
Not true, Wadley only has one career receiving TD.

Maybe you should do some research before you run your mouth. Wadley had a receiving TD last year in the Rose Bowl and earlier this year against Iowa State. Last time I checked 2 > 1.
Ferentz never compliments Wadley. He makes snarkey comments about players he does not care for IMO.

But yet people think KF doesn't talk more because people can't handle his responses.. NOPE! He rarely ever gets asked very tough questions anyway then he gives snide remarks about some players.. Like he almost wishes they did bad! It's like he has biological kids on the team then the foster step kids.. Lol what a guy..
Similar to when he was happy and relieved that KMM did not break Nile Kinnicks return record a few years ago. Pretty much explains why he never has and never will have the killer instinct to succeed.

Yeah that kind of stuff I just don't get... Like KMM wasn't a great Hawk or didn't deserve to break a record after playing hard and working hard..
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It was..Kirk with a quick wit smart a$$ remark at the young mans expense.. basically saying he would be happier with him being over 190lbs than over 170 yards rushing.. I get it but couldn't he have found something different to say about him than that?? Wtf ?!?! Kid had a good day and Kirk adds in a little jab to him being a light weight... I guess if Brandon Snyder and Bo Bower fit his size and weight standards they can miss tackles and take poor angles and get out ran with out the zingers by good ole coach..

Are you serious? I read the quote before seeing this post and read his comments completely the opposite. Seems like he wants him to get to 190 lbs., so??? He gives him some good natured grief as the kid can never keep weight on.

AW seems like a great kid and teammate. I don't know why anyone thinks KF would be talking down about him.
Are you serious? I read the quote before seeing this post and read his comments completely the opposite. Seems like he wants him to get to 190 lbs., so??? He gives him some good natured grief as the kid can never keep weight on.

AW seems like a great kid and teammate. I don't know why anyone thinks KF would be talking down about him.

Yep, I thought about it and I'm pretty serious.. Just think of all the things you could say there then to go with the "light natured" ribbing was off to me.. Didn't like it..
Nah that's not the case all.. But you know what? He actually could have kept his mouth shut if that kinda stuff is gonna come out of it thou.. Just talk about the play calling or lack there of or how well the line blocked instead of little guy jokes about the little guy with big yards on little carries! Those kinda comments my sit well with some but I don't care for them.. Thanks
Seriously, you don't understand the kirk was trying to say that if he weighed 190 pounds he would be happier because he could give him the ball more?
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Seriously, you don't understand the kirk was trying to say that if he weighed 190 pounds he would be happier because he could give him the ball more?
Sure he would.

He's had INSURMOUNTABLE evidence for at least 2 years now that maybe, just maybe Akrum Wadley should get the ball more. Let's see............ he's faster, he hits the hole harder, he breaks more tackles, he doesn't get caught from behind, he's a better receiver, he doesn't fumble, so apparently he comes out of every game barely being able to breathe, what with being so fragile and all.

If Wadley got over 1/2 of Daniels carries he'd absolutely blow Daniels numbers out of the water (you watch the holes that Daniels has on his long runs, and try to tell me Wadley doesn't score on the majority of them - he does). Daniels is a good complimentary back, and a fine player in his own right. Wadley is a game-changer. Big difference.

But I only get to watch Wadley in games, to compare him to the rest of our running backs. He's so far ahead of everybody else in games it's scary, so he must be a piss-poor practice player......................................
Seriously, you don't understand the kirk was trying to say that if he weighed 190 pounds he would be happier because he could give him the ball more?

I get it, I wish Bo was faster, I wish Brandon took better angels to go along with some of his big hits.. But as the coach I wouldn't joke to media about it.. That's all.. AW has probably worked just as hard as anyone on the team to do the things the coaches have asked him to do,hasn't coughed it up, got to 180.. Maybe he'll get up there and we can all be happier..
I think it's pretty obvious how KF feels about his players. When reporters ask him questions about his favorites, he gushes. When they ask him questions about certain players, he's snarky or dismissive of their accomplishments. I don't have a problem with it, personally. As I got used to it a long time ago. The same with his stubbornness.
Wadley will be a leader of the football team next year and a good one
I agree, but will the powers that be allow him to be a captain? He should be, as he has shown through his actions that he does what the coaching staff ask of him and he isn't afraid to show some swag out there. The swag part might deny him being a captain though.
Kirk might say nice things about struggling players to build up their confidence, and he might make comments about what his best players could improve in order to motivate them to not get complacent, as many coaches do.

