We all dead by volcano soon?

Holy fvck
Here is an interesting article on the scale of carbon we are dealing with.

Just two-tenths of 1% of Earth's total carbon—about 43,500 gigatonnes (Gt)—is above surface in the oceans, on land, and in the atmosphere. The rest is subsurface, including the crust, mantle and core—an estimated 1.85 billion Gt in all

Humans release approx 35 billion tons (35gt) per year
Normal volcano outgrowing of co2 (no major eruptions) = 0.3-0.4 gt per year
Meteor impact= 1,400 gt

Earth's deep carbon cycle through deep time reveals balanced, long-term stability of atmospheric CO2, punctuated by large disturbances, including immense, catastrophic releases of magma that occurred at least five times in the past 500 million years. During these events, huge volumes of carbon were outgassed, leading to a warmer atmosphere, acidified oceans. and mass extinctions
Similarly, a giant meteor impact 66 million years ago, the Chicxulub bolide strike on Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, released between 425 and 1,400 Gt of CO2, rapidly warmed the planet and coincided with the mass (>75%) extinction of plants and animals—including the dinosaurs.

Interestingly, it seems like the particulate makes a bigger impact on the weather/climate than co2 does. In areas where snow covered volcanic ash, these volcanoes had little to no impact on climate/weather (despite releasing co2 into the air). For example, Mt. St helens erupted for 9 hours and released less than an average days worth of co2, but it cooled Washington state by 7 degrees c. Due to particulate matter. This seems to be supporting evidence that co2 is not the primary cause of climate change.
Here is an interesting article on the scale of carbon we are dealing with.

Just two-tenths of 1% of Earth's total carbon—about 43,500 gigatonnes (Gt)—is above surface in the oceans, on land, and in the atmosphere. The rest is subsurface, including the crust, mantle and core—an estimated 1.85 billion
Gt in all

Humans release approx 35 billion tons (35gt) per year
Normal volcano outgrowing of co2 (no major eruptions) = 0.3-0.4 gt per year
Meteor impact= 1,400 gt

Earth's deep carbon cycle through deep time reveals balanced, long-term stability of atmospheric CO2, punctuated by large disturbances, including immense, catastrophic releases of magma that occurred at least five times in the past 500 million years. During these events, huge volumes of carbon were outgassed, leading to a warmer atmosphere, acidified oceans. and mass extinctions
Similarly, a giant meteor impact 66 million years ago, the Chicxulub bolide strike on Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, released between 425 and 1,400 Gt of CO2, rapidly warmed the planet and coincided with the mass (>75%) extinction of plants and animals—including the dinosaurs.

Interestingly, it seems like the particulate makes a bigger impact on the weather/climate than co2 does. In areas where snow covered volcanic ash, these volcanoes had little to no impact on climate/weather (despite releasing co2 into the air). For example, Mt. St helens erupted for 9 hours and released less than an average days worth of co2, but it cooled Washington state by 7 degrees c. Due to particulate matter. This seems to be supporting evidence that co2 is not the primary cause of climate change.

Yes. We are f'd load up on whatever makes you happy when the time comes. @torbee needs to own up @Tenacious E and @Jimmy McGill . We shouldn't have to come to the Dirty QC as we didn't welch.
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Here is an interesting article on the scale of carbon we are dealing with.

Just two-tenths of 1% of Earth's total carbon—about 43,500 gigatonnes (Gt)—is above surface in the oceans, on land, and in the atmosphere. The rest is subsurface, including the crust, mantle and core—an estimated 1.85 billion Gt in all

Humans release approx 35 billion tons (35gt) per year
Normal volcano outgrowing of co2 (no major eruptions) = 0.3-0.4 gt per year
Meteor impact= 1,400 gt

Earth's deep carbon cycle through deep time reveals balanced, long-term stability of atmospheric CO2, punctuated by large disturbances, including immense, catastrophic releases of magma that occurred at least five times in the past 500 million years. During these events, huge volumes of carbon were outgassed, leading to a warmer atmosphere, acidified oceans. and mass extinctions
Similarly, a giant meteor impact 66 million years ago, the Chicxulub bolide strike on Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, released between 425 and 1,400 Gt of CO2, rapidly warmed the planet and coincided with the mass (>75%) extinction of plants and animals—including the dinosaurs.

Interestingly, it seems like the particulate makes a bigger impact on the weather/climate than co2 does. In areas where snow covered volcanic ash, these volcanoes had little to no impact on climate/weather (despite releasing co2 into the air). For example, Mt. St helens erupted for 9 hours and released less than an average days worth of co2, but it cooled Washington state by 7 degrees c. Due to particulate matter. This seems to be supporting evidence that co2 is not the primary cause of climate change.
I follow the guy in the link below. He is often accused of being a climate change denier, but he's actually the first to say the climate changes. He's skeptical of CO2 being the main cause of climate change and believes the data shows CO2 levels as a slightly trailing indicator of global warming.

We live in an era where people get labeled because of what they don't believe, not because of what they believe. Everything must be binary.
Don't believe CO2 emissions are the primary cause of global warming? Climate change denier.
Don't believe Biden is doing a great job? You must be a MAGA Trump supporter.
Don't believe mRNA COVID vaccines are effective? You are an anti-vaxxer.

When I first started posting here in around 2006, it took me awhile to get used to a few of the posters here, and how indoctrinated some of them are. When there would be a post about a public figure that should be 100% condemned by everyone, I would wonder how anyone could support it, but sure enough there would be a spin. And if there was no spin, there was dismissing the source. Gary Hart was taken down by the National Enquirer.
Have the people evacuated Grindavik or is there going to be another New Orleans episode of people choosing to stay despite being warned time and time again?
Just so you all know. The fruition of this event occurring results in no more HORT.

Much of America just doesn’t exist anymore.
Isn't this this like nature saying I don't give a f*** about your climate change.

I'm assuming that democrats don't think volcanoes are also man made disasters.
Isn't this this like nature saying I don't give a f*** about your climate change.

I'm assuming that democrats don't think volcanoes are also man made disasters.
Oh great. We get to fight our own bad behavior AND Mother Nature's bad behavior.

Conservatives will no doubt use that as another excuse to do nothing, since some of the problem isn't caused by us.
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The take-home message from that article is that we should all be wishing for more volcanoes as the sulfer dioxide released will cause global cooling. Problem solved! 😉
No. The takeaway is that volcanos are working on killing everybody.
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In this last week I’ve seen multiple people being dumb enough to walk towards a volcano and running away when it starts exploding. This has been quite a time of volcanoes in the last 12-18 months.