The Iowa wrestling forum and the Iowa wrestling program is the most envied and despised in college wrestling. Personally, I wear it like a badge of honor.
If you doubt me... you only have to read the Cyclone or Gopher forums to verify that. Jealousy runs rampant. The coaches get criticized. Individual wrestlers get trashed. Some fans are pinpointed. I guess the old saying is true... Jealousy is the highest form of flattery.
While the Hawks haven't won a national title for a few years, it doesn't stop the envy. Chief's reference to the "cesspool" comes from an ISU poster who labeled us as such. Gopher fans continually reference some individual match result from the last decade where a Minnesota wrestler has beaten an Iowa kid. I call that the height of insecurity.
Everyone is chasing PSU right now. To me... there are only two programs with the potential to catch them, tOSU and Iowa.