I think those are good arguments in favor of a national sales tax as part of the revenue-raising mix.Because it's better than the alternative.
Taxing income is necessarily complicated, and it's easy to avoid. Do you think drug dealers, prostitutes, gangsters and illegal aliens are filing tax returns?
With a consumption tax, everybody would pay every time they buy something at a store. As an added benefit, foreign tourists and "guests" would contribute to our tax revenues as well.
Florida's sales tax is basically invisible to me. I rarely think about it unless I'm buying something really expensive, like a car.
Not taxing income would also create its own tax avoidance scam. If you are wealthy enough, just buy your expensive toys abroad and never pay our consumption tax. I'm sure there will be some nations that will provide such consumption tax havens. We already see plenty of ordinary Americans who live near a state with no sales tax driving to stores conveniently just across state lines.