War On Southern Culture

Aug 23, 2013
Mt. Juliet, TN
Pretty simple take the only region of the country that isn't kissing liberal ass and you divide them. You take away their culture...regional pride...identity. You use something like a regional tragedy and you turn it into a referendum on race relations(which is better here than most places I assure you). You further vilify, shame and berate a good people for events that were not of their doing and they finally submit and become the mindless robots the rest of the country has become. Pretty good strategy...better than anything Sherman could come up with...and you destroy from lets see if the South bites on it.
Pretty simple take the only region of the country that isn't kissing liberal ass and you divide them. You take away their culture...regional pride...identity. You use something like a regional tragedy and you turn it into a referendum on race relations(which is better here than most places I assure you). You further vilify, shame and berate a good people for events that were not of their doing and they finally submit and become the mindless robots the rest of the country has become. Pretty good strategy...better than anything Sherman could come up with...and you destroy from lets see if the South bites on it.

Any examples?
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So three out of your four are related to racism against blacks and the other against Mexicans.
Great culture you have there

He forgot to mention NASCAR bannig the battle flag, that has got to hit where it hurts.
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So three out of your four are related to racism against blacks and the other against Mexicans.
Great culture you have there

STFU. Not all southerns are racists, you bigot a-hole.
The hypocrisy of the liberal generalization that the south is a bunch of "racist rednecks", while criticizing the use of stereotypes and deragotory terms for minorities.
Have you ever lived in the south? I have. About 6 years in N Carolina and one in Charlston. Lots of very nice folks and lots of rednecks.
Did I say they all were? Lots are tho. Right back at ya

Yes. You did when you implied southern culture is "racist". Would you attribute all of the negative stereotypes of blacks and other minorities part of their cultures?
Have you ever lived in the south? I have. About 6 years in N Carolina and one in Charlston. Lots of very nice folks and lots of rednecks.

Yeah, I moved to the south from Iowa after graduating college. There are racists and non-racists everywhere. Perhaps they're more concentrated in the south, but that doesn't make it okay to label southern culture as racist. But since it is apparently okay to do so, as demonstrated by some posts in this thread, the arguement of a liberal "War on Southern Culture" is certainly valid.
Yeah, I moved to the south from Iowa after graduating college. There are racists and non-racists everywhere. Perhaps they're more concentrated in the south, but that doesn't make it okay to label southern culture as racist. But since it is apparently okay to do so, as demonstrated by some posts in this thread, the arguement of a liberal "War on Southern Culture" is certainly valid.
There is no "war on Southern culture." That's an imagined construct perpetuated by people not willing to move forward as a society.
There is no "war on Southern culture." That's an imagined construct perpetuated by people not willing to move forward as a society.

Prove it. The evidence in this thread points to otherwise.
Taking away the Confederate flag is one thing. But they better not mess with Waffle House.

In a somewhat related matter, this PC crap has a fairly long history. The Confederate Air Force is now called the Commemorative Air Force, for intance.
What you people fail to realize is that once the Civil Rights Act passed and everyone knew integration was inevitable both races pretty much looked at things and realized they shared a common heritage of decency and civility. Whites and blacks lived in close proximity even during the era of Jim Crow. My grandparents lived 2 houses down from blacks in the 50's and 60's.. It became natural for them to find common ground and they did so in Faith...besides wasn't it MLK who once said if Mississippi whites wanted to be good racists they needed to come to Chicago to learn? People in the North want to mind the business of the South...maybe you should examine the mess in your own backyard first.
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What you people fail to realize is that once the Civil Rights Act passed and everyone knew integration was inevitable both races pretty much looked at things and realized they shared a common heritage of decency and civility. Whites and blacks lived in close proximity even during the era of Jim Crow. My grandparents lived 2 houses down from blacks in the 50's and 60's.. It became natural for them to find common ground and they did so in Faith...besides wasn't it MLK who once said if Mississippi whites wanted to be good racists they needed to come to Chicago to learn? People in the North want to mind the business of the South...maybe you should examine the mess in your own backyard first.

