Whitlock: WNBA will destroy Caitlin

I couldn’t have said it better. The hate aimed at CC is disgusting.

Don't know if I'd call it "hate."

Some of what I've read sounds more like old-people who talk about how things were in "their day" ... and then they're just envious how young people have it now.

Were I Dawn Staley ... imagine how she could have "cashed in" with here game had she played now?! You need look no further to Hannah Hidalgo's play ... similar tenacious defensive play by a shorter guard-type.

Hidalgo will be able to completely cash in too ... given the current environment.

I'd say that the envy is understandable, to be honest ...
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It’ll be interesting to see how long the bump lasts. Season is only 40 games so we won’t really know until next year.
If she comes in and makes a splash for the fever, is selected for team USA and makes a splash, and comes back to the fever after Paris and continues splashing, I do believe the league becomes viable.
Absolutely. I just laugh at comments here or on Twitter that suggest CC should come back to Iowa, or go to Europe to avoid any mistreatment. Successful people strive on that type of BS, they welcome it, and push themselves through it and overcome.

If it's as bad as people like Whitlock and Dakich say, which I'm not convinced it is, I'd think the league would intervene and put a stop to it or push those involved out.

This is THE opportunity for the WNBA; it's akin to Gretzky coming into the NHL. No one has been paying attention and all of a sudden a new, bright shining star has arrived to change all that; build her up and protect her above everything and anyone, and if they have an issue with that run them out of the league and others will fall in line.

She is the golden ticket for everyone.
As someone once said:
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