Voters say Biden Unfit to Serve

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What's shocking is how many people couldn't see this coming. This means they were being fooled by the media talking heads telling them everything was great.

Everyone should question where they get their news from. If you were surprised by bidens performance then you should view some more content outside of the left wing sources.
What's shocking is how many people couldn't see this coming. This means they were being fooled by the media talking heads telling them everything was great.

Everyone should question where they get their news from. If you were surprised by bidens performance then you should view some more content outside of the left wing sources.
I wasn't bamboozled but I didn't realize the extent. I knew some who told me that he was basically mentally absent at the g7 summit. He's in really rough shape. It's elder abuse. At at minimum, if his physician has any balls, he should get Joe on Eli Lily's new Alzheimer's drug. In people that it has worked in, it has shown amazing results. Nothing to be ashamed about. Biden is a human being who has devoted his life to service. He should get the therapy, like yesterday. What his wife and handlers are doing is elder abuse and wrong.
Bernie says Vote Biden. Malfunctioning?
Bernie has been manipulated to tow the party line in public. In private, democrats are scared of this shit show. Donors are pulling out and furious at this subturfuge. This isn't going away. It will grow bigger and bigger where there's a full mutiny of democratic supporters except you and Tom.
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Bernie has been manipulated to tow the party line in public. In private, democrats are scared of this shit show. Donors are pulling out and furious at this subturfuge. This isn't going away. It will grow bigger and bigger where there's a full mutiny of democratic supporters except you and Tom.
Lol. You sound like a MAGA at this point.
I wasn't bamboozled but I didn't realize the extent. I knew some who told me that he was basically mentally absent at the g7 summit. He's in really rough shape. It's elder abuse. At at minimum, if his physician has any balls, he should get Joe on Eli Lily's new Alzheimer's drug. In people that it has worked in, it has shown amazing results. Nothing to be ashamed about. Biden is a human being who has devoted his life to service. He should get the therapy, like yesterday. What his wife and handlers are doing is elder abuse and wrong.
The guy is 81, he is doing pretty well for himself as a grandpa, not so much as the current president and presidential candidate.

People get old and as you get old you develop health conditions. Most people his age have been retired for 15 years and can just take a nap when their tired.

I think putting biden out there reflects very poorly on the democrat party. They have put their own agenda ahead of the country and ahead of Joe the person. You could argue the same with putting trump out there at his age, but at least he is mentally with it.
No man. This is an existential issue. It's too bad you don't see it as such. If Biden stays, you get Trump. Period. Do you not see that?
Actually it's the opposite, I've looked into, read the facts and details and you are wrong. So, get with it. I don't care who you vote for in the Presidential election in Iowa but I hope you vote for the right candidates locally and for US House.
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The guy is 81, he is doing pretty well for himself as a grandpa, not so much as the current president and future presidential candidate.

People get old and as you get old you develop health conditions. Most people his age have been retired for 15 years and can just take a nap when their tired.

I think putting biden out there reflects very poorly on the democrat party. They have put their own agenda ahead of the country and ahead of Joe the person. You could argue the same with putting trump out there at his age, but at least he is mentally with it.
I take care of some elderly and I know what you mean. It's amazing to me that democrats throw me under the bus when the problem is plain as day. Bizarre. Even though he loves to quote twitter, he conveniently isn't posting the democratic rage about Biden staying in the race. Even the huffingtonpost wants him gone. Why even have an election any more?
Actually it's the opposite, I've looked into, read the facts and details and you are wrong. So, get with it. I don't care who you vote for in the Presidential election in Iowa but I hope you vote for the right candidates locally and for US House.
I ain't voting for Christina. I know her personally and I puke at the shit she's pulled.
I take care of some elderly and I know what you mean. It's amazing to me that democrats throw me under the bus when the problem is plain as day. Bizarre. Even though he loves to quote twitter, he conveniently isn't posting the democratic rage about Biden staying in the race. Even the huffingtonpost wants him gone. Why even have an election any more?
The problem is the Republican Party has enabled a literal terrorist. The Biden Administration has done great but you've succomed to the fear.
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I take care of some elderly and I know what you mean. It's amazing to me that democrats throw me under the bus when the problem is plain as day. Bizarre. Even though he loves to quote twitter, he conveniently isn't posting the democratic rage about Biden staying in the race. Even the huffingtonpost wants him gone. Why even have an election any more?
I can feel the dems turning on you. You're going to be a republican by the end of July.😉

