U of M wrestling under investigation

Easy on Buck Thorn. He's an insightful, respected member of this board for almost eight hours now. He's not here to troll...not at all.
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Interim AD Beth Goetz just accepted a position with Another university. Could be nothing or could be her getting out ahead of something. She was the person J had communication about the events that took place with.
Interim AD Beth Goetz just accepted a position with Another university. Could be nothing or could be her getting out ahead of something. She was the person J had communication about the events that took place with.
If she's damaged goods, wouldn't think UConn would hire her. So UConn must be comfortable that she didn't do anything wrong in Minny.
Or UConn has limited knowledge or interest in knowing what she did or did not do. It really doesn't affect them. No legal charges would go her way, just some potential punishment from the university. Hard to do though if they are no longer employed by the university haha. I am sure she started looking after she was not given the AD job, so probably nothing.
Or UConn has limited knowledge or interest in knowing what she did or did not do. It really doesn't affect them.
UConn would have little interest? I think UConn would want to know whether a hire into a seemingly important position has the ability to keep risk to the university as low as possible. It is obvious that UConn looked into the matter closely and she passed final vetting for the job. Otherwise, next month if she is found to have swept anything under the rug, the person who hired her at UConn is likely out of a job for making a poor hiring decision.
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Or UConn has limited knowledge or interest in knowing what she did or did not do. It really doesn't affect them. No legal charges would go her way, just some potential punishment from the university. Hard to do though if they are no longer employed by the university haha. I am sure she started looking after she was not given the AD job, so probably nothing.

Uh no. You don't think a new employer would be interested in how a new hire would handle a crisis. Either the whole thing is no big deal and a drastic **** up by the press or she is blameless.
I am sure UConn asked for her side of the story and got it. Do you think the U of M is going to release info from an ongoing investigation to another university? Most previous employers can't even comment on someone's work history outside of acknowledging that they worked there. J relayed info(what info is vague) to Beth and testing occurred and to public knowledge it hasn't been disclosed if any failed. I am not suggesting she did anything wrong. I am suggesting the university could have used her as the scapegoat. If they wanted to go to the top. They still can, but it will be meaningless cuz she is gone. She could have left to avoid this mess or left cuz she didn't get the AD and viewed this as an advancement.
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Ya hopefully, but guessing it is somewhere in the middle. I also hope this is resolved soon. Recruiting I would imagine is basically at a stand still. We aren't in a position to not be out heavily recruiting.
UConn would have little interest? I think UConn would want to know whether a hire into a seemingly important position has the ability to keep risk to the university as low as possible. It is obvious that UConn looked into the matter closely and she passed final vetting for the job. Otherwise, next month if she is found to have swept anything under the rug, the person who hired her at UConn is likely out of a job for making a poor hiring decision.
what psu85 said

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