What are the chances the Trump/Epstein child rape stuff is true?

I watched the debates and heard how she ran the DA's office. Her own Dem challengers destroyed her on that. I do not trust her on foreign policy experience. And, her own party does not respect her. Now, if you want to support her, go right ahead. I know we need someone WAY better to deal with Putin. China, ect.
She prosecuted sexual predators. Trump is a sexual predator. We all see why you don't like her.
To the OP- almost zero.

Anything they have had on Trump has been beaten to death already. Do you think the media is looking to hold back against Trump? You haven't been paying attention since 15'. They came up with flimsy legal grounds just to try to convict him along with changing the law after the fact. Do you really think if there was something there it wouldn't be out already?
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To the OP- almost zero.

Anything they have had on Trump has been beaten to death already. Do you think the media is looking to hold back against Trump? You haven't been paying attention since 15'. They came up with flimsy legal grounds just to try to convict him along with changing the law after the fact. Do you really think if there was something there it wouldn't be out already?
Absolutely the media holds back. He's a felon, a rapist, and heavy 2025 supporter. All the media wants to talk about is Joe belonging in a nursing home
Absolutely the media holds back. He's a felon, a rapist, and heavy 2025 supporter. All the media wants to talk about is Joe belonging in a nursing home
Lmao. So now the media is soft on Trump. Hilarious.

The media has picked this up because the courts through it out. The lady then said she made it up according to that 2019 New Yorker article.

You appear desperate now.
Absolutely the media holds back. He's a felon, a rapist, and heavy 2025 supporter. All the media wants to talk about is Joe belonging in a nursing home
You have got to be kidding. Joe is getting talked about now because it is now known without a doubt he has dementia after the media and WH hid it for 3 years. They did everything they could for him to hide it until it was impossible to hide. The media has had a Trump obsession for years.
You didn't fare well during the pandemic or since? I was under the impression that the housing market was booming from 2020 to 2022. Realtors and lenders made a fortune, at least from what I saw. Of course, the interest rate hikes to curb inflation have since slowed things down. With fewer sales due to the lack of inventory, it's understandable that your company didn't take in as many commissions and fees. However, I’m sure you are aware those interest rate hikes were necessary to control inflation.
We are in the service side of real estate lending. And no.....housing has not been booming for the last three years. Neither have the other sectors of real estate lending. Thankfully, with summer....HELOCs are steady...but not like they have been in the past. The rates are simply too high. Now, I believe auto loans are also steady, but we don't deal in that area. And, I absolutly understand that rates needed to go up. The rule has always been that a happy spot for rates that would signal a healthy economy would be in the 5%-6% range.
Pence never polled well. Your arguments suck.
Hey moron...where in the heck did I say I would have wanted Pence to EVER take over the Presidency? Provide proof. He sucked too. LOL!

Good grief....I know you live on here with 57000+ post (Do you ever leave your basement?), but can you ever make a coherent argument?
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She prosecuted sexual predators. Trump is a sexual predator. We all see why you don't like her.
Please, you have not ever heard your own parties issues with her as DA of Cali. But, keep deflecting. LOL!! If she runs you can vote for her multiple times for all I care. She will get destroyed. 😂
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Absolutely the media holds back. He's a felon, a rapist, and heavy 2025 supporter. All the media wants to talk about is Joe belonging in a nursing home
You are an idiot. The media has covered for Joe for 3+ freaking years. Dude, at least try and make post number 57,583 be honest. :rolleyes:
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Isn’t she Indian? I didn’t think she was black. She also isn’t a ****. What’s the word for someone who sleeps her way up the ladder?
You didn't think. Sounds about right. Maybe do your homework before posting. She's both, by the way. Jamaican and Indian.
You have got to be kidding. Joe is getting talked about now because it is now known without a doubt he has dementia after the media and WH hid it for 3 years. They did everything they could for him to hide it until it was impossible to hide. The media has had a Trump obsession for years.
It sure would be nice if they would call for Trump to drop out. Same with people like you. The democrats are...very quickly asking Biden to drop out while nobody is doing anything but bending the knee to your cult leader. There's the difference between the two parties. Has been for years.
It sure would be nice if they would call for Trump to drop out. Same with people like you. The democrats are...very quickly asking Biden to drop out while nobody is doing anything but bending the knee to your cult leader. There's the difference between the two parties. Has been for years.
It's powerfully sad that only the Dems are considering pushing their candidate out. Proves once again how little respect Rs have for the office or our country.
It sure would be nice if they would call for Trump to drop out. Same with people like you. The democrats are...very quickly asking Biden to drop out while nobody is doing anything but bending the knee to your cult leader. There's the difference between the two parties. Has been for years.
@TornadoHawk93, why do you find this funny? Do you believe it's appropriate for a major party to nominate someone who has been found liable for both fraud and sexual assault, has a judgment of almost a half of BILLION dollars against him, along with being convicted of 34 felonies? That's something to be proud of?
It sure would be nice if they would call for Trump to drop out. Same with people like you. The democrats are...very quickly asking Biden to drop out while nobody is doing anything but bending the knee to your cult leader. There's the difference between the two parties. Has been for years.
I did my part in Iowa and tried to get DeSantis. The party spoke.

