Ty Cobb explains why he was ‘disappointed’ with Sotomayor’s dissent

"I thought her dissent was a little hysterical"

You are a clown. Want to know why? You are fine with Trump being a dictator because you think he'll do the things that you want and that benefit you. But guess what? He won't. Sure there will be times he'll do things that benefit you but there will come a time where he ****s you (and I hope it's real ****ing good). Wanna know why? Because trump only cares about one person and it sure as hell isn't you. He's beholden to you now because he knows he needs the dumbass vote but if this plays out how you want it to, he will no longer need your vote and he's not going to do a damn thing that doesn't benefit Donald J Trump.

And the absolute hilarious part? When this happens and you are good and ****ed? You will find a way to blame the democrats. Wanna know why? Yep because you are a God damn clown.
Cobb is right as to the hysteria part, inasmuch as, as a rhetorical device, it distracted materially from the better legal arguments she made.

The more I mull this the more uncomfortable I get with roberts attempt to sort of apply the steel seizure cases approach to the question of immunity. If anything, better to have just stopped at immunity for things within exclusive presidential authority, and everything else is subject to an “as applied” defense approach a la Barrett. And the evidentiary comments are just way out over the skis.

Bad facts make bad law as they say
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He was but was probably Walmart greeter worthy compared to Cap Anson. I'm surprised he wasn't removed from the HOF
my uncle knew cobb. when my uncle was managing the twin falls idaho minor league club, cobb had assigned some of his coca cola franchises to his son to manage, and would periodically come into town to check up on him. When in town, Cobb would often stop in to catch a game, and then would come to my uncle's house afterwards and talk baseball. My uncle said he was a know it all, and somewhere in the family archives, there is a picture of cobb in their back yard on his hands and knees showing my aunt helen the 'proper' way to plant some sort of flowers.


103 years ago, that asshole Ty Cobb attacked a fan​

Nobody in baseball history quite earned the description of "infamous" like Tyrus Raymond "Ty" Cobb, who played with the Tigers from 1905 to 1926. As we wrote about him in our round-up of the Tigers' "All-star oddballs" ...

He was known as a bigot with a short temper and a penchant for sadism. One local sportswriter described his style of play as “daring to the point of dementia.” A later Tiger player said Cobb regarded the game as “something like a war,” recalling that “every time at bat for him was like a crusade.” Cobb inspired fear in his opponents and hatred in his teammates. His reputation as a dirty player was well-known — his contemporaries described how he’d sharpen his cleats in the dugout, then slide feet-first into a bag with those razor-sharp spikes aimed high. Given his thirst for blood and spurred soles, it’s hardly surprising his career record for stealing home (54 times) still stands. It’s also not a shocker he retains the dubious honor of committing more errors (271) than any American League outfielder.

On the field, he was famous for violence, but off the field it was his almost sociopathic personality that won him headlines. In 1907, a black groundskeeper greeted Cobb in a way the ballplayer felt was too familiar, and hothead Cobb violently attacked the man; when the groundskeeper's wife tried to intervene, he began choking her, and might have killed her had a catcher not knocked Cobb out cold. In 1908, when a black laborer complained to Cobb about how he'd just walked through freshly poured asphalt, Cobb went into attack mode again, earning a battery charge.

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