Wait... (Tim Scott)


HR Heisman
Mar 22, 2007
Fourmile Creek
In an ad he's running, Tim Scott claims that his mother working 16 hours a day while raising him in poverty is proof that the American system is working. WTF? A flavor of capitalism (or any economic system) that allows people to be poor while working 16 hours a day is either (a) not functioning properly, or (b) designed to enrich a few at the expense of many others. I guess it's an accurate depiction of how our economy works, but if this philosophy wins elections, then this is just more evidence of how far we've gone through the looking glass.
In an ad he's running, Tim Scott claims that his mother working 16 hours a day while raising him in poverty is proof that the American system is working. WTF? A flavor of capitalism (or any economic system) that allows people to be poor while working 16 hours a day is either (a) not functioning properly, or (b) designed to enrich a few at the expense of many others. I guess it's an accurate depiction of how our economy works, but if this philosophy wins elections, then this is just more evidence of how far we've gone through the looking glass.
That is the most uneducated interpretation of the capitalistic system I've ever heard. Where in the world are you promised that if you work long hours you will be rich? I'm guessing Mr. Scott was saying his mother worked hard to provide for her children so her children could have a better life and it appears it worked out that way.

If you clean apartments for 16 hours a day you likely will not get rich, is that a surprise to you? Here, write this down in case you forget, some jobs pay better than others and there are never guarantees in life.
That is the most uneducated interpretation of the capitalistic system I've ever heard. Where in the world are you promised that if you work long hours you will be rich? I'm guessing Mr. Scott was saying his mother worked hard to provide for her children so her children could have a better life and it appears it worked out that way.

If you clean apartments for 16 hours a day you likely will not get rich, is that a surprise to you? Here, write this down in case you forget, some jobs pay better than others and there are never guarantees in life.
Agreed. Capitalism is so cool you only have to work 16 hours a day to function under it and it's motto is, "No guarantees."
Oh, and by the way, I spent a significant amount of time in Russia in the 90's. Let me tell you, socialism provides NOTHING to it's citizens. I knew people working all day long only to live in squalor and they were paid not in money but in rice, yes, rice. (I'm sure you won't believe that because you have all the answers) When I asked a teacher I knew, why she continued to go to work without being paid, her response was, "because if I quit, they will give my job to someone else." Socialism is the lie that liberals have convinced themselves is great. Move to Cuba or Russia or North Korea, Venezuela and then tell me how great it is.
That is the most uneducated interpretation of the capitalistic system I've ever heard. Where in the world are you promised that if you work long hours you will be rich? I'm guessing Mr. Scott was saying his mother worked hard to provide for her children so her children could have a better life and it appears it worked out that way.

If you clean apartments for 16 hours a day you likely will not get rich, is that a surprise to you? Here, write this down in case you forget, some jobs pay better than others and there are never guarantees in life.
Nice strawman. You didn't hear the interpretation of the capitalistic system that you just described from me. Never did I write that working 16 hours promises riches. I'm merely saying that, in my opinion, anyone working 16 hours a day should not be poor. An economy should serve society, not the other way around.
Agreed. Capitalism is so cool you only have to work 16 hours a day to function under it and it's motto is, "No guarantees."
If you work out everyday and eat right, are you guaranteed you will not die young of cancer? If you take care of your car, change the oil every 3,000 miles and get all necessary maintenance, are you guaranteed it won't break down? If you work hard, long hours and do extra work, are you guaranteed the raise and promotion won't go to someone else.

News flash, nothing in life is guaranteed.
Nice strawman. You didn't hear the interpretation of the capitalistic system that you just described from me. Never did I write that working 16 hours promises riches. I'm merely saying that, in my opinion, anyone working 16 hours a day should not be poor. An economy should serve society, not the other way around.
Maybe she was poor because of decisions she made? Maybe she had too many children and had to work that many hours to feed and house them? Maybe her financial situation was due her own choices? Life is what life is.
If you work out everyday and eat right, are you guaranteed you will not die young of cancer? If you take care of your car, change the oil every 3,000 miles and get all necessary maintenance, are you guaranteed it won't break down? If you work hard, long hours and do extra work, are you guaranteed the raise and promotion won't go to someone else.

News flash, nothing in life is guaranteed.
Wait so if I shoot baskets for 12 hours a day and exercise for 4 hours a day, I’m not guaranteed a spot in the NBA? I don’t understand?!?

