Of course that is why they showed up, I posted multiple times on that same thing. By simply "allowing" them to exercise their sacred, important First rights some of the very gracious posters on here want a pat on the back for telling them to do it someplace no one is bothered.....and no one is watching. That is why these types of protests, the ones that make it, let's say, uncomfortable are the important ones.
The end of your second paragraph is the issue, and it may be true, true for the people who are EXACTLY LIKE Tradition, just with an opposing viewpoint. They are both the problem, equally.
The funny part about going 7 pages on THIS SPECIFIC VIDEO is that it appeared to work out just fine for everyone involved, and yet, some (again, Tradition) still want authoritarian discipline invoked at all costs! Hell, look at his rhetoric, calling it a "violent" and "forceful" protest. Come on!
But I like you Dan, you are sensible.