Who are your scum of the earth?

I ask this because last night some idiot was insisting he drives better after 3 beers.

So I submit the following answers:

"People who say they do stuff better drunk"

"People who make everything political"

"People who start scum of the earth threads"
It's entirely possible that this guy does drive better after 3 beers. First of all, unless he weighs about 100 pounds, 3 beers probably isn't drunk - he's buzzed. And it's possible that when he's completely sober he's an aggressive or reckless driver. But after 3 beers he's cognizant of the fact that he has some alcohol in his system and is more cautious and follows the laws so as not to attract the attention of police.

Kids whose school bus stops directly in front of their house but they don't wait in the driveway for the bus and instead wait inside the house, even though the weather is perfectly fine, and then don't walk outside until the bus has come to a complete stop, and then mosey toward the bus just as casual as you please, even though there are drivers on their way to work stopped in both directions waiting for their lazy ass, are the scum of the earth.
I ask this because last night some idiot was insisting he drives better after 3 beers.

So I submit the following answers:

"People who say they do stuff better drunk"

"People who make everything political"

"People who start scum of the earth threads"

Typical con
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The engineers who designed where the spare goes on GMC trucks, how the spare is removed, and the puny toy sized jack that comes with the truck. They should be publicly flogged.
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I had my first child 3 months ago. I was amazed at the number of people that told me to "get ready for your life to end". Or they'd say "are you sure you want one of these " if their kids do anything wrong.

It really made me wonder why people choose to procreate
People who drive slower than the speed limit in the passing lane of the interstate, especially when they aren't passing anyone.

People who don't use their turn signal.

People who flip their turn signal on 3/4 of a mile before the turn and immediately start to slow down.

People who wait until the cashier at the checkout tells them the total before they start filling out their check.

People who still pay for things, in stores, with checks.

People who claim that "Dems are the problem" or "Pubs are the problem". It ain't one side or the other that are problems, it's both.
I ask this because last night some idiot was insisting he drives better after 3 beers.

So I submit the following answers:

"People who say they do stuff better drunk"

"People who make everything political"

"People who start scum of the earth threads"

Terrorists, conservatives, Cubs fans.
People who don't recognize we walk on the right in America.

People who just decide to stop walking in the middle of an airport concouse.

People who wait in line at security and seemed surprised when they get to the front and have to take their laptop out, belt off, ...

People in group 3 that crowd the gate before group 1 is called.

People who recline their seat.
People that turn right on red from the opposite side of a left green arrow.

People that eat a bowl of cereal after I have done the dishes at night and don't put the bowl in the dishwasher.
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One more, people who say the losing teams score first...ex "we lost 1-2". No, you lost 2-1. Scum.
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People who wave the confederate flag and get upset when I suggest they don't love the USA and should just leave the country.
Historical revisionists who tailgate a truck while looking in the rear view mirror and complain about being tailgated, and are texting about how many beers they just drank, then start talking about the movie they just saw that they know I didn't see and reveal the ending anyway, and won't own up to the smelly gas they just released or even role a window down but they light up a smoke anyway and I'd be worried about their kid in the backseat but they left him in the car when they went to the movie and he's pretty ripe the way it is so I doubt I need to worry about their next generation and the next time I hitchhike I'm going to be much pickier about who I accept a ride from, holy s..t they went through another fast food place and are tossing the trash out the window oops there goes the baby stiff and they didn't even notice, these dang Dutch are the scum of the Earth!!!
Politicians that think globalization is more important than the nation they were elected to represent.
People that think there isn't a difference between citizens and non citizens.
People that sue because a cake isn't made for them.
Saul Alinsky and all that use his tactics.
People that want to take my money and give it some one else.
Just to name a few.
People who don't vaccinate their kids.
People who don't use their cruise control.
People who don't at least attempt to keep their kids quiet, under control in public.
Strangers that try to strike up a convo in the bathroom.
People who take the elevator up/down 1 floor.
People who drink Miller Lite.
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People who don't recognize we walk on the right in America.

People who just decide to stop walking in the middle of an airport concouse.

People who wait in line at security and seemed surprised when they get to the front and have to take their laptop out, belt off, ...

People in group 3 that crowd the gate before group 1 is called.

People who recline their seat.

All of these plus:

People who stand in the aisle oblivious to all those trying to board behind them.

People whose carry on will obviously not fit in the overhead, but they still try and make it work.
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People who swerve into the left lane, before turning right.

People who ask hypothetical questions about themselves, then answer their own questions.

People who don't belive in the zipper method of construction zones.

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