Where Would The Country Be Today If.....


HR Legend
Sep 25, 2002
Lower Alabama
...Trump won in 2020 and everything else remained exactly the same? We would be in the final few months of his presidency and Joe Biden would be retired and living a good life in Delaware.

First, there would not have been the events of January 6th. Trump wouldn't have been able to push much of his agenda through with the Democrats in control of Chambers for the first two years and then the Senate the last two. When Kennedy retired, he would've had to pick a more moderate judge to get him/her through the Senate. He wouldn't have been able to repeal the ACA or cut taxes again. Would he have tried to veto the infrastructure bill? What would aid to Ukraine and Israel look like when he has influence but not full control? What about the economy in general?

Would we be seeing a Trump Jr. vs Newsome election coming up? Would the MAGA branch of the GOP be stronger or fading? Or maybe, nothing would be different.
...Trump won in 2020 and everything else remained exactly the same? We would be in the final few months of democracy as we know it and Joe Biden would be retired and living a good life in Delaware.

First, there would not have been the events of January 6th. Trump wouldn't have been able to push much of his agenda through with the Democrats in control of Chambers for the first two years and then the Senate the last two. When Kennedy retired, he would've had to pick a more moderate judge to get him/her through the Senate. He wouldn't have been able to repeal the ACA or cut taxes again. Would he have tried to veto the infrastructure bill? What would aid to Ukraine and Israel look like when he has influence but not full control? What about the economy in general?

Would we be seeing a Trump Jr. vs Newsome election coming up? Would the MAGA branch of the GOP be stronger or fading? Or maybe, nothing would be different.
I’d go with the last sentence. A few minor things maybe would have changed but in general, all the old crotchety politicians would still be in their positions bitching amongst each other and not actually doing anything beneficial.

The same thing will most likely happen again next term regardless which bozo wins.
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...Trump won in 2020 and everything else remained exactly the same? We would be in the final few months of his presidency and Joe Biden would be retired and living a good life in Delaware.

First, there would not have been the events of January 6th. Trump wouldn't have been able to push much of his agenda through with the Democrats in control of Chambers for the first two years and then the Senate the last two. When Kennedy retired, he would've had to pick a more moderate judge to get him/her through the Senate. He wouldn't have been able to repeal the ACA or cut taxes again. Would he have tried to veto the infrastructure bill? What would aid to Ukraine and Israel look like when he has influence but not full control? What about the economy in general?

Would we be seeing a Trump Jr. vs Newsome election coming up? Would the MAGA branch of the GOP be stronger or fading? Or maybe, nothing would be different.
Trump would say his first term was stolen by the impeachment investigation and would run for a third term, he’s already said as such.
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Trump would say his first term was stolen by the impeachment investigation and would run for a third term, he’s already said as such.

He would have started the dictatorship that he is promising now. We would be out of NATO. Ukraine would be a Russian possession with 10s of thousands of its citizens raped and slaughtered. Russia would already have invaded at least one NATO country.
He would have started the dictatorship that he is promising now. We would be out of NATO. Ukraine would be a Russian possession with 10s of thousands of its citizens raped and slaughtered. Russia would already have invaded at least one NATO country.
Never knew a president could have so much power while in office.
Trump would say his first term was stolen by the impeachment investigation and would run for a third term, he’s already said as such. minimum he'd be "joking" at his rallies about how unfair the term limits are and that strong leaders like xi in china (and their countries) are better off because leaders can stay for as long as they want
Things would be dark right now. Trump surrounds himself with awful people who lick his boots. A victory in 2020 would have empowered them even more to subvert and act and implement awful things aimed at making the US a totalitarian government, controlled by a strongman and representing the minority of viewpoints in this country. He already clearly had military commanders and secret servicemen willing to support him as dictator four years ago. There would be many, many more at this point. These type of people and their supporters have an endgame of never giving up power and are anti Democracy. Basically we would be on our way to becoming Russia, a totalitarian kleptocracy...
Stock market would be 10% higher. Interest rates would be 15% lower. Real estate would be 15% higher. Inflation would be a bigger problem than it is already. Unemployment probably a few ticks lower.

Immigration would be way more under control.
Never knew a president could have so much power while in office.
That wouldn’t require any power all. He’d just have to tell our allies of the last 75 years to get F’d. Then tell his asshole buddy Putin that Europe was his and take whatever he could. And this is exactly why we will see more European countries develop their own nuclear weapons.
Never knew a president could have so much power while in office.

I believe he has the power to either remove us from NATO or at the very least announce that we aren't gonna do anything if a NATO ally is attacked.

So yeah Putin would have taken Ukraine and probably at least would be grabbing Estonia too. If the US isn't going to do anything they wouldn't have much to fear.
Russia wouldn't have invaded Ukraine. Border would be under control. Kids would still have to pay for their student loans. We wouldn't have left $7 Billion dollars in weapons in Afghanistan for terrorists to use. More mfg jobs would be available in the US. Gas prices would be held in check.

He would be posting boastful embarrassing tweets daily. Embarrassing our country with his antics on the world stage. Threatening any country that even thought about attacking anyone. Going through staff like nothing we've ever seen before.
There would be riot's and mostly peaceful protests monthly about anything.

Basically the same but different. Any way you cut it were screwed until we can find a president that we can all get behind. What we have in front of us is a huge problem.

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