For the basket hoop game today? Just microwaved tailgate turkeys coated in the best mayos and some water to stay hydrated.
Cranking out tax returns currently in the office.
Just had: Gas station microwavable sandwich, Cool Ranch Doritos, Diet Mt dew.
I'm a simple man.
Mulkey tears
ReubensFor the basket hoop game today? Just microwaved tailgate turkeys coated in the best mayos and some water to stay hydrated.
Whats your “go to” IPA?Smash burgers and some hazy IPAs
Whats your “go to” IPA?
That's an IOWA meal, right there.Homemade tenderloins
Busch Light
FTR, I only like 2 of those 3 but want to embrace my Iowegian heritage today. I will also be wearing my dad's last coaching shirt.