We should totally reward the guy who works only 8 hours a day or not at all the same as the guy who works 16 hours a day!!! In the end we should all be equally miserable and we can call it equity.
I don’t understand why these arguments always turn into socialism vs capitalism like it’s an either-or thing.

Turns out you can have a mix of both….a lot of European countries do it. Heck we do too to some extent, just not as much as them.

I basically want some more guard rails and support nets put into our current system that’s all…I’m not saying no one should have to work, or the government should make all economic decisions…
Only in America can you come from a single family home with your mom working doubles to being a presidential candidate!
Yep. Only in America can a mother work every waking hour of her life on the 0.00000000% chance that her kid might be able to run for President only to get smoked by the kid who got it all handed to him by his dad Fred.
Yep. Only in America can a mother work every waking hour of her life on the 0.00000000% chance that her kid might be able to run for President only to get smoked by the kid who got it all handed to him by his dad Fred.
You missed the 1 on the end, it can’t be 0 if it’s happening. The odds aren’t high but they aren’t 0. Murica.
Wait so if I shoot baskets for 12 hours a day and exercise for 4 hours a day, I’m not guaranteed a spot in the NBA? I don’t understand?!?

We should totally reward the guy who works only 8 hours a day or not at all the same as the guy who works 16 hours a day!!! In the end we should all be equally miserable and we can call it equity.
Another strawman. No one, and certainly not me, is making the argument that you are seemingly trying to counter.

16 hour days should at the very least keep you out of poverty, and probably should allow a level of comfort.

Socialism is not always, and often is not Communism.

People going bankrupt due to getting sick is fine reason why people might have problem with our over capitalistic system.

There is a balance. Our scale is clearly tilted far too much towards capitalism.
Wages haven’t kept up with inflation, but rising wages would/will spur more inflation. Technology was supposed to lower the cost of goods by lowering costs and manpower, but all we’ve gotten is stuff that costs much more and doesn’t hold up. (The old they don’t make ‘em like they used to).
That is the most uneducated interpretation of the capitalistic system I've ever heard. Where in the world are you promised that if you work long hours you will be rich? I'm guessing Mr. Scott was saying his mother worked hard to provide for her children so her children could have a better life and it appears it worked out that way.

If you clean apartments for 16 hours a day you likely will not get rich, is that a surprise to you? Here, write this down in case you forget, some jobs pay better than others and there are never guarantees in life.
If only there were some middle ground between poor and rich.
Lol 90s Russia was the product of privatizing industry overnight. Russia is so much more stable now that communism is gone
That is the most uneducated interpretation of the capitalistic system I've ever heard. Where in the world are you promised that if you work long hours you will be rich? I'm guessing Mr. Scott was saying his mother worked hard to provide for her children so her children could have a better life and it appears it worked out that way.

If you clean apartments for 16 hours a day you likely will not get rich, is that a surprise to you? Here, write this down in case you forget, some jobs pay better than others and there are never guarantees in life.
And that's the philosophy that gives us most of the avoidable socio-economic problems we have today.

We can do so much better than that . . . and we should do so much better than that.
Oh, and by the way, I spent a significant amount of time in Russia in the 90's. Let me tell you, socialism provides NOTHING to it's citizens.

You just proved beyond a shadow of doubt how clueless you are.

The 90s in Russia were the post-communist Yeltsin era when vulture capitalists - many from the US and West - and Russian oligarchs were raping the country. And yet you somehow think that's an indictment of socialism.
If you work out everyday and eat right, are you guaranteed you will not die young of cancer? If you take care of your car, change the oil every 3,000 miles and get all necessary maintenance, are you guaranteed it won't break down? If you work hard, long hours and do extra work, are you guaranteed the raise and promotion won't go to someone else.

News flash, nothing in life is guaranteed.
You are the only one who is using "guaranteed" in this argument. Why is that?

Nobody is disagreeing with you on guarantees . . . because the argument is about how a decent society should look, not about specific, made-up transactions.
Not really. Perhaps you could explain why you think that helps.

TIA, but not holding my breath.
You seriously need someone to differentiate the difference between functioning in society and gaining in society?

Thinking ability to pay bills this month vs the ability to save money in case you need extra for next month.

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