I think this whole situation will change how people view elections going forward. I hope people get more politically active. I hope this will bring forward better candidates in the future.
I can feel the dems turning on you. You're going to be a republican by the end of July.😉

I think this whole situation will change how people view elections going forward. I hope people get more politically active. I hope this will bring forward better candidates in the future.
Joe did say Indian Americans are only capable of being clerks at 7/11 convenience stores. The dems don't have a moral high ground per se. Pretty sad considering Indian Americans run most of the high tech in the US, especially in biotech and silicon Valley. Maybe he was cognitively impaired back then too 🤔
Joe did say Indian Americans are only capable of being clerks at 7/11 convenience stores. The dems don't have a moral high ground per se. Pretty sad considering Indian Americans run most of the high tech in the US, especially in biotech and silicon Valley. Maybe he was cognitively impaired back then too 🤔
You're back to our talks in 2019 and before. Sad. I expected better. Be Best
You vote for the successful administration over a Fascist takeover. But do you.
I'll stop here but remember this. I've actually dealt with politicians in both parties. Face to face. I used to lobby for a well known association. I can tell you to your face that there are aholes in both parties. Some of my best friends are conservative Republicans and they are good people. Some people I detest claim to be democrats. Don't paint with a broad brush. If you don't think Biden should step aside, what can I tell you? This thing has become a farce. I seriously hope he lives to see November.
I'll stop here but remember this. I've actually dealt with politicians in both parties. Face to face. I used to lobby for a well known association. I can tell you to your face that there are aholes in both parties. Some of my best friends are conservative Republicans and they are good people. Some people I detest claim to be democrats. Don't paint with a broad brush. If you don't think Biden should step aside, what can I tell you? This thing has become a farce. I seriously hope he lives to see November.
It's July in an election year it isn't plausible brother. My Goodness
You vote for the successful administration over a Fascist takeover. But do you.
I'll stop here but remember this. I've actually dealt with politicians in both parties. Face to face. I used to lobby for a well known association. I can tell you to your face that there are aholes in both parties. Some of my best friends are conservative Republicans and they are good people. Some people I detest claim to be democrats. Don't paint with a broad brush. If you don't think Biden should step aside, what can I tell you? This thing has become a farce. I seriously hope he lives to see November
It's July in an election year it isn't plausible brother. My Goodness
The only thing we disagree with is that there's still time. It's not too late.
I'll stop here but remember this. I've actually dealt with politicians in both parties. Face to face. I used to lobby for a well known association. I can tell you to your face that there are aholes in both parties. Some of my best friends are conservative Republicans and they are good people. Some people I detest claim to be democrats. Don't paint with a broad brush. If you don't think Biden should step aside, what can I tell you? This thing has become a farce. I seriously hope he lives to see November

The only thing we disagree with is that there's still time. It's not too late.
The last time this happened was 1968 how did that go? The MAGA joke doesn't care Trump is a Terrorist. Focus on that and why we must win, the Biden administration has been the most legislatively effective since the 1960s. Hats off Cadaver.
The last time this happened was 1968 how did that go? The MAGA joke doesn't care Trump is a Terrorist. Focus on that and why we must win, the Biden administration has been the most legislatively effective since the 1960s. Hats off Cadaver.
That's generations ago. What relevance does it have for today?
That's generations ago. What relevance does it have for today?
It's the only time you people freaking out and calling for has occurred. It failed spectacularly. LBJ resigned over Vietnam and the shit show he was in and bring on Nixon. Trump's idol. Ironic indeed.

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