Trump's pick for Vice President

Tulsi was in Maher’z show this week… she spent her time appearing mostly dumbfounded and incapable of answering questions asked of her. I really was not impressed. But I’m sure you found her much different.
Did you find her “engaging” ?
Honestly, I thought she’d be better.. hellsbells. , Chris Matthews left her in the dust with his responses! And Matthew’s role has been diminished the past year or so because of his “Bidenesque” TV appearances. She was “lost” by comparison.
Did you watch? It’s on all week.
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It’s either Vance, Burgam or Rubio, this has reported several places, but you know mainstream media, they all suck.
ANYBODY, and some inanimate objects, would be superior to Kamala Harris - the first decision and first disaster of Biden. Truly a peak into the future of the next four years. Amazing servitude demonstration by the dem brain deads at the time.
Just a former President, chain of luxury hotels, businesses and a small piece of land in Mar A Lago.
PLUS he owns the only hotel “on the Strip” in Vegas that was denied a casino license because of “character questions”……long before he was President…..
PLUS, he is the only ex-President to ever be convicted of a felony in the history of this nation.
If you’re rooting for Russia and China.

I’m kinda a fan of the dollar and people speaking English everywhere I travel.
You’ve never earned a dollar in your life. This country has to keep printing more money because you’re a useless Marxist leech. It a shame that the United States doesn’t have some kind of a labor camp for useless people like yourself.
You’ve never earned a dollar in your life. This country has to keep printing more money because you’re a useless Marxist leech. It a shame that the United States doesn’t have some kind of a labor camp for useless people like yourself.

@FlickShagwell I know your wife had a law degree, are you a stay at home dad?
You’ve never earned a dollar in your life. This country has to keep printing more money because you’re a useless Marxist leech. It a shame that the United States doesn’t have some kind of a labor camp for useless people like yourself.

Lol that lawman, I mean hawkman liked this post
It's probably Vance. Burgam brings nothing to the ticket and supposedly Rubio is lukewarm for the position.
What about Byron Donaldson? I suppose Trump already has Florida won, so I guess that wouldn’t add any voters there. Burgam is a smart cookie, but half the country prolly doesn’t even know there is a north and South Dakota! 😜
Did Hillary pay you to say this? Making up lies is her thing, I'm surprised a smart person like you falls for her lies.
Like you care about lies. If she lied 1/10 as much as trump, she'd be a republican, and clowns like you would worship her. It's kind of funny, that in the 2016 election, she was nowhere close to being as sleazy as trump.
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