Yah he said that...and btw he used to answer half of questions about CJB with a Rudock reference...yes AW has fumbled and at a rate i'd be nervous about...but a few three-and-outs due to using guys who aren't effective is bad as a fumble imo...
JFC still at it?
BTW, listen to Wadley ' s post game interview. He admits ball security (and weight) is a problem for him and he needs to build trust and this is one step in that direction.
That should end this thread. Ball security IS an issue and had always been an issue. Straight from Wadley and from KF.
SAB???in some pictures his grip is fine...others not so much. Looks like he has small hands. At least he is holding it up into his body most of the time.
I said a few three-and-outs...our Offense last year, year before, any year where Bullock was #2 guy, etc...gonna edit and add some things...Its not like KF is trotting Sam Brownlee out there ahead of Wadley. Daniels, Canzeri, and Mitchell are all quality backs and have been effective. And a fumble will cost you 30-50 yards of field position versus punting the ball away. I would say a fumble is absolutely worse than a 3 and out.
Your showing an amazing amount of restraint trying not to show your hatred of KF. yeesh.
@hawkeyegamefilm: @wa1974 @gazettedotcom yeah a 1.42 10y split is crazy fast, CJ2K's 4.24 40 was 1.40, which is tops in modern combine era
You know, I have always respected KF for the job he did at Iowa, but I have to admit, I was wanting him gone after last season. If Iowa doesn't have a Northwestern type collapse, I want him back for next season. As much as I was tired of the old Kirk, I have to say I love the new Kirk.
If I have to explain the new Kirk vs the old Kirk, then your not paying attention to Hawkeye football. Tell you what, watch BTN Live, maybe they can explain it so you can understand since they have been talking about the "New Kirk" since the Illinois State game. It's on every night, several times so I am sure you can find a time convenient for you. BTW, I prefer your old Kirk to the new Star Trek Kirk.
Your right, I guess I was hallucinating the fake field goals, deep passes, going for it on fourth down, Raider packages, blitzing. I must also have been misinformed about them changing practice times and days. Same old Kirk I guessIt's something they made up for ratings and to attempt to explain how they could be so wrong about this Iowa team. All the players, coaches, and anyone close to the program has said and will say there is no newkirk. If you listen to BF's interview, he alludes to the fact that the only thing his father has changed is the way he wants the press and the public (fans) to perceive him. The way he came across sometimes last year was 'not him' as his son pointed out. As far as coaching they ALL say nothing has really changed except getting back to the basics.