Yet again you launch personal, vicious attacks on me over trivia, which appears as the one thing you understand, trivia. Trivia for a trivial, emotionally disturbed borderline personality disordered cretin. You are certainly at the corner of obsessive compulsive disorder and anti social disorder (psychopathy).
But hey, you haven't asked anyone to kill themselves or ridiculed any teen age cancer patients yet this year so maybe the new meds are working better. You and your therapist need to discuss your impulse to lash out and attack people you don't know because that part of your treatment plan is clearly failing. I understand that proximity limitations can be frustrating but dude you manifest all three elements of the Dark Triad. Perhaps some lighter reading to break up the endless repetition of days spent in your Command Center, watching multiple games and reading box scores from 1986? A Charles Manson bio, or perhaps something on Charlie Starkweather might brighten your demersalian life. Sure, everyone needs inspiration, right?
Among those not on the psychopathy spectrum, however, misremembering a year, or an unimportant detail of an ultimately unimportant event 30 or more years in the past, is not a lie its a ****ing mistake about a detail of something that does not affect the conclusion or point. Mixing up the name of the schools to which an ex Iowa player, of no particular historic significance, transferred a decade ago is a distinction without a difference. I recall confusing FSU and Georgetown but either way the kid transferred twice, which supports the proposition that the player was his and not the schools he left, as I said at the time.
As for the shootout, surely one of the "
The Sporting News" pages you're using as wallpaper headlines this event:
Mack was arrested and charged with
armed robbery in
Ames, Iowa in March 1989 when he participated in a
holdup at a Burger King.
Mack was shot in the foot and hip as he tried to flee police. He was later acquitted when a jury decided that Iowa State football player Levin White, a transfer from
USC, had forced him at gunpoint to be his accomplice.
That ring any bells Quasimodo? I had a copy of the indictment back when it happened. It was a hoot. Ames PD fired,
as I recall from 31 years ago, somewhere in the sixties shots into the restaurant at Mack and White, entirely missed White-the Cyclone actually holding the gun-and just clipped the much larger target, Mack. I think the players had a .22 rifle. The word "shootout" is certainly well within the scope of humorous hyperbole when you have an event involving
armed robbery,
armed suspects,
multiple shots fired and a
suspect wounded. Your inability to recognize that is prima facie evidence of your disorders.
Please put me on ignore. Please stop attacking me personally. You need not reply, going down this road will just repulse other members who, like me, are here to argue about sports and not anyone's perceived perceived personality defects.