UPDATE: FBI confirms Trump was struck by Bullet. Why are Posters on here Downplaying the Assassination Attempt by saying Trump didn't get shot?

You’re high again and it ain’t even noon over there.
Remember when you were funny and sharp?

I do.
It doesn’t matter what it was.
He was shot at and injured. Read that slowly and think about it if you can put together the concept…🥃

Can dish it out, but can't take it huh....and actually I wasn't high, just woke up.

And I've told you before I've been stoned ever since I got hurt (and still I did more with less than you) what changed? Dealing with fvcking morons that got duped by a conman (not once, but twice and counting) and can't fvcking own it. If you actually could you'd be pissed at what the right has become. Which makes me think you weren't duped at all, just deep down that you actually hate the fact that you know that's who really you ain't fooling anyone, you will vote for him AGAIN this fall.

Someone take the keyboard away from Grandma, she's being holier than thou on the Internet again.
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All I got is Trumps right ear was on the opposite side of the teleprompter. Seems like an implausible theory to me.
Video i see show the teleprompters being undamaged.
Just sayin
I think there are 2 teleprompters, one on either side of the podium. They were evidently undamaged in retrospect...
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from yesterday's rally in Michigan


The more that comes out about this the more a reasonable person cant unsee that someone with power somewhere (maybe onsite) knew what waa happening.

In order to deny this, crazy theories like Trump didnt get shot by those trying to unsee what they see get believed
I never said there was not an “assassination” attempt you ignorant dioshit…. I just questioned the fact Trumpf was struck bullet (as Trumpf claimed)…apparently, what struck Trumpf had NOT been determined.

LOL....Do you have spell check on your device, dumb ass? You're clearly too stupid & don't even realize it exists.

You, and other members of the the echo chamber that exist on here, clearly have an agenda by discounting what happened during the assassination attempt.
The loon factor is fantastic on this topic.
Fairly undeniable a kid fired shots, pictures show air displacement/bullet near his head, kid got taken out by secret service, trump grabbed his ear, blood covered his face.
Yet some think it was staged.

it truly is amazing
LOL....Do you have spell check on your device, dumb ass? You're clearly too stupid & don't even realize it exists.

You, and other members of the the echo chamber that exist on here, clearly have an agenda by discounting what happened during the assassination attempt.

You're making a great case of being the smartest poster on HBOT. Congrats! I would vote for you in a poll.
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Devils advocate - why is a NY times analysis the final word of law enforcement is still investigating?

I also don’t think it matters a ton, whether it was a bullet or a shard of broken glass FROM a bullet.

Something struck Trump, that’s not really in dispute.

but the downplaying by Democrats is interesting, to say the least
Guess I haven’t seen what they’ve been doing as downplaying anything regarding this.

Just one example:

The blood spatter on his face doesn't look real for the contact.
Trump close allies are WWE peeps who are skilled in the art of the red liquid capsule.
The pillow sized ear pillow is suspicious considering the "reported" facts.
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Just one example:
I’m referring to people in real life not message boards.

Be honest tho - based on everything we’ve ever seen from Trump, would it really surprise you if we learned Trump insisted on an outsized bandage to make it look worse than it really was?
All I am saying is there are questions out there that need to be answered. Its probably nothing but there are legit concerns.
Why? Seriously, why does it matter what in the hell hit his ear? Would it be any different if nothing hit his ear or any other body part? An attempted assassin fired 8 rounds in his a former President (whether you like the POS or not).
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I’m referring to people in real life not message boards.

Be honest tho - based on everything we’ve ever seen from Trump, would it really surprise you if we learned Trump insisted on an outsized bandage to make it look worse than it really was?

I never thought the size of the bandage was outrageous, to be honest

the bandage is covering his ear/the wound with some overlap; not sure what the next size down bandage is....

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Assassination Attempt conspiracy theorists:

Burnie Burns Conspiracy GIF by Rooster Teeth

Until I read otherwise from a reputable source, I'm logging them with:
- Flat Earthers
- Moon Landing was faked
- Sinister Contrails
- 9/11 was an inside job
- 5G hidden in vaccines
- QAnon
- ........
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Here is the original picture blown up, which shows a small amount of smeared blood on the index finger
As all the others posted, this picture does not show a hand "covered" in blood. Perhaps you should spend some time reviewing the definition of covered,


You could probably replace Kimmie Cheatle or at least a new Monk 2024 TV series. 😆 🤣 😂 😹
The glass has been disproven.
The loon factor is fantastic on this topic.
Fairly undeniable a kid fired shots, pictures show air displacement/bullet near his head, kid got taken out by secret service, trump grabbed his ear, blood covered his face.
Yet some think it was staged.
Claiming the shooting was staged is so ridiculous and juvenile. Next thing you know we will have people saying for years that an election was stolen because there were millions of fraudulent votes despite no evidence.
Claiming the shooting was staged is so ridiculous and juvenile. Next thing you know we will have people saying for years that an election was stolen because there were millions of fraudulent votes despite no evidence.
Besides people going to vote and being told the already voted absentee, nursing homes with 100% voting participation, etc, etc.
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