What is the biggest question mark for next year? Long


HB Heisman
May 21, 2004
I think it's the receiving corps and the fullback position. Looking at what we lose and what we have back, I think the loss of Tevaun Smith and the big play receiver, and the loss of Cox and Plewa will be hard to replace.
Looking at the losses on defense first since they seem a lot more straight forward.
We lose Meier, which would be a huge loss if we don't get Drew Ott back. The only thing about the end spot is we are missing that explosive edge guy like a Clayborn. Ott has that potential if he gets another year and can just stay healthy. Hesse back is big and I think Nelson works into the rotation much more next fall. Maybe a chance for a true frosh to work in this rotation next year?
We lose Cole Fisher. I've heard from Iowa coaches that we were 7 deep at linebacker this year and all were very skilled and looked an awful lot alike. Bo Bower gets first dibs and he's had plenty of starting experience.
The biggest defensive loss to me is Jordan Lomax at strong safety. He turned into what we've grown accustomed to out of strong safeties at Iowa. A hard hitting athletic kid who flies around the field. Brandon Snyder gets the first crack at this. I'm a little nervous about this position but the corner combo with King coming back and Mabin's development might help hide any deficiencies here.

Offensively, we'll start with the line.
We lose Austin Blythe and Jordan Walsh. James Daniels steps in to one of the spots. I'm actually thinking he might roll in at guard with the young Ferentz's development at center. If we're putting our 5 best out there, i think they both gotta play. Ike Boettger is probably in the rotation somewhere too. The good news is there's plenty of experience to play with here and talent to build a really good offensive line. My hunch is those guys will be incredibly hungry this off season after that Rose Bowl performance. We need the tackles to really develop in he next 8 months.
Tight end we lose Henry Krieger Coble and Duzey. We have Kittle back and he will be a stud next year. Jameer Outsey got some experience this year but it seemed to be in much more of a blocking capacity. But he could factor in. I also think Wisnieski could work into the rotation and factor in. Is Hockenson good enough to factor in here?
Quarterback we're even more solid next year. Another year for CJ and I think he'll be hungry. I also don't see him going into the Ricky Stanzi shell and losing his willingness to throw the ball vertically. Boyle comes off his redshirt and I think wins the back up job and starts working towards being CJ's heir apparent.
Backfield is strong. We lose Canzeri, but obviously have Daniels, Wadley and Mitchell back. Not worried about this position although we've seen attrition before so hopefully having Parker back there and hopefully a freshman that could be ready would be nice. Fullback is a huge question mark and a very important position in our offense with what we do.
Wide receiver, we lose Tevaun and Jacob Hillyer. Hillyer is a loss a lot of people will dismiss but shouldn't. He's a terrific blocker for a receiver, as is Tevaun Smith. That part of their respective games is very underappreciated. We have Vandeberg back which is a good thing. He has great chemistry with CJ and he's the quintessential possession receiver who is more than sneaky enough to turn things into big plays. But he's not Tevaun. He's a short route guy with excellent hands. Would be nice to see Jay Scheel take a big step forward this spring along with Jerminic Smith. If we could get legitimate competition out of those 2 opposite Vandeberg, it would be huge. I think Frank Darby could sneak in this rotation as a true frosh as well. We also have Riley McCarron back for another year. I'd love to see him utilized in kind of a Danny Woodhead role since he's pretty undersized but he's a talented kid. I think this whole position group hands down has the most question marks.
Special teams, lose Koehn. Hard to determine his loss. He was terrific on kickoffs and he made some big field goals. But the missed extra points? Never hurt us luckily but could have. Recinos is the returning guy with the most potential. There's clearly a spot for a true freshman to kick at Iowa but unfortunately there's no scholarship for it. I'm hoping we kind find a kicker in this recruiting class. Caleb Shudak out of Council Bluffs? He would be a great kickoff guy at the very least to start. Hoping that situation works out.
TONS of talent back next year. A lot riding on Drew Ott's situation. And how do we handle the off-season and the expectations going into next fall. We need continued evolution in our running game and designs. We could definitely take a page out of Stanford's playbook and use more of their creativity within our schemes and designs. It will be an interesting off-season.
Need a big time receiver, which I don't think we have on the roster. Also need 2 tackles that can block, walk-ons don't always work against D1 talent. Who ever plays center has big shoes to fill. Blythe was a stud.

I would look for the likes of Aaron Mends to move to FB and take over there. That kid likes to hit people. Also Look for Anthony Gair to take over at FS for Lomax. Need Bo Bower to step up at a LB spot or someone else. Just would imagine he gets first crack.
Biggest question mark is offensive line and WRs on offense and on defense it is can they generate a pass rush from the dline? If Ott comes back that question mark will likely go away assuming he is at full strength then it's probably who will replace Fisher and Lomax on defense.
Need a big time receiver, which I don't think we have on the roster. Also need 2 tackles that can block, walk-ons don't always work against D1 talent. Who ever plays center has big shoes to fill. Blythe was a stud.

I would look for the likes of Aaron Mends to move to FB and take over there. That kid likes to hit people. Also Look for Anthony Gair to take over at FS for Lomax. Need Bo Bower to step up at a LB spot or someone else. Just would imagine he gets first crack.

