
I can’t say whether these allegations are accurate, but it does seem odd that the family tried to get the younger brother a scholarship. But it also seems odd to me that Wadley’s pro career never found any footing.
Probably because he was small and fumbled the ball too much. He was a third down back at best in the NFL. Running backs are a dime a dozen in the NFL.
Probably because he was small and fumbled the ball too much. He was a third down back at best in the NFL. Running backs are a dime a dozen in the NFL.
Melvin Gordon, Todd Gurley and Dalvin Cook are all Pro-Bowl caliber backs, 100X the players Wadley could ever dream of being, and in today’s NFL even those guys are having trouble getting “paid”.

Wadley is DJK 2.0.
I can’t say whether these allegations are accurate, but it does seem odd that the family tried to get the younger brother a scholarship. But it also seems odd to me that Wadley’s pro career never found any footing.

These conspiracy theories that Kirk Ferentz has sooooooooo much damn pull with NFL GMs that he can ruin NFL careers is absolutely laughable. Is he respected? Yes. Is his word so powerful that 30+ GMs, many of whom have never worked with or maybe even met him, bow down to his secret orders to not give players a chance? Absurd. Remember, Michael Vick was given a second chance after serving time for dogfighting for crying out loud. DJK and Wadley not cutting it in the league is 100% because they weren't good enough.
Probably because he was small and fumbled the ball too much. He was a third down back at best in the NFL. Running backs are a dime a dozen in the NFL.
Not saying you’re wrong, but maybe the football program didn’t do much to help, as well.
Not saying you’re wrong, but maybe the football program didn’t do much to help, as well.
Maybe and most likely they did. His bs about vomiting is pure shit. I’m sure he was given a plan to do it the right way and he chose not to follow it. Drinking weight before a weigh in will attest to that.
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These conspiracy theories that Kirk Ferentz has sooooooooo much damn pull with NFL GMs that he can ruin NFL careers is absolutely laughable. Is he respected? Yes. Is his word so powerful that 30+ GMs, many of whom have never worked with or maybe even met him, bow down to his secret orders to not give players a chance? Absurd. Remember, Michael Vick was given a second chance after serving time for dogfighting for crying out loud. DJK and Wadley not cutting it in the league is 100% because they weren't good enough.
Don’t put words in my mouth. Coaches have pull, both positively and negatively. Just saying that it could be a possibility that the program didn’t go to bat for him...and that wouldn’t be the first and won’t be the last time. Completely agree that players need to take advantage of their opportunities, too.
Perhaps I am out of touch, being 48 yrs old and living a majority of my life in the predominantly white Des Moines area, but we were diverse enough to have hispanic, african american and asian kids as teammates growing up. When involved in sports, coaches were HARD on all players and race was never deemed a factor in my eyes. If you screwed up, you got yelled at. You were called slang words for being physically weak or weak minded.
I don't want to paint this situation with a broad brush, but how many Iowa players (White) were talked to in a similar manner and never gave it a 2nd thought?
Some of these kids should be forced to watch the first 5 minutes of Full Metal Jacket to know what tough treatment is all about.
Probably a good thing they didn't go in the military. That will be next I guess. Hey Mr. Drill Sargeant, you can't talk to me like that.....:rolleyes:
Maybe and most likely they did. His bs about vomiting is pure shit. I’m sure he was given a plan to do it the right way and he chose not to follow it. Drinking weight before a weigh in will attest to that.

Why was he chugging energy drinks? I don’t get the point of that, was it supposed to be protein drinks?
Not saying you’re wrong, but maybe the football program didn’t do much to help, as well.
And just what extra help did they deserve? You make your own bed. In retrospect do you really think that KF should have gone to any extra length for Wadley, or DJK, especially after he had to boot him his senior year? Really??
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Here are the texts messages.