Or, he might do this because he plays favorites and doesn't like to see some players succeed, just to be an asshole.

Everyone should ask themselves which explanation seems more likely.
I don't care what Kirk says, to the media, to his Wife, to his Kids, as long as he's playing his best Football players at all times. Everyone can decide for themselves how he does in that category...........
Sure he would.

He's had INSURMOUNTABLE evidence for at least 2 years now that maybe, just maybe Akrum Wadley should get the ball more. Let's see............ he's faster, he hits the hole harder, he breaks more tackles, he doesn't get caught from behind, he's a better receiver, he doesn't fumble, so apparently he comes out of every game barely being able to breathe, what with being so fragile and all.

If Wadley got over 1/2 of Daniels carries he'd absolutely blow Daniels numbers out of the water (you watch the holes that Daniels has on his long runs, and try to tell me Wadley doesn't score on the majority of them - he does). Daniels is a good complimentary back, and a fine player in his own right. Wadley is a game-changer. Big difference.

But I only get to watch Wadley in games, to compare him to the rest of our running backs. He's so far ahead of everybody else in games it's scary, so he must be a piss-poor practice player......................................
You realize we had Canzeri last year? You realize Wadley hurt his knee earlier in the year? I think everyone knows Wadley is the better runner, and I think KF is just saying he wishes he weighed a bit more to be able to take some of this punishment. We've also been running two RB's every year since I can remember, it's KF's thing. Jesus, this board will bitch about anything.
I don't care what Kirk says, to the media, to his Wife, to his Kids, as long as he's playing his best Football players at all times. Everyone can decide for themselves how he does in that category...........

Well the other stuffs erks even more when we all know he hasn't done that..
Ferentz never compliments Wadley. He makes snarkey comments about players he does not care for IMO.
That's because Kirk Ferentz is an arrogant prick. Take a look at his son, Brian. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Best back in the B1G? C'mon...

Uhhhh, yea, and I stand by that. Some of his smaller runs are the most impressive with his ability to cut and stop/start. Yes, I think he could start on ALL B1G teams........Of course, this is just my opinion. However, I can't stress enough that Akrum's ability to stop/start, vision, break tackles and breakaway speed are rare.........Plus, he runs bigger than his weight........Again, just my opinion.......
Sure he would.

He's had INSURMOUNTABLE evidence for at least 2 years now that maybe, just maybe Akrum Wadley should get the ball more. Let's see............ he's faster, he hits the hole harder, he breaks more tackles, he doesn't get caught from behind, he's a better receiver, he doesn't fumble, so apparently he comes out of every game barely being able to breathe, what with being so fragile and all.

If Wadley got over 1/2 of Daniels carries he'd absolutely blow Daniels numbers out of the water (you watch the holes that Daniels has on his long runs, and try to tell me Wadley doesn't score on the majority of them - he does). Daniels is a good complimentary back, and a fine player in his own right. Wadley is a game-changer. Big difference.

But I only get to watch Wadley in games, to compare him to the rest of our running backs. He's so far ahead of everybody else in games it's scary, so he must be a piss-poor practice player......................................

Wadley is a very talented and special type RB but I don't think he should get more than 15-20 carries at his size. He's not a workhorse type RB. There's too much risk of injury at his size and he might lose his burst if he gets too many carries. I think we should be trying to get around 40 carries a game (as a goal) so that means Daniels should get a lot of carries. LD is built to get a lot of carries and he's a very good RB also.
Hell, it looked like Wadley was a bit beat up late in the game Saturday. Careful what you wish for...

Wadley at 20-25 carries and Daniels at 5 to 10 is less overall effective than a roughly equal split imho. The only change I would suggest is to make sure Wadley is in on every series. If I recall, NDSU, every drive Wadley didn't get a touch produced exactly 1 first down the entire game.

The other 3 drives he got touches, all TD's.

