Who Does a Gay Libertarian Presidential Candidate Help or Hurt?

Nov 28, 2010
Chase Oliver is gay and pro choice. At first blush that sounds like a problem for Biden, since those are traditional Dem strongholds. Could he attract enough unhappy Dems to matter?

OTOH, to the extent that many American libertarians are religious conservatives, could Oliver push enough libertarians to the Republicans to matter?
I think it's a wash (and I also question OP's thought process that says "religious conservatives" would be attracted to a libertarian because by definition, libertarians are pro-choice).

Yes, I'm conservative with libertarian leanings but not religious.
I think it's a wash (and I also question OP's thought process that says "religious conservatives" would be attracted to a libertarian because by definition, libertarians are pro-choice).

Yes, I'm conservative with libertarian leanings but not religious.
I said many American libertarians are religious conservatives. Not all. Nor did I say religious conservatives would be attracted to a libertarian.