What are the chances the Trump/Epstein child rape stuff is true?

Very few VPs do anything of note.
The point is......I do not WANT her to take over when Biden dies or can't finish. I didn't want Quayle or Pence either, but I never felt the PResidents at their times were in danger of not making through office. This is very simple.
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Yet Kamala has been attacked since day one. Again, I wonder why.
Come on now, she polled at freaking 1%. She is terrible and people of her own party can't stand her. You act as surprised by this, as the media acting like they never knew about Bidens mental issues. :rolleyes:
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LOL!!! I remember them being able to put coherent sentences together. I know my history just fine and I NOW know (like everyone else) that Biden will not make it another 4 years and she cannot be put in as President.

Quayle couldn't spell potato
The point is......I do not WANT her to take over when Biden dies or can't finish. I didn't want Quayle or Pence either, but I never felt the PResidents at their times were in danger of not making through office. This is very simple.
Why? Aside from not being super-impressive as VP; which again, most aren’t, what specifically scares you about her resume?

She has been the SF DA, then CA attorney general before becoming senator, where she sat on powerful judiciary/intelligence committees.

I admittedly don’t have a firm opinion on her as a candidate, she wasn’t my first choice in ‘16 but she didn’t make it to primaries so that was a moot point. But based on her record I have a hard time understanding the vitriol that’s gone her way. Based on some of the comments I’ve seen her, in the news etc., you’d think she’d shot somebody’s dog.
Why? Aside from not being super-impressive as VP; which again, most aren’t, what specifically scares you about her resume?

She has been the SF DA, then CA attorney general before becoming senator, where she sat on powerful judiciary/intelligence committees.

I admittedly don’t have a firm opinion on her as a candidate, she wasn’t my first choice in ‘16 but she didn’t make it to primaries so that was a moot point. But based on her record I have a hard time understanding the vitriol that’s gone her way. Based on some of the comments I’ve seen her, in the news etc., you’d think she’d shot somebody’s dog.
I watched the debates and heard how she ran the DA's office. Her own Dem challengers destroyed her on that. I do not trust her on foreign policy experience. And, her own party does not respect her. Now, if you want to support her, go right ahead. I know we need someone WAY better to deal with Putin. China, ect.
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What about this?

That was bipartisan all the way, and came in at the height of the pandemic. Now. I didn't like that either...especially because of all the fraud that occured. But at least durning that time I could see the need. With the IRA, Biden had been warned about how it could cause hyperinflation and remember THAT much of that bill did not even go towards anything to do with Pandemic relief.
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I watched the debates and heard how she ran the DA's office. Her own Dem challengers destroyed her on that. I do not trust her on foreign policy experience. And, her own party does not respect her. Now, if you want to support her, go right ahead. I know we need someone WAY better to deal with Putin. China, ect.
Whether I choose to support her or not depends on what my choices are. Would be nice if GOP gave me an option.
That was bipartisan all the way, and came in at the height of the pandemic. Now. I didn't like that either...especially because of all the fraud that occured. But at least durning that time I could see the need. With the IRA, Biden had been warned about how it could cause hyperinflation and remember THAT much of that bill did not even go towards anything to do with Pandemic relief.
Well, considering where inflation is now, I’m not sure you can argue it caused hyperinflation.

Lots of the spending trump got passed didn’t go where it should have either.
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Maybe. She was also relatively knew on the national stage so saying they know exactly who she is isn’t wholly accurate imo.
So, just to make would be fine with her taking over for Biden at this point in time? Look, in the future she might grow to be a quality candidate, but to act like no one in her party knew where she stood on things and how she ran the DA's office is not true. When the Dems were having their debates.....I heard a lot of good things. But, I cannot say she stood out as anyone I would want running the countr and when Biden picked her I was SHOCKED.
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Well, considering where inflation is now, I’m not sure you can argue it caused hyperinflation.

