What’s so scary about Dubuque, Iowa?

Curious if you would have created a thread if some guy driving a Prius pulled up with a coexist sticker and when he got out he was wearing a dress and talking trash about religion.
Or do you just make a big deal out of things you don’t align with.
Don’t Hate vote democracy.

Mostly, I post things to get neckbeards riled up on HORT... sound a little riled up.
Mostly, I post things to get neckbeards riled up on HORT... sound a little riled up.
Far from it pal.
I‘be gotten used to your hate towards anything you don’t agree with by now.
It’s fine, like you said you just do it to get people riled up.
I’m in Dubuque for some mundane work shit this week and there’s a fella that pulled up to the gas station and basically pulled off the perfect 2A/MAGA Halloween costume to a T.

Stupid tattered flag stickers on his truck, some stupid shirt with rifles on it with some dipshit sayings on it, stupid neck beard, stupid douchey Oakley blade sunglasses - and to top it all off a heater on his stupid hip.

What do you think this poor frightened fella thinks was out to get him in Dubuque, IA? I haven’t been up here much lately, did the catholics start a (new) gang or something?
And you watched him with envy as you cowered behind the rear quarter panel of your Toyota Prius, taking slow mouth breather gulps of air.

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Mostly, I post things to get neckbeards riled up on HORT... sound a little riled up.
How many times did the HS jocks hold you down and bust you wide open? The way you act/behave, I'm guessing you don't have enough fingers to count the times? 🤣 🧚‍♀️
How many times did the HS jocks hold you down and bust you wide open? The way you act/behave, I'm guessing you don't have enough fingers to count the times? 🤣 🧚‍♀️


FFS, no - I’m not interested in meeting up with you so you can give me a rimjob! Quit DM’ing me, it’s fine you’re into licking ass but it’s not my thing.
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I’ll try it again. I’m dead serious, the smell when you walk in is probably top 10. Just never lived up to it. I want it to which is why I keep going back.
I tend to agree 100%. We went there last week as I didn’t want to pay $60 for a large happy joes. I was surprised but maybe also wanted it to be good 😂
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Mining Company - Cave In’s are always solid when it’s 90 out. Like today

That for lunch. Then the yardarm for a few vodka lemonades. Finished with either old fashioneds and brosted chicken at the Morocco or prime rib and pink squirrels at Chop’s Kall Inn.
I was in Dubuque a couple months ago and stayed at Hotel Julien. When I got there Friday afternoon, the parking lot was basically empty, so I parked and wandered on inside to check in. Saturday morning when I checked out, I was walking to my truck and the parking lot was 100% packed. Got to my truck, and I'll be damned if there wasn't enough room for me to back out of my spot. That parking lot is NARROW. I went inside to ask if an employee could come out and be my eyes for me while I attempted to maneuver my way out. I've got a backup camera, but I needed someone watching up front too. Still didn't have enough room.
I walked back inside w/ the employee, basically ready to just get a room for another night and get drunk because I was so pissed off. I went back to my truck to grab my bag, and the car directly behind me was attempting to back out too but couldn't. So I pulled up as far as I possibly could, they backed out and left, and then I was able to back into their spot and then GTFO.
After that experience, I now know why some dudes back into parking spots with trucks. Never had this situation happen before, and I will never let that shit happen again/csb

I was in Dubuque a couple months ago and stayed at Hotel Julien. When I got there Friday afternoon, the parking lot was basically empty, so I parked and wandered on inside to check in. Saturday morning when I checked out, I was walking to my truck and the parking lot was 100% packed. Got to my truck, and I'll be damned if there wasn't enough room for me to back out of my spot. That parking lot is NARROW. I went inside to ask if an employee could come out and be my eyes for me while I attempted to maneuver my way out. I've got a backup camera, but I needed someone watching up front too. Still didn't have enough room.
I walked back inside w/ the employee, basically ready to just get a room for another night and get drunk because I was so pissed off. I went back to my truck to grab my bag, and the car directly behind me was attempting to back out too but couldn't. So I pulled up as far as I possibly could, they backed out and left, and then I was able to back into their spot and then GTFO.
After that experience, I now know why some dudes back into parking spots with trucks. Never had this situation happen before, and I will never let that shit happen again/csb

Loathe that parking lot. Park in the Shot Tower lot next time, just across the alley.
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I read this OP earlier today and didn’t care to react. But thought more about it today and wanted to contribute.

I see guys like this quite often (not only in Iowa, but pretty much anywhere in the country I may choose to fill up my car). I think the version you described sounds like a dude that may have served in the US military and has 1) a comfortably handling a fire arm at all times 2) a need (comforting) to hold a fire arm at all times 3) a need to feel like a tough guy and to show that to anyone that will look.

I don’t get it. I don’t carry (or own) a fire arm. But I think there are a lot of scared people out there. Not entirely sure why they are scared. But i understand how it can lead(in my mind) to irrational thoughts. Shit man, I should get a gun.

Btw - I choose to usually assume #1 above so I can go on my merry way. If I learn something different, then I get super judgey.