trump voters, just so I can change my vote accordingly

Again it’s not that difficult. You want to blame the words of the non-president, and for some reason not all of the terrible decisions of the actual president. How stupid is that?
That is perplexing. Three and a half years into the current Biden presidency and the Dems are still blaming Trump for their failings. WTF - take some ownership.
Much more evidence of that then there ever was for Russian collusion and he still left the Whitehouse. One could even argue that the lies about the hunter biden laptop was outright theft through willful deceit
Yep…that’s where the election was “stolen”…not on fraudulent vote counts, rather on media suppression of the laptop story, which would have swayed many independents to vote for Trump rather than Biden.
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I don’t discount the border. I don’t understand why something wasn’t done sooner unless he was waiting for bi-partison legislation to get passed. It is concerning but I think that can be handled eventually where I honestly think TOC will fubar things and emulate his buddy Putin. The fact that he touts his “stollen” election and total immunity and classified documents crap to me is more dangerous than having rogue illegals. We can sort them out later. Again, I don’t know why the border issue wasn’t handled better….
I know why “something wasn’t done sooner” because the Dems want more cheap labor (even if it’s illegal immigrants) in this country. The current administration just can’t be that stupid, that they couldn’t find a way to control the surge in immigration…if they actually wanted to.

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