Who's not voting?

I totally understand what you’re saying here, though the knocks on Harris are probably a little overblown. She is still far down the list on preferred dem candidates (yet higher than Biden at this point). I also understand that making a change to the ticket comes with all sorts of political peril that I likely don’t fully comprehend. I will offer these three somewhat related points.

1. I think the biggest risk with a Biden/Harris ticket is that the younger folks don’t show up at the polls. There’s nothing motivational about this ticket and way too many of this younger cohort have this belief that their abstention from the process will have meaning. Not voting will only bring about a future that is the least desirable for them; I don’t understand that group’s logic but in talking with my own kids who are now in their twenties, it seems to predominate their thinking. I attribute much of this to social media and how it imparts an outsized perception of our own self-importance.

2. I’m not concerned about who is on the dem ticket but ONLY because of how the MAGA movement has taken over the Republican Party. It’s just too dangerous a faction to hand over the keys to our country. They’re barely constrained as it is and with the recent SCOTUS decisions, it does seem like we are nearing a tipping point.

3. Speaking of tipping points, this is what I find most disconcerting about this whole situation. IMHO, electing Trump in 2024, after all we’ve come to understand about the man, is more of a condemnation about what we’ve become as a nation than it is a commentary on the poor choice of candidates. If we as a nation elevate a person with so many moral failings, a person so absent of character/personal responsibility, a person so obsessed with personal aggrandizement and enrichment; then I fear we will be abdicating whatever moral / righteous high ground we still think that we hold. We will be crossing the rubicon with another Trump presidency and I don’t think there is any way back because we seem to be burning all the bridges along the way.
I think you’re being overly dramatic. If a Trump administration doesn’t deliver improvements during his 2024/28 term, than a new candidate will be elected.
I’ll be voting even though it won’t make a lick of difference in the stuck in 1950’s Ioway. Somebody has to be the grown up at the table in this state though even if we’re in the minority.
I think you’re being overly dramatic. If a Trump administration doesn’t deliver improvements during his 2024/28 term, than a new candidate will be elected.

The fear is that trump won't leave and the SC has set him up so he doesn't have to leave.
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Dumb. I'll vote for whomever has the best chance to defeat Trump. Pretty clear Trump is the most dangerous option.
Respectively, I just don’t agree with this line of thinking. With Biden in-charge there is violence in Ukraine, the Middle East, and a disgraceful withdrawal from Afghanistan. Recently, it’s been reported that at least 8 ISIS individuals have entered into the country through our southern border. How many more are in this country? We’ve got a president that wants to “cancel” student debt…that’s got to be paid somehow. The nat’l debt will just keep exploding. His administration has been lying to the public about Joe’s cognitive ability. What else have they been lying to us about?
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So your plan is to get every US citizen to not vote and that will somehow force the elites to abandon the system that they control? Yeah, I'm brainwashed lol.
You’re getting there buddy, admitting you have a problem is the first step.

If you want to keep being a “patriot” and walk around proudly wearing your I Voted button, go right ahead. I’ll keep on not participating in politics or religion, out of choice, a choice I was given by those soldiers dying that you referenced, and keep living my best life!
Isn’t that what America is supposed to be about anyway? Choice.