I've seen out rights lies about what unions can and can't do at work. You're being lied to, as well. The company is spreading propaganda to you. Unions rarely work the way companies pretend they do.That goes both ways, dude.
I've seen out rights lies about what unions can and can't do at work. You're being lied to, as well. The company is spreading propaganda to you. Unions rarely work the way companies pretend they do.That goes both ways, dude.
Does it. Really?
As a population. We can either care about profits, or humanity. In my experience those are two completely separate paradigms.
America, largely, doesn’t care about humanity. Only profits. The individual holds absolutely no power. While a cooperation holds immense power.
Citizens United ensured cooperate power. Telling us all that Money is Power. He who has the $. Holds the power.
You can try and convince people that unions are evil, but in the end, their power is limited. Amazon is currently firing boat loads and hiring to make up for it.
How do you make that argument? When all the evidence consistently points towards the contrary?
Iowa is a right to work state. Legally you can't be forced to be part of a union. So why do they make this claim at work?The amount of wrong here is amazing.
I've seen out rights lies about what unions can and can't do at work. You're being lied to, as well. The company is spreading propaganda to you. Unions rarely work the way companies pretend they do.
Robber barons gonna Robber baron too…Union thugs gonna thug.
Iowa is a right to work state. Legally you can't be forced to be part of a union. So why do they make this claim at work?
YES, for 37 years and i would never work in a NON UNION shop. You see, everything that was promised to me when i started has been fulfilled.I've actually dealt with union representatives in real life.
Have you?
YES, for 37 years and i would never work in a NON UNION shop. You see, everything that was promised to me when i started has been fulfilled.
Trad, the NBA has a union, the NFL, actors have a union, musicians, writers. They all get paid different amounts. Your claim is not based in reality. If they can't make more then why is Lebron making more than some scrub on the bench?Why did you feel the need to have a middleman negotiating on your behalf?
Did you ever ask for a raise and be told, "We can't give you a raise because of the union wage scale. You'll get a raise when the contract is renegotiated."
I have done quite well for myself without anyone "representing" me. Maybe your work performance requires a third party to get you a raise?
Trad, the NBA has a union, the NFL, actors have a union, musicians, writers. They all get paid different amounts. Your claim is not based in reality. If they can't make more then why is Lebron making more than some scrub on the bench?
i know ive been told, after crosstraining in multiple areas, completely switching to a new position on less than a days training when both people in that position got injured in the same week (and they ended up moving one of those people to a new position when he got bsck because i was that good in that position), took on another duty that had me out of the building travelling out of state once a week to a customer, that they could just not do any better than a .25 raise because they just dont have it (after bragging in their yearly meeting about the increased profits)Did you ever ask for a raise and be told, "We can't give you a raise because of the union wage scale. You'll get a raise when the contract is renegotiated."
Trad, a union contract can be anything the members and company agree on. Any work force can do the same as the NBA. Your claim that contracts prevent performance bonuses is not based in reality.LOL @ "millionaire unions"....
That's a whole different ballgame.
We're talking about truck drivers, here.
i know ive been told, after crosstraining in multiple areas, completely switching to a new position on less than a days training when both people in that position got injured in the same week (and they ended up moving one of those people to a new position when he got bsck because i was that good in that position), took on another duty that had me out of the building travelling out of state once a week to a customer, that they could just not do any better than a .25 raise because they just dont have it (after bragging in their yearly meeting about the increased profits)
All the while they are buying new furniture for the breakroom, spending money on shiny things while neglecting things that would make our jobs easier if fixed.
They ponied up a little more money the following year after a lot of people quit because of those poor raises the previous year.
Trad, a union contract can be anything the members and company agree on. Any work force can do the same as the NBA. Your claim that contracts prevent performance bonuses is not based in reality.
Back when i started working as a machinist, the union shops received better pay, better benefits and received the bigger jobs, more money, You couldn't get a job in any large company unless you joined the union. We also received more schooling as the newer machines came on board, and i knew that we would have paid vacations. I have been retired since 2005 and have been enjoying a nice pension every month since then.
I would have been making more than $13/hr in a union position.And?
Obviously none of that would have happened under a union contract.
But you wouldn't have even been allowed to be crosstrained. Even if you wanted to do that.
Oh, the raise you eventually got wouldn't have happened, either. Because employers can't just give raises under the constraints of a union contract.
Look, I will admit that unions are a good deal for poor performers and slackers. But they're a really bad deal for anyone who wants to do more than they're currently doing.
There are lots of work situations like the NBA. Most artists in unions are covered like this. Musicians, actors, writers, performers, the guy playing piano at your favorite bar, the band playing at a club, your local fiction writer, the performers at your kids school assembly. These are largely all working class people.No, there are very few work situations comparable to the NBA.
only reason i got a raise i did the following is because one of the leads gave management a list of 3 people and told them they better take care of us if they didnt want us to leave.
There are lots of work situations like the NBA. Most artists in unions are covered like this. Musicians, actors, writers, performers, the guy playing piano at your favorite bar, the band playing at a club, your local fiction writer, the performers at your kids school assembly. These are largely all working class people.
This is simply not true. Many union contracts have performance bonuses.So, you got more because you performed.
That doesn't happen under a union contract (NBA excluded).
Trad, you're the one making blanket statements about what unions can and can't do. I'm simply pointing out that there are many times that this isn't true.We're talking about truck drivers. There's nothing artistic about that. Get the shit there on time and don't have any accidents. That's the job.
Only 80.You're old.
Pensions barely exist anywhere today.
Trad, you're the one making blanket statements about what unions can and can't do. I'm simply pointing out that there are many times that this isn't true.
If it was because i performed, i wouldve recieved more the previous year. After that .25 raise, i didnt take on any more special projects or new tasks. I laughed in my managers face when he said he wanted to cross train me in something else, and said “yeah, not after the raise they just handed out with all of the extra stuff i took on” There was no incentive for me to do more than the bare minimum.So, you got more because you performed.
That doesn't happen under a union contract (NBA excluded).
Unions absolutely want performance. If you're not doing your job, showing up late, not fulfilling the requirements of the job, causing accidents, the union won't back you. You're just making up more stuff that doesn't happen in reality.In most situations, unions want wage scale variations based on seniority, not performance.
Because management will decide that the best performers are the anti-union workers.
Unions absolutely want performance. If you're not doing your job, showing up late, not fulfilling the requirements of the job, causing accidents, the union won't back you. You're just making up more stuff that doesn't happen in reality.
Even if you don't join the union in a unionized shop because of right to work laws, you're still stuck with the union contract.
The employer can't pay you more because you're a good worker. You get the same union wage as the biggest slacker on the shop floor.
And that's the truth.
Hmm. I would think if there were tangible benchmarks for certain types of production a company wanted out of its employees and then the employer would want to decide to pay the people who do that more because they're good workers... I wonder if they would be willing to sit down with all the workers and put that down in writing in some type of incentive plan that they all can agree to. And then the workers and employer have like a contract where the expectations are clear for everyone.
That's called a "Job Description" and a "Performance Evaluation" and virtually all but the smallest employers have some version of that.
Maybe you have never actually worked with a union, because if you had, you wouldn't feel the same way.Do a search of what unions brought you. Unions are pure free market. It blows me away that cons oppose them so much.