Gotta mix them up, but equally...
Uhhhh, yea, and I stand by that. Some of his smaller runs are the most impressive with his ability to cut and stop/start. Yes, I think he could start on ALL B1G teams........Of course, this is just my opinion. However, I can't stress enough that Akrum's ability to stop/start, vision, break tackles and breakaway speed are rare.........Plus, he runs bigger than his weight........Again, just my opinion.......
It's a good thing you aren't a B1G coach then. You'd be Hazell'd right about now.
Uhhhh, yea, and I stand by that. Some of his smaller runs are the most impressive with his ability to cut and stop/start. Yes, I think he could start on ALL B1G teams........Of course, this is just my opinion. However, I can't stress enough that Akrum's ability to stop/start, vision, break tackles and breakaway speed are rare.........Plus, he runs bigger than his weight........Again, just my opinion.......
Hell, it looked like Wadley was a bit beat up late in the game Saturday. Careful what you wish for...

Wadley at 20-25 carries and Daniels at 5 to 10 is less overall effective than a roughly equal split imho. The only change I would suggest is to make sure Wadley is in on every series. If I recall, NDSU, every drive Wadley didn't get a touch produced exactly 1 first down the entire game.

The other 3 drives he got touches, all TD's.

Gotta mix them up, but equally...
If you mean "beat up" as in a little tired after averaging 12+ yards a carry and romping all over the Field, then I MIGHT agree with you.

Wadley is our best back and it's not remotely close to a contest. People have eyes, those that also have brains have come to this conclusion long ago.

Everyone always wants to speculate how "beat up" poor little Akrum Wadley is going to be IF he ever gets the amount of carries he deserves, they want to see a twisted ankle or a limp when there isn't one. The guy makes plays, and the more opportunities he has to do so, the more he'll make. Simple concept. That's what the playmakers do.

If the idea is to keep the "little guys" from getting hurt, instead of winning Football Games, then I suppose we should pay our collective Coaching Staff a LOT less money, because the former is far easier to do than the latter.

If we'd won all of our games and looked great doing it, then this isn't an issue. That is clearly not the case.
Wadley, Mitchell and Parker all should be used more.. That's not rocket science.. Rather it'd be split out or in the slot or wildcat, screens or decoy.. The only thing about all that is that we don't do any of that with our most talented most skilled players,matter of fact we don't do that kind of stuff at all with any player.. We've all seen flashes of great skill and athletic ability from all of them but yet no use.. Just don't get why?? I figured when KF put a FB at TB he was about to get ready to mix things up!
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It is sad that there is such a large amount of Hawk fans that are bigger Kirk fans than Iowa fans.
It's sadder that a contingent amount of our fans are so set to scrutinize anything he does, especially a strategy that netted us 326 yards of rushing between our RB's in three quarters! Don't underestimate the toll it takes on a defense tackling Daniels all game.
It's sadder that a contingent amount of our fans are so set to scrutinize anything he does, especially a strategy that netted us 326 yards of rushing between our RB's in three quarters! Don't underestimate the toll it takes on a defense tackling Daniels all game.
You sound like a big Purdue fan lol.
There are some serious pussies on this board regarding any comment KF makes about a player.

His point about Wadley is valid, he is using him wisely. And if he all of a sudden ran him for 25 carries and he got hurt, the same pussies would piss and moan the other way.
lol. Wadley averages what he does because he only runs that many times a game. He doesn't have the body to pound it 25 times a game and Leshun does. If wadley weighed more he could get the rock more, hence kirks funny comment about him being happy if wadley gains some weight. I don't seriously believe any of you are that oblivious to think it was a negative comment... if you are I'm sorry for you and get out once and awhile
And people wonder why KF doesn't say anything at press conf. Because fans can't handle it
Freaken A. Bunch of thin skinned women looking for anything to gripe about. Some must not hang out with a posse. We always crack on each other, all in good fun.
Lou Holtz once said (paraphrasing)...

My first year at Notre Dame, we went 6-5, lost the games by a total of 19 points. The fans said Mr. Holtz, you just don't understand, we here at Notre Dame want to win ALL the games.

The next year, Notre Dame win the national championship. Those same fans then said, I'm sorry Mr. Holtz, you still don't understand - you're just not very smart, we want you to win all the games BIG.

I'm not defending Ferentz so much as railing against the irrationality of the haters. The guy will never ever do enough to satisfy them. It's almost like they think Ferentz has shot their dog or beat their kid. It's personal.

It's laughable. And very, very sad. Such a pathetic life they must lead, being miserable in life because of a goddam football coach.
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