Mends isn't switching back to FB. He will battle it out with Hockaday for the starting WLB. Gair will likely not take over at FS for Lomax unless Snyder doesn't live up to expectations.
Bo Bower is not the answer at LB. while he looked better this year, he was still out of position many times when given the opportunity. Probably your classic special team guy that can bust it downfield and willing to throw his body at the other team.
Need a big time receiver, which I don't think we have on the roster. Also need 2 tackles that can block, walk-ons don't always work against D1 talent. Who ever plays center has big shoes to fill. Blythe was a stud.

I would look for the likes of Aaron Mends to move to FB and take over there. That kid likes to hit people. Also Look for Anthony Gair to take over at FS for Lomax. Need Bo Bower to step up at a LB spot or someone else. Just would imagine he gets first crack.
Mends is staying at backer, I think Gair is too slow to play safety (he wasn't even on any coverage teams, Bo is special teamer and backup lb unless he can improve. He has 3 or 4 talented backers in front of him.
Biggest question mark is offensive line and WRs on offense and on defense it is can they generate a pass rush from the dline? If Ott comes back that question mark will likely go away assuming he is at full strength then it's probably who will replace Fisher and Lomax on defense.
If Ott comes back, what are the odds his season is like Duzey's this year? Is it easier for a defender to come back?
Mends and Hockaday will split time at the open LB spot. I think they can find a decent FB. The only spot on defense that worries me is DE if Ott is not back. We need to get some rush ends... I like M. Nelson and think he will take a jump next year. The thing we need most is a WR IMO. Hoping Scheel and J. Smith maybe Falconer add some weight and make some plays next year.
If Ott comes back, what are the odds his season is like Duzey's this year? Is it easier for a defender to come back?
Two complete different injuries really. I think Duzey's injury is one of the most difficult injuries to come back from. Obviously an acl injury is nothing to sneeze at but Ott will have close to a full year to heal up (if he's allowed to come back of course).
Can we replace Blythe and Walsh on the o-line next year? How is our depth if the injury bug hits a little and has two or three of our starters out?
Not a chance in hell Steve Ferentz is our starting center. If wrong, Brian and Kirk should be fired for nepotism. They will play him enough to letter but that is all.
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Two complete different injuries really. I think Duzey's injury is one of the most difficult injuries to come back from. Obviously an acl injury is nothing to sneeze at but Ott will have close to a full year to heal up (if he's allowed to come back of course).
Don't forget the Tommy John surgery also for Ott. He's not a pitcher, but it still seems you'd want your elbow available, not to mention whatever body part they took a tendon from to repair the elbow. I just hope we're not asking too much for him to be 100% by August.
WR is our biggest issue. We have Olinemen who can compete and will be good. This group will have all off season to gel and Daniels is a stud.

WR is my biggest issue, we lack the "deep threat" and its going to show next year. We need WR who can get open on their own and be physical. I like what I see with J. Smith, but he is still young and has issues running the right routes. Vandenburg will be a solid possession guy. What about this Falconer guy? Anyone know anything about him?

Overall I think the hawks will be pretty solid next year. I think we can get to 8-9 wins next year. I realize we will not go 12-0 again (schedule is a tougher). But we can get to 9-10 wins and get to Indy, Im okay with that!
Schedule is a little tougher but far from a gauntlet. It's very manageable and there is ZERO reason this team can't get to 10 wins again and should be playing in Indy.
I do think people seriously underestimate the loss of Cox and Plewa. They were HUGE in the run game and we have no one with experience there.
Bowl game performance. Based off of our last 4 bowl games, maybe this isn't really a big question mark, but I would really like to see us be able to close a season with a big win next season wherever we go.
Bowl game performance. Based off of our last 4 bowl games, maybe this isn't really a big question mark, but I would really like to see us be able to close a season with a big win next season wherever we go.
This is a good point
If Ott comes back, what are the odds his season is like Duzey's this year? Is it easier for a defender to come back?
It's not the same injury, plus he will have had much more recovery time. Going into August practice, he should be a full 9+ months removed from ACL surgery, so I would expect him to be reaching full speed as official practice begins. Duzey I believe was a patella tendon, but it happened in spring practice if I'm not mistaken.
Iowa loses:
Canzeri - Daniels/Wadley/Mitchell should fill in fine - No drop off
Plewa/Cox - I don't even know who the 3rd FB is. No experience. - Big drop off
Blythe - Daniels is very talented and got his feet wet but still just a True Soph - Slight drop off
Walsh - lots of candidates to fill the void, Walsh played well this season - Slight drop off
HKC - Outsey should fill in fine, Kittle returns and plenty of young talent - No drop off
T Smith - J Smith showed a lot filling in during the Illinois game - Slight drop off
Hillyer - exclusively used as a blocker, McCarron returns - No drop off
Meier - Nelson/Hesse saw lots of action, Doyle gets another year w/ them - No drop off
Ott 2015 - Ott 2016 gets MRS but never quite 100%, ACL takes a full year - very slight drop off
Fisher - Mends will add a little speed to the LB group - No drop off
Lomax - Gair/Snyder take over but lack game experience - Moderate drop off

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