Lots of the spending trump got passed didn’t go where it should have either.
I do agree their was TERRIBLE fraud in the monies that Trump got through for the pandmic. And the crappy thing is....NO ONE WILL BE PUNISHED FOR THAT. ARGH!!! But, I was actually witness to some of the good that it did do.
Let’s also not let the corporations raising prices, trying to hide them inside of inflation, off the hook. Record profits. Those assholes are doing phenomenal.
True...there is plenty of that as well. So, what do we do about that? Who in congress is going to stop them?
So, just to make would be fine with her taking over for Biden at this point in time? Look, in the future she might grow to be a quality candidate, but to act like no one in her party knew where she stood on things and how she ran the DA's office is not true. When the Dems were having their debates.....I heard a lot of good things. But, I cannot say she stood out as anyone I would want running the countr and when Biden picked her I was SHOCKED.
If Biden were to suddenly drop out, then yeah I’d be “fine” with her as the nominee given the alternative. Again, she wasn’t my first-choice back in ‘20. I wanted klobuchar or Pete.
AMEN TO THAT!!!!!! We have ZERO good choices. Let me ask you this...would you ever want a true 3rd party choice?
In an ideal world sure. Trouble is, the minor parties we have now get so focused on the crazy parts of their platforms they screw themselves before Dems/GOP ever have to worry about them.
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I do agree their was TERRIBLE fraud in the monies that Trump got through for the pandmic. And the crappy thing is....NO ONE WILL BE PUNISHED FOR THAT. ARGH!!! But, I was actually witness to some of the good that it did do.
Agreed. And there was good stuff in the IRA as well, tho I’d agree it could have been a smaller bill.
If Biden were to suddenly drop out, then yeah I’d be “fine” with her as the nominee given the alternative. Again, she wasn’t my first-choice back in ‘20. I wanted klobuchar or Pete.

In an ideal world sure. Trouble is, the minor parties we have now get so focused on the crazy parts of their platforms they screw themselves before Dems/GOP ever have to worry about them.
We are simply screwed at this point I fear.....
Agreed. And there was good stuff in the IRA as well, tho I’d agree it could have been a smaller bill.
I said this in a prior post...and Biden deserves all the credit for this. The Chip Act was probably the best "none pandemic" bill passed by any of the last three administrations. I LOVED THAT BILL!!!
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Sorry, but I know EXACTLY what cause my businesses ill's. Again, you are simply touting the party line. If you don't understand simple economics then you won't get "it". You CANNOT print 2+ trillion dollars out of thin air and not end up with hyperinflation. In march 2020 a full 15 months AFTER Biden took office inflation was at 2.6. Then his policies started to kick and all hell broke lose. This is not hard to understand....and it was not Trumps fault. My buisness has remained viable because of the steps we have had to take...and sadly, that included layoffs. The most painful thing we have ever had to do.
I don't think you do get it and I'm not touting a party line. I'm on the liberal side but not for everything and I'm not a democrat. You seem to forget a historic pandemic that prompted spending which greatly helped many of us still have businesses.

What type of business are you in btw?
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I don't think you do get it and I'm not touting a party line. I'm on the liberal side but not for everything and I'm not a democrat. You seem to forget a historic pandemic that prompted spending so many of still have businesses.

What type of business are you in btw?
Our business is tied to the Lending / Housing Sector.
That was bipartisan all the way, and came in at the height of the pandemic. Now. I didn't like that either...especially because of all the fraud that occured. But at least durning that time I could see the need. With the IRA, Biden had been warned about how it could cause hyperinflation and remember THAT much of that bill did not even go towards anything to do with Pandemic relief.
Do you honestly believe Trump would not have signed a similar package?
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Our business is tied to the Lending / Housing Sector.
You didn't fare well during the pandemic or since? I was under the impression that the housing market was booming from 2020 to 2022. Realtors and lenders made a fortune, at least from what I saw. Of course, the interest rate hikes to curb inflation have since slowed things down. With fewer sales due to the lack of inventory, it's understandable that your company didn't take in as many commissions and fees. However, I’m sure you are aware those interest rate hikes were necessary to control inflation.
Yet Kamala has been attacked since day one. Again, I wonder why.
It would be refreshing if all the “She’s terrible, she’s a DEI pick”, types would just post here that she’s a n***er, and a c**t. It would be refreshingly honest. You don’t have to respect everything about her, but she’s more accomplished in life than 99 percent of HORT.
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It would be refreshing if all the “She’s terrible, she’s a DEI pick”, types would just post here that she’s a n***er, and a c**t. It would be refreshingly honest. You don’t have to respect everything about her, but she’s more accomplished in life than 99 percent of HORT.
Isn’t she Indian? I didn’t think she was black. She also isn’t a ****. What’s the word for someone who sleeps her way up the ladder?
LOL!!! I remember them being able to put coherent sentences together. I know my history just fine and I NOW know (like everyone else) that Biden will not make it another 4 years and she cannot be put in as President.
You can't even put together a coherent argument in this thread.
What’s the word for someone who sleeps her way up the ladder?
Trump cheated on his wife, is a rapist, and very likely pedophile. Whatever fantasies you have about Harris are grossly misplaced ignoring the criminal ones that Trump has in real life.
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Isn’t she Indian? I didn’t think she was black. She also isn’t a ****. What’s the word for someone who sleeps her way up the ladder?
Her mother is Indian and her father is Jamaican. She is both Indian and black.

Funny how no one ever accuses a man of sleeping their way to the top.
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