I'm Not sure there is a more racist, segregated city than Chicago; maybe Boston.
Pretty simple take the only region of the country that isn't kissing liberal ass and you divide them. You take away their culture...regional pride...identity. You use something like a regional tragedy and you turn it into a referendum on race relations(which is better here than most places I assure you). You further vilify, shame and berate a good people for events that were not of their doing and they finally submit and become the mindless robots the rest of the country has become. Pretty good strategy...better than anything Sherman could come up with...and you destroy from lets see if the South bites on it.
Did Congress and The Supreme Court make the SEC illegal? Is NASCAR again' the law? Congregations are allowed to gather at Southern Baptist churches any more? Just 'cause science has determined cigarettes are bad for your health doesn't mean they are singling out The South. Is "The South" more GOP than say, Iowa, Missery, The Dakota's, or Kansas?
Methinks perhaps there are a lot of Southerners who lack self-confidence. Tennessee, why your angst? Don't worry...I have seen a lot of fat women around here. I don't villify folks for ignorance. I support them in learning how to think for themselves.
Pretty simple take the only region of the country that isn't kissing liberal ass and you divide them. You take away their culture...regional pride...identity. You use something like a regional tragedy and you turn it into a referendum on race relations(which is better here than most places I assure you). You further vilify, shame and berate a good people for events that were not of their doing and they finally submit and become the mindless robots the rest of the country has become. Pretty good strategy...better than anything Sherman could come up with...and you destroy from lets see if the South bites on it.
TW, the south will be able to keep their culture it just won't be able to do so on public property unless the public overwhelming agrees with it and it does not have any religious theme.
The governors of Alabama and South Carolina have called for the Confederate flag to be removed from their state capitols. It sounds to me like your own duly elected leaders are turning on you.
Taking away the Confederate flag is one thing. But they better not mess with Waffle House.

In a somewhat related matter, this PC crap has a fairly long history. The Confederate Air Force is now called the Commemorative Air Force, for intance.
Way to bury the lead. The confederates had air planes? Were they steampunk?
I've got no problem with descendants of Confederate veterans flying the old battle flag- at their homes. Not at City Hall, black folks live here too you know.

Thinking of immigration I wonder how many actually had a great-great-grandpappy who fought in the Civil War. I suspect a fair number came from Europe after the war. They already didn't like Jews and found they didn't like blacks much either.

I lived in northern Alabama for five years and heard probably many unrelated white people tell me they were descended from plantation owners. Unless plantations were 20 acres, the math doesn't add up.

Almost all, like 95%, of Confederate soldiers didn't own any slaves. They were told a lot of crap by their politicians about Yankees invading to despoil their women. Young men who were farmers and clerks and laborers answered the call. Whip the Yankees and be back home in six months. Covered in glory and Lula Mae will step out with you. All wrong except the invading part.

A lot of those young men lie in burial trenches at haunting places like Shiloh. I've got no problem with their great-great grandchildren having a rebel flag in the house. But when I see it on the bumper of a truck in Iowa or Nebraska Kansas or downstate Illinois, I have to wonder how many of these bigots could have stood up to volley fire. then returned it if they hadn't already skedaddled back home to Mama.
Pretty simple take the only region of the country that isn't kissing liberal ass and you divide them. You take away their culture...regional pride...identity. You use something like a regional tragedy and you turn it into a referendum on race relations(which is better here than most places I assure you). You further vilify, shame and berate a good people for events that were not of their doing and they finally submit and become the mindless robots the rest of the country has become. Pretty good strategy...better than anything Sherman could come up with...and you destroy from lets see if the South bites on it.

Wait, did I miss something? The Democrats took back the House and Senate?

What did Barack do now? Was he singing "Amazing Grace" in South Carolina or something like that? Funny but I suppose all it took was for nine people to be murdered by a racist!

You know, your REGIONAL TRAGEDY. This song goes out to your Regional Tragedy:

I think a good number of southerners have grown and progressed socially. Unfortunately, there still seems to be a significant percentage who don't accept societal changes.
I don't think southerners have any different percentage of folks who don't accept societal changes than the rest of the country.
Pretty simple take the only region of the country that isn't kissing liberal ass and you divide them. You take away their culture...regional pride...identity. You use something like a regional tragedy and you turn it into a referendum on race relations(which is better here than most places I assure you). You further vilify, shame and berate a good people for events that were not of their doing and they finally submit and become the mindless robots the rest of the country has become. Pretty good strategy...better than anything Sherman could come up with...and you destroy from lets see if the South bites on it.

This is a little OT of your OP....Who are the top 3 players you have coached in your high school coaching career? What year was your state team in your picture?
That's not my perception. The south drags its collective feet on most issues.
Perception and reality are not always the same thing.

I respectfully disagree. I'll admit I don't have the data to prove that assertion; I'm just basing it on anecdotal evidence.
I respectfully disagree with your disagreement. ;)

The south is not a uniformed block of people and to think otherwise is to fall into a stereotyping. More people voted Democratic in the last Texas senate election than the total of all voters in the Iowa senate election.
Have you lived in the South? If so I will gladly accept your anecdotal evidence...I respect your abilities that much
My parents live in Southport, NC, just south of Wilmington. My mom grew up in Florida. Other than about a year as a baby I've never personally 'lived' in the south, but visited frequently.
That's why I used the term anecdotal. I honestly don't have real data to prove my impressions.
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My parents live in Southport, NC, just south of Wilmington. My mom grew up in Florida. Other than about a year as a baby I've never personally 'loved' in the south, but visited frequently.
That's why I used the term anecdotal. I honestly don't have real data to prove my impressions.
My impressions of time I have spent in the west and north is probably as good as your southern impressions and I can say from those I didn't see a big difference.