themselves and work it out.
Meanwhile I’m buying and hoarding copious amounts of Kleenex. Gonna be in short supply.
You should stock up on crow to eat.
I do not discount the possibility that Trump spends 2 years in the WH, and quits after the Dems flip the House and Senate in 2026. He'll be bored with the thought of showing up even rarely to work. He'll set up a grift, and issue a crap ton of pardons to himself and his henchmen.
That's assuming the morbid obesity and long Covid don't get him first.
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I don't care about the ballot because trump doesn't care about rules. I only care about whether or not he leaves the office.
You can make another bet with someone else if you're determined to bet if he's on the ballot.
I'm willing to bet that he will try to stay in power beyond the 21st.
Back to the weasel words like ‘try’.

He might ‘try’ to lobby for a new constitutional amendment, but it won’t happen.

He’s out after his next term. There won’t be ‘unlimited terms’.

I’ll bet anyone who thinks otherwise.
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I don't care about the ballot because trump doesn't care about rules. I only care about whether or not he leaves the office.
You can make another bet with someone else if you're determined to bet if he's on the ballot.
I'm willing to bet that he will try to stay in power beyond the 21st.
Back to the weasel words like ‘try’.

He might ‘try’ to lobby for a new constitutional amendment, but it won’t happen.

He’s out after his next term. There won’t be ‘unlimited terms’.

I’ll bet anyone who thinks otherwise.
Dude, either take the bet or shut up, it's three pages of you dancing around at this point.
I’m not the one who thinks he’ll be president for life and won’t a bet that he’s out of the WH on January 21, 2029.
I am willing to bet that he won't be out of the white house on the 21st. You're the one that wants to tie it to ballots and other nonsense.
I am willing to bet that he won't be out of the white house on the 21st. You're the one that wants to tie it to ballots and other nonsense.
JFC, that’s exactly what I said in posts #151 and #155 and you kept refusing to acknowledge it.

So we have it: 1 year avatar bet to be decided by the transfer of power on January 20th, 2029.
JFC, that’s exactly what I said in posts #151 and #155 and you kept refusing to acknowledge it.

So we have it: 1 year avatar bet to be decided by the transfer of power on January 20th, 2029.
Dude, I've asked you three times to acknowledge that and instead of saying 'yes' you keep referring to something you posted pages ago. I'm not looking back to read your tea leaves. Just say yes if you want to make a fugging bet you knob.
Trump was given unlimited powers during Covid and wanted nothing to do with it. More than can be said for some Democrat governors.

He didn’t have people around him who would follow through on seizing and maintaining total power. Project 2025 was created so the plan and the people exist from day one.
Damn you’re lazy.

Elections are run by the States.
He won’t be on the ballots because he’d be ineligible.

If you genuinely believe otherwise, let’s make a bet.


You willing to bet otherwise?

Willing to make it a parlay in your favor.

I would bet if he wins this November he won’t be on the ballot for President in November 2028 AND he’ll be out of the White House on January 21, 2029.

Those are objective and readily agreeable.

Maybe you misunderstood.

I’m saying if either of those happen you win, I need both to not happen for me to win the bet.

I would bet if he wins this November he won’t be on the ballot for President in November 2028 AND he’ll be out of the White House on January 21, 2029.

Will you accept, or do you not have faith in the fears you’ve expressed here?

So we can count you out on the bet?

You don't want to bet that he will be out of the WH January 21st, 2029, if he wins this November?

That means you're unwilling to make the 'dictatorship' and 'end of democracy' bet you keep fear mongering.
I can’t be any clearer.
I’ve been wholly consistent.
He’ll be out of power and the White House January 21st, 2029 if he wins this November.
Damn you’re lazy.

I can’t be any clearer.
I’ve been wholly consistent.
He’ll be out of power and the White House January 21st, 2029 if he wins this November.
And I've been consistent - I will bet that he attempts to stay pays noon on the 20th.
I've said it about a dozen times now. If you don't like the bet, move on.
And I've been consistent - I will bet that he attempts to stay pays noon on the 20th.
I've said it about a dozen times now. If you don't like the bet, move on.
The problem is every time I lay down an objective condition you don’t accept, and fall back to weasel words like ‘try’.

Can you bet that a boxer will ‘try’ to win, or do you bet that he will or won’t win?