What's the endgame here, Republicans?

$34 trillion won't mean much if Rs take away free elections, install criminals in the White House, and strip people of the bodily rights.
Take away free elections like the dems did in 2020 when they broke the law and changed voting rules without the state legislature in states like PA? How about when former intelligence assets knowingly lied (repeatedly) to the American people about joe and hunter biden? How about leftists at big tech censoring truthful information and banning people who disagreed with them?

Install criminals in the white house like joe biden, aka the big guy? Weird how multiple business partners of hunter say joe was directly involved and taking money.

Strip people of bodily autonomy like biden tried to do with the clot shot Osha mandate that the Supreme Court slapped down as blatantly unconstitutional?

As I said, all projection.
Republican here. No end game. History never ends.

I personally am focused on…$34 Trillion.
What in the hell has the Republican Party done to reduce the debt and the annual deficits? They are all talk and no show.

If you are a true conservative you should be voting out the current Republican imbeciles who continue to enable our debt catastrophe.
Rs constantly try to take the nation over fiscal cliffs. Threatening showdown after shutdown. This can't be good for our debt. I wonder if Mark agrees with this?

For crying out loud, be an adult! Pass a budget, and before Oct 1 (fiscal start) each year.
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What in the hell has the Republican Party done to reduce the debt and the annual deficits? They are all talk and no show.

If you are a true conservative you should be voting out the current Republican imbeciles who continue to enable our debt catastrophe.
Well, they did cause the ill-named Inflation Reduction Act to be reduced some. But overall, just slightly less awful fiscally than the Dems.

My vote is (and all should be) race by race. But Kim: Out! Trump: Not back in.
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Until a republican is in the White House and piles on a ton more debt and you won’t care. Then when a democrat is president, you will go back to posting the current debt amount. BAU
Very wrong. Those who have been here long know I’ve been Mr. “$X Trillion” since 2008, and throughout the Trump (GOP) years.
End abortion.
End IVF.
End porn.
End recreational sex.
End Democracy.
Support Russia.
Where are you going with all of this?

Own the libs always. To them the government exists to enrich their chosen billionaires and to make the other, pretty much everyone who is different from them, miserable. They think they will be exempt from government overreach and then will be shocked when they wake up one day and realize that they are not.
Republican here. No end game. History never ends.

I personally am focused on…$34 Trillion.
Return the tax breaks that Reagan gave to the rich, the tax breaks little Bush gave to the rich, and the tax breaks that Trump gave to the rich and big corporations, you would not have to worry about the 34 trillion.

Any republican saying they are concerned about the deficit is disingenuous and a fraud.
End abortion.
End IVF.
End porn.
End recreational sex.
End Democracy.
Support Russia.
Where are you going with all of this?
Oh it's end democracy, where only they can ever win another election and then completely push that radical right evangelical agenda banning everything you just mentioned. No separation of church and state.
Nikki Haley considers them babies. So does the state of Alabama. This isn't exactly a fringe section. It's mainstream. And it's now law.
Yep. And this is massive blow to Republicans I feel. You can already see it in their faces as they are uncomfortable in interviews and seeing the blow back. Because if you think overturning RvW was a big deal in hurting them for elections, wait until you see what this does to the independent and women vote. A massive gift and rallying point to the Democrats.
Yep. And this is massive blow to Republicans I feel. You can already see it in their faces as they are uncomfortable in interviews and seeing the blow back. Because if you think overturning RvW was a big deal in hurting them for elections, wait until you see what this does to the independent and women vote. A massive gift and rallying point to the Democrats.
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Yep. And this is massive blow to Republicans I feel. You can already see it in their faces as they are uncomfortable in interviews and seeing the blow back. Because if you think overturning RvW was a big deal in hurting them for elections, wait until you see what this does to the independent and women vote. A massive gift and rallying point to the Democrats.
I said more than once, "The same government that can tell you that you have to have a baby can tell you that you can't." Once again, the party of less government intrusion on our lives is full of crap.
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End abortion.
End IVF.
End porn.
End recreational sex.
End Democracy.
Support Russia.
Where are you going with all of this?
We want you in suspenders and a flat-brimmed hat milking cows & shoeing horses with three daughters all wearing bonnets ASAP!


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