Warren can't even win her home state?

earlier tonite she was doing a speech and I figured she was done but she stuck it out somehow
My guess is she did not want to bow out until after the MA primary. Now there is no reason for her to stay in.
I don't see any reason for Tulsi to be in this race tomorrow.
She only remained in through super Tuesday to soak votes from Bernie,.. DNC got to her...
She needs to hope a candidate picks her up to do something. She's gonna get primaried and lose her Senate seat. She tried to out-Bernie Bernie and failed. Now everyone knows she's a phony. I bet Susan Collins wouldn't have come in third in Maine.
I agree with others that she's angling for a position in a Democrat Administration. There's no other reason for her to stay in the race, unless she's truly delusional and still thinks she has a chance to win. Her ego truly is that big.
She is only still in to siphon votes from Bernie. She has already cut a deal.
If Biden gets in you can bet that Amy, Pete and Liz will all receive prominent positions in the new administration,.. Joe might be senile, but he remembers to pay his bills...

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