US - Texas Showdown - Who Ya Got?

Nov 28, 2010

"We're not going to interfere with their rights or their privacy," the U.S. Army's Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria tried to reassure Bastrop County, Texas residents at a jam-packed meeting. But most neighbors present wanted nothing to do with Operation Jade Helm 15, a two month military training exercise.

Despite Lastoria's promises to conduct the training exercises "safely and courteously," KXAN news footage shows one resident getting loud applause when he declared:

"Would the court be offended if I told the colonel I don't believe a single word that he just said?"

Apparently, some folks in Basrop County think Jade Helm's some sort of smoke screen for Barack Obama to invade Texas and take their guns....

Texas Governor Greg Abbott is ordering the Texas State Guard to monitor a two-month long U.S. military exercise scheduled to be held in Bastrop County this summer. The move comes amid suspicions from some residents (and the Internet) about the motivations behind the training.

Abbot also tweeted:

I've ordered the Texas State Guard to monitor Jade Helm 15 to safeguard Texans' constitutional rights, private property & civil liberties

- Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) April 28, 2015

Jade Helm 15 involves over 1,200 Special Operations trainees in seven states: Texas, Nevada, California, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. Only 60 of those soldiers are coming to Batsrop County, and the training takes place on private land offered voluntarily and free of charge. Lastoria explained at the town meeting:
I brought this up earlier too. It looks like Texas is thinking like I am - meaning they are nervous too. I am sure there is nothing that would make the war machine CIA and military more happy than to take over Texas while Obama is in office. I am not saying that is for sure going to happen, but something stinks with this.
Thank goodness this is finally happening. Wingnuts promised this would happen from about day three of the BHO presidency. I was beginning to lose faith in Obama not following thru on the take over. I am getting a thrill down my leg just thinking about the coming military action against the people of Texas.
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I brought this up earlier too. It looks like Texas is thinking like I am - meaning they are nervous too. I am sure there is nothing that would make the war machine CIA and military more happy than to take over Texas while Obama is in office. I am not saying that is for sure going to happen, but something stinks with this.
Jesus Keeerist...really? Well then, perhaps you wanna think "the take over" has already occurred....look at all those military bases in Tejas! The troops are already there!! The battle for Tejas is over before it even begins....because Tejas and their pols have whored themselves out for BIG military and BIG oil!
Berries doesn't have a big enough stick to attempt to take guns from anyone, he should be more concerned about what his life is going to be like after he and the tribe need to move out of the White House.
Berries doesn't have a big enough stick to attempt to take guns from anyone, he should be more concerned about what his life is going to be like after he and the tribe need to move out of the White House.
I think Hillary will hook him up with some million dollar speeches. Hes supposed to be good at speech giving and Bill will be busy for a few years.

"We're not going to interfere with their rights or their privacy," the U.S. Army's Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria tried to reassure Bastrop County, Texas residents at a jam-packed meeting. But most neighbors present wanted nothing to do with Operation Jade Helm 15, a two month military training exercise.

Despite Lastoria's promises to conduct the training exercises "safely and courteously," KXAN news footage shows one resident getting loud applause when he declared:

"Would the court be offended if I told the colonel I don't believe a single word that he just said?"

Apparently, some folks in Basrop County think Jade Helm's some sort of smoke screen for Barack Obama to invade Texas and take their guns....

Texas Governor Greg Abbott is ordering the Texas State Guard to monitor a two-month long U.S. military exercise scheduled to be held in Bastrop County this summer. The move comes amid suspicions from some residents (and the Internet) about the motivations behind the training.

Abbot also tweeted:

I've ordered the Texas State Guard to monitor Jade Helm 15 to safeguard Texans' constitutional rights, private property & civil liberties

- Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) April 28, 2015

Jade Helm 15 involves over 1,200 Special Operations trainees in seven states: Texas, Nevada, California, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. Only 60 of those soldiers are coming to Batsrop County, and the training takes place on private land offered voluntarily and free of charge. Lastoria explained at the town meeting:

Other than Austin, why the Hell would anyone want anything in Texas. Dumbass state full of crackpots and idiots. First time I've questioned Obama is this takeover attempt of his.
The only time I've ever been to Texas was around 20 years ago. Hottest damn place I've ever been and no shade anywhere. I wonder how hot it is now after 20 years of global warming.

The only less comfortable place I've been was New Orleans. 100 degrees and 99% humidity at 10AM. Like walking through a sauna.
I brought this up earlier too. It looks like Texas is thinking like I am - meaning they are nervous too. I am sure there is nothing that would make the war machine CIA and military more happy than to take over Texas while Obama is in office. I am not saying that is for sure going to happen, but something stinks with this.
Why not move it a little further south and clean up some drug cartels and ISIS members waiting to come across?
My old unit did Joint Exercises on public and private land in numerous states, TX, KS, MO, IL and UT (to name a few), all while working with local authorities (police, fire, etc) and state/fed authorities, including (gasp) the FBI.

Why the hell didn't we think of trying to take over some of those states and violating peoples rights?
I brought this up earlier too. It looks like Texas is thinking like I am - meaning they are nervous too. I am sure there is nothing that would make the war machine CIA and military more happy than to take over Texas while Obama is in office. I am not saying that is for sure going to happen, but something stinks with this.

LOL. Geezuz. The only thing that stinks are the unused brained in people like you who actually think like that. God, I feel sorry for you.
I think BHO is making a mistake by taking over Texas. Its a waste of time. What he should do is sell Texas to Mexico for a couple million, a case of Patron and 2 soccer players to be named later.

It would be a win win situation for both countries... Well maybe not for Mexico now that I really think about it.

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