My new prediction on Biden stepping down . . .

The cynic in me thinks it was the Biden campaign itself that leaked this story:


So instead of stepping down due to pressure or not being able to beat Trump, he can retain some pride and dignity by later revealing he indeed DOES have a condition with "Parkinson's-like" symptoms.

That's why this story came out this week:

My prediction - by the end of July, Biden will hold a press conference in which he announces his doctors have determined that he has a "Parkinson's like" medical condition and thus he is regretfully ending his campaign, even though he remains convinced he is the guy that can beat Trump.
Biden looked really frail from yesterday's video boarding and the leaving air force one. They had to help him get into his car at the destination. I was all for him running even after the debate and the last two weeks he recovered but yesterday looked rough
It certainly seems like things are leaning that way. I do worry about getting on ballots and republican's fight that as hard as they can. Because they are scumbags.
Wait your party is pushing out the candidate who got 14 million votes in the primary and that’s your line? Seems like you got a little anti-democracy activity going on in Team Blue right now.
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Wait your party is pushing out the candidate who got 14 million votes in the primary and that’s your line? Seems like you got a little anti-democracy activity going on in on Team Blue right now.

Looks like Team Red has its talking points: Trivialize the concerns regarding the state of US democracy because the people raising those concerns aren't following democracy closely enough within their political party.

From Newt's mouth to coff's ears.
Looks like Team Red has its talking points: Trivialize the concerns regarding the state of US democracy because the people raising those concerns aren't following democracy closely enough within their political party.

From Newt's mouth to coff's ears.
Prepare to be unburdened by what has been.
Wait your party is pushing out the candidate who got 14 million votes in the primary and that’s your line? Seems like you got a little anti-democracy activity going on in on Team Blue right now.

Joe is still there and will leave when and if he feels the need for the better of the country. Some want him to go, but I missed where anyone pushed him out yet. lol
I'm sorry your marriage sucks.

My wife takes "for better and for worse" seriously and stands by me and supports me even in my darkest hours, probably more so when I'm down and need buoying. And yes, sometimes that means saying everything is going to be alright when it obviously is not going to be. That's what supportive spouses do.
Just out of morbid curiosity... what gives you the impression my marriage sucks. I think we are doing quite well.

I'm not suggesting she put him down or leave and seek someone else. He clearly has significant and exponentially increasing cognitive decline while having the hardest job on earth. Literally the hardest job anywhere.

If she loves him as you say... she is smart enough to know(she is a doctor after all) she has the responsibility of protecting him.

What is the end game she is running? Who benefits from running him out there day after day to embarrass himself further?? Who gains by him remaining President???

He has no legacy. He has been a POS for decades, your party has rejected him at least 3 times before. He dropped out in disgrace for being a pathological liar.

Tell yourself whatever makes you get through the day... continue to disparage my wife, my marriage, my life or me. But deep down you know he has no business running this country.

But Trump...
He probably has time, would he be able to win the Democratic nomination?
It seems like there is an idea that if you stick your neck out now and lose then you will never be able to run. I think this is kind of silly because I think this is actually a free opportunity. If you lose there are lots of excuses. I have also heard that some of the possible candidates aren't interested in the Presidency. If course those are probably the type of people we would actually want to be President.
she comes across very unlikeable, I don't think she is competent enough. I think she is too far left, she was tasked with the border problem and that is a disaster
What does too far left mean? What crazy far left policies does she advocate for that, if they made it through Congress, she would sign? She’s no more left than any moderate Democrat. She’s right of Bernie.
Wait your party is pushing out the candidate who got 14 million votes in the primary and that’s your line? Seems like you got a little anti-democracy activity going on in on Team Blue right now.
Worry about your party with the serial sexual assaulter and felon at the top of the ticket.
The cynic in me thinks it was the Biden campaign itself that leaked this story:


So instead of stepping down due to pressure or not being able to beat Trump, he can retain some pride and dignity by later revealing he indeed DOES have a condition with "Parkinson's-like" symptoms.

That's why this story came out this week:

My prediction - by the end of July, Biden will hold a press conference in which he announces his doctors have determined that he has a "Parkinson's like" medical condition and thus he is regretfully ending his campaign, even though he remains convinced he is the guy that can beat Trump.
You're an idiot, late to the party, but act like a prophecy. Lol. Keep hitting that liberal propaganda hard!

Here's a record of the people who put their predictions out there.
i’m glad things seem to be going in the right direction on this decision. biden did a fine job as president, mostly because he surrounded himself with capable individuals, but he is too old and the democrats need someone who can rejuvenate them ahead of this election. in 2020 he could simply not be trump and that was good enough but 2024 is a different ballgame because americans have the memories of a gnat.
Guy was forth most important person in a small town then given a white house cabinet job due to diversity.
It is difficult for me to take the qualification argument seriously given that a man was elected as President of the United States whose primary achievements were inheriting a real estate empire, hosting game shows, and operating a branding empire.

Suggesting that Buttigieg's appointment was due to his sexual orientation is unfair. He is a Harvard grad, Rhodes scholar, former naval intelligence officer and served in Afghanistan and was the Mayor of South Bend.
It is difficult for me to take the qualification argument seriously given that a man was elected as President of the United States whose primary achievements were inheriting a real estate empire, hosting game shows, and operating a branding empire.

Suggesting that Buttigieg's appointment was due to his sexual orientation is unfair. He is a Harvard grad, Rhodes scholar, former naval intelligence officer and served in Afghanistan and was the Mayor of South Bend.
100 x more qualified than the orange man.
When Trump supporters say stuff like this, it's like too much......just unbelievable. Most unqualified President in the history of the country and these guys will still say stuff like this.
Whats wrong with what i wrote?