What Sort of President Will Tucker Carlson Make?

Who do you prefer among these GOP candidates for the 2024 Presidential nomination? (pick up to 3)

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She was the bright spot on the W team. I would vote for her if she ran.
You would vote for someone who said "no one could have imagined" terrorists' slamming a plane into the World Trade Center?

I mean, sure, I'd take her over most of the R field. But not enough imagination to be President.
You would vote for someone who said "no one could have imagined" terrorists' slamming a plane into the World Trade Center?

I mean, sure, I'd take her over most of the R field. But not enough imagination to be President.
I haven't heard that quote but I think she meant we were all shocked. No one despised W more than me but somehow I saw her as just loyal and mostly reasonable (the only one of the bunch). That was the first time I had ever seen such media propaganda and a sort of neo-McCarthyism, almost like now.
I'd characterize the GOP a little differently. They've always been the "what's good for corporations is good for America" party. And that messaging was also good for getting votes. Now they've learned that pandering to religious extremists and closet (and not-so-closet) racists is even better for getting votes.

They partly had to make that move because the Dems have also become a very business-friendly party, so Rs could no longer count on nearly all the corporate funding. They still get most (I think) but it's not the overwhelming split that it used to be. And since Citizens United and McCutcheon, corporate/oligarchic/plutocratic funding has been the GOP's master.

Another factor is that the GOP learned it could stop pretending about religious extremism and racism. Those pulses were always strong among R voters, but R politicians kept them mostly hidden or denied. When Obama ran in 2008, they learned they could be much more blatant. And when Trump ran in 2016, all restraint fell to the curb. Today's Rs compete to see who can be more blatantly fascist, racist, and Old Testament religious.
Wow, just wow, our country is really in trouble. I don't know where to start, but I do understand that a lot of you kooks on the left actually believe what is written above. The marxist totalitarian left that wants to prevent free speech and brand anyone who disagrees with their woke agenda as "racist". We are all religious zealots and racists? Look at where the money is coming from for the left, the Dims are more aligned with corporate America right now than the Republican party ever was. I cannot wait for your humiliation in November.
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Wow, just wow, our country is really in trouble. I don't know where to start, but I do understand that a lot of you kooks on the left actually believe what is written above. The marxist totalitarian left that wants to prevent free speech and brand anyone who disagrees with their woke agenda as "racist". We are all religious zealots and racists? Look at where the money is coming from for the left, the Dims are more aligned with corporate American right now than the Republican ever was. I cannot wait for your humiliation in November.
So . . . you didn't actually counter anything I said . . . but it hurt your feelings, I guess.

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