Vote to pick feature match at the Night of Conflict


HB Heisman
Nov 11, 2009
On IA Wrestle we have a poll (it's on the right hand side, just have to scroll down a bit) to vote for the feature match of the dual. There are a couple future Hawks in the dual that could use some help!
I voted Marinelli because he is probably the Iowa recruit i've been most excited to get since I started following Iowa Wrestling in 2009-2010. He is an absolute stud.
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I forgot to mention that the poll should be setup for you to vote once a day.
I've voted 5 times today....
Looks like it does allow you to vote multiple times, however it doesn't count your vote after your first. Surprised the girls are leading, and almost by twice the amount of votes as Teske/Hayes in 2nd.
The second time I voted today, I check the vote count before I voted and it was the same number after I voted. So it only let me vote once today.
Alex is up to #4 now and hawktalk said you can vote once a day come on Hawk fans let's make Alex the top match!
Everyone needs to pick a Hawk and start voting. Hopefully Iowa wrestle will use some executive powers and make sure that girls match isn't the match of the night.
Why not if it has the most votes?
If the point was to make a certain match the feature why have the poll?

It's up to the kids or those around them to come out on top. I'm sure the leaders and/or their folks have passed that link around on social media. Can't passively win this one.
When does the poll close?

At least through all of this week and the next. We haven't decided if we will close it the Friday before or the Monday the week of yet. We are talking it over tonight to make the decision.

The women's vote has been strong, they have led most of the race. The one time Wagner-Renteria passed them within the next 8 hours they had the lead back by a good margin.
So Watters is starting to creep up again. Vote for Alex!
Not sure I see the excitement around that one. Maybe they are campaigning on social media.

Does anyone have a credentials comparison on Marinelli v Hughes and Waters v Becker?
Not sure I see the excitement around that one. Maybe they are campaigning on social media.

Does anyone have a credentials comparison on Marinelli v Hughes and Waters v Becker?

I have not see anything, but they are obviously doing some sort of social media campaign. Watters was a Junior World team member, but I don't think Becker was even an AA at Fargo.

#1 vs #5 is a much better match on paper so Hawk fans need to match their campaign with our own.
When are they shutting the vote down? Just last week the lead was huge and even Jrent v Wagner had a good sized lead for 2nd. I'm speculating here, but I'd say the longer the vote goes the more likely the match most want to see will get over taken by an apparent dedicated group who is pushing a different one.