Between Coach White and Akrum. After the bye with after Illinois game. Iowa was 4-2 after the game. (White left Iowa in Jan 2017)

White and Wadley were two peas in a pod. White screwed up big-time here.
He wanted water weight because he wasn’t following the plan he was given. So much like a paper test he chose to cheat rather than learn the material. That shit catches up with you sooner or later.

Why not just drink water instead of energy drinks? Not expecting you to know but it just seems like a much easier way to do it than pounding a bunch of preworkout.
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And just what extra help did they deserve? You make your own bed. In retrospect do you really think that KF should have gone to any extra length for Wadley, or DJK, especially after he had to boot him his senior year? Really??
Again, don’t put words in my mouth. I never brought up DJK, every situation is unique, so I don’t think you can pair them together. As I said earlier, I can’t tell if what Wadley is saying true. I also don’t have blinders on and think that KF can do no wrong.
Well so much for those of you thinking sacrificing Doyle would sufficiently appease the mob.

We knew that this shoe was waiting to drop. This PR Guy put out a video a week or so ago to let everyone know. The real question is will there be anything new and will it be refuted? I know nothing of this Robert T Green, but so far he just looks to be trying to get attention as I have not seen him actually do any interviews and take any questions. He is slowly releasing stories via the internet.
Why not just drink water instead of energy drinks? Not expecting you to know but it just seems like a much easier way to do it than pounding a bunch of preworkout.
I’ve played with guys that don’t drink water there has to be some taste to it.
This may be a real shock to some but not everyone on the team likes everyone on the team. Not everyone on the team likes the coaches either.
So the guy is wearing a mask and hes asked if he going to rob a store?
He couldnt tell that was supposed to be a joke???

It was a wool hat...not a mask. Stop the misinformation...
We knew that this shoe was waiting to drop. This PR Guy put out a video a week or so ago to let everyone know. The real question is will there be anything new and will it be refuted? I know nothing of this Robert T Green, but so far he just looks to be trying to get attention as I have not seen him actually do any interviews and take any questions. He is slowly releasing stories via the internet.
He has an end game that involves $$. That you can be assured.
I'm going to call this 99% bullshit. There is no way a coach tells the entire O-Line to intentionally injure a player and no one reports it, let alone that the team would actually follow this guidance. And I'm going to guess that Spearman is likely represented by the same PR firm.
Maybe he should have toned down the weekends? Oh woe is me, I had to eat so that I could play D1 football and get a shot at the NFL....:oops:

He says he turned to alcohol to cope but it sounds like he's just one of a number of college students who struggled with alcoholism and now wants to blame the university and coaches for his problems instead of accepting personal responsibility. I've known many alcoholics in my life and everything is always somebody else's fault.
He says he turned to alcohol to cope but it sounds like he's just one of a number of college students who struggled with alcoholism and now wants to blame the university and coaches for his problems instead of accepting personal responsibility. I've known many alcoholics in my life and everything is always somebody else's fault.

This is like 75% of college students. Who the hell did not drink (to excess regularly) in college? Thankfully no camera phones back in the day.
A wild weekend where you lose weight? You don't lose weight on a beer, pot, and pizza weekend.

So, that leaves a couple other options...
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Not saying you’re wrong, but maybe the football program didn’t do much to help, as well.
If I remember correctly, Wadley himself said he didn't follow the nutrition guidelines the first 2-3 years he was there. Now, some guys really struggle to put on weight and his body type might very well be one. If a player is not going to do what is needed to add weight to benefit himself and the team, I would have a hard time trusting the player in a game.
If I remember correctly, Wadley himself said he didn't follow the nutrition guidelines the first 2-3 years he was there. Now, some guys really struggle to put on weight and his body type might very well be one. If a player is not going to do what is needed to add weight to benefit himself and the team, I would have a hard time trusting the player in a game.
I agree with your premise, but he obviously got to a point where he was trusted enough to gain 2,800 rushing yards, score 28 touchdowns and be named 3rd team all conference.
Does someone have the hard evidence the family was recently pushing to get a schollie at Iowa for the younger Wadley?