Dems did that once and when the party spoke and wanted Sanders, they just gave you Biden instead!
I did my part in Iowa and tried to get DeSantis. The party spoke.

Dems did that once and when the party spoke and wanted Sanders, they just gave you Biden instead!

You need to check your victim notes again
@TornadoHawk93, why do you find this funny? Do you believe it's appropriate for a major party to nominate someone who has been found liable for both fraud and sexual assault, has a judgment of almost a half of BILLION dollars against him, along with being convicted of 34 felonies? That's something to be proud of?
Really? I laughed because anyone who acts like the Dems are ALL for getting Biden out is a joke. MOST are still saying this man is able to function perfectly. And, lets be clear, there are many on the other side that see the great faults in Trump. But's only the Dems who have been calling for Biden to be taken out. Lets be real about this....if Biden had hid in his basement and not debated, his party would have been 100% behind him and the media would have been there right with them hiding the truth from the world. know, there were all of those deep fakes the right was parroting. Good grief.

And, to be clear...the Biden supporters on this board are WAY more unhinged and angry towards me when I say something about Biden, then the Trump supporters when I say something about Trump. These past few months when I rail on Trump....I don't hear ANYTHING from his supporters. Literally nothing.
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Really? I laughed because anyone who acts like the Dems are ALL for getting Biden out is a joke. MOST are still saying this man is able to function perfectly. And, lets be clear, there are many on the other side that see the great faults in Trump. But's only the Dems who have been calling for Biden to be taken out. Lets be real about this....if Biden had hid in his basement and not debated, his party would have been 100% behind him and the media would have been there right with them hiding the truth from the world. know, there were all of those deep fakes the right was parroting. Good grief.

And, to be clear...the Biden supporters on this board are WAY more unhinged and angry towards me when I say something about Biden, then the Trump supporters when I say something about Trump. These past few months when I rail on Trump....I don't hear ANYTHING from his supporters. Literally nothing.
Now, this is funny. I might be the only one in this thread who has been speaking to you in a respectful manner. But with this post, you've gone full potato.
Now, this is funny. I might be the only one in this thread who has been speaking to you in a respectful manner. But with this post, you've gone full potato.

I do owe you an apology. You have indeed been respectful. I am sorry. I read your question wrong. That is on me. So, just read my post and take out all of the condecending attitude and you will get my feelings.

I do know the MAJOR flaws that Trump has. I wish that he was not running. But, Biden is (in many, many ways) just as bad in my book on some levels. I don't believe Trump raped a little girl. The stuff that he was convicted on (if I am honest) was rediculous. I could care less if he paid a porn star after they had consensual sex. It just looks like a political hit job.

I do think Hunter should have been charged, but NOT to the extent that he was. But, I am a little unclear on how his charges actually worked. And, as has been said, he is not my President, nor is he running. I will tell you this....I will be THRILLED that after this cycle BOTH of these candidates will not be able to run again.
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