trump voters, just so I can change my vote accordingly

the leftwinger's lips are moving their lying.
Against my better judgment, I will ask anyway: Do you believe lying is a one-sided affair? What would your assessment of Trump’s truthfulness be by way of comparison?

Frankly, I think you’re one of the most dishonest people on this board because there’s no way you can be stupid enough to believe half of what you claim to.
@NorthernHawkeye I can see your laughing emojis but you won’t address my point. You dipshit maga orange criminal supporters just overlook the danger of discounting election integrity. It’s one of the first thing dictators do. Just ignore it then. And you call me dumb. You are a bag of hammers dumb…
How about stay on point dem. Compare the state of foreign affairs under Trump vs Biden…it’s a no contest.
Trump, like his predecessors, has to maintain the status quo.
As we have learned over the last few years, China vs. the USA is the only threat to start WW3, and both the US and Chinese leaders are suckling at the teet of each other and have no desire to destroy a profit center.
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Actually, the violent crime rate is down in the US since Biden took office.
I am speaking specifically how dangerous it would be to hand the keys to the country to TOC and not ever get them back. He would be the next Putin…also brainwashing his numpties that their country is being “stollen” from them and elections aren’t legit and he should have total immunity. That’s not safe…
The point at hand was is the country and world a safer place? It isn’t. We both agreed. Why and who is to blame is where the disagreement is. Now piss off maga stooge.
Wouldn’t the current president and admin be to blame…it’s not that difficult. No countries F’d with Trump, several have with Biden.
Do you think Trump lies?

If so, how often?

Politicians lie. It’s what they do. Bur Trump has turned lying into an art form.

Does that really not register with you?
Trump mostly lies about stupid shit like "my crowd was the biggest in history, nobody has ever seen a crowd like it. Everyone says it's the biggest crowd ever. So hyuge." Then dems lose their minds and shriek about Obama having a bigger attendance record. Can you name any lie that he told remotely close to the Russian collusion hoax?
Trump mostly lies about stupid shit like "my crowd was the biggest in history, nobody has ever seen a crowd like it. Everyone says it's the biggest crowd ever. So hyuge." Then dems lose their minds and shriek about Obama having a bigger attendance record. Can you name any lie that he told remotely close to the Russian collusion hoax?
The election was